import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from "vue-router"; import VueScrollTo from "vue-scrollto"; import HomeView from "../views/HomeView.vue"; import { eventRoutes } from "./event"; import { actorRoutes } from "./actor"; import { errorRoutes } from "./error"; import { authGuardIfNeeded } from "./guards/auth-guard"; import { settingsRoutes } from "./settings"; import { groupsRoutes } from "./groups"; import { discussionRoutes } from "./discussion"; import { userRoutes } from "./user"; import RouteName from "./name"; import { AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES, i18n } from "@/utils/i18n"; const { t } =; function scrollBehavior(to: any, from: any, savedPosition: any) { if (to.hash) { VueScrollTo.scrollTo(to.hash, 700); return { selector: to.hash, offset: { left: 0, top: 10 }, }; } if (savedPosition) { return savedPosition; } return { left: 0, top: 0 }; } export const routes = [ ...userRoutes, ...eventRoutes, ...settingsRoutes, ...actorRoutes, ...groupsRoutes, ...discussionRoutes, ...errorRoutes, { path: "/search", name: RouteName.SEARCH, component: (): Promise => import("@/views/SearchView.vue"), props: true, meta: { requiredAuth: false, announcer: { message: (): string => t("Search") as string }, }, }, { path: "/", name: RouteName.HOME, component: HomeView, meta: { requiredAuth: false, announcer: { message: (): string => t("Homepage") as string }, }, }, { path: "/categories", name: RouteName.CATEGORIES, component: (): Promise => import("@/views/CategoriesView.vue"), meta: { requiredAuth: false, announcer: { message: (): string => t("Categories") as string }, }, }, { path: "/about", name: RouteName.ABOUT, component: (): Promise => import("@/views/About.vue"), meta: { requiredAuth: false }, redirect: { name: RouteName.ABOUT_INSTANCE }, children: [ { path: "instance", name: RouteName.ABOUT_INSTANCE, component: (): Promise => import("@/views/About/AboutInstanceView.vue"), meta: { announcer: { message: (): string => t("About instance") as string, }, }, }, { path: "/terms", name: RouteName.TERMS, component: (): Promise => import("@/views/About/TermsView.vue"), meta: { requiredAuth: false, announcer: { message: (): string => t("Terms") as string }, }, }, { path: "/privacy", name: RouteName.PRIVACY, component: (): Promise => import("@/views/About/PrivacyView.vue"), meta: { requiredAuth: false, announcer: { message: (): string => t("Privacy") as string }, }, }, { path: "/rules", name: RouteName.RULES, component: (): Promise => import("@/views/About/RulesView.vue"), meta: { requiredAuth: false, announcer: { message: (): string => t("Rules") as string }, }, }, { path: "/glossary", name: RouteName.GLOSSARY, component: (): Promise => import("@/views/About/GlossaryView.vue"), meta: { requiredAuth: false, announcer: { message: (): string => t("Glossary") as string }, }, }, ], }, { path: "/interact", name: RouteName.INTERACT, component: (): Promise => import("@/views/InteractView.vue"), meta: { requiredAuth: false, announcer: { message: (): string => t("Interact") as string }, }, }, { path: "/auth/:provider/callback", name: "auth-callback", component: (): Promise => import( /* webpackChunkName: "ProviderValidation" */ "@/views/User/ProviderValidation.vue" ), meta: { announcer: { message: (): string => t("Redirecting to Mobilizon") as string, }, }, }, { path: "/welcome/:step?", name: RouteName.WELCOME_SCREEN, component: (): Promise => import( /* webpackChunkName: "WelcomeScreen" */ "@/views/User/SettingsOnboard.vue" ), meta: { requiredAuth: true, announcer: { message: (): string => t("First steps") as string }, }, props: (route: any): Record => { const step = Number.parseInt(route.params.step, 10); if (Number.isNaN(step)) { return { step: 1 }; } return { step }; }, }, { path: "/404", name: RouteName.PAGE_NOT_FOUND, component: (): Promise => import( /* webpackChunkName: "PageNotFound" */ "../views/PageNotFound.vue" ), meta: { requiredAuth: false, announcer: { message: (): string => t("Page not found") as string }, }, }, ]; for (const locale of AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES) { routes.push({ path: `/${locale}`, component: () => import("../components/Utils/HomepageRedirectComponent.vue"), }); } routes.push({ path: "/:pathMatch(.*)*", redirect: { name: RouteName.PAGE_NOT_FOUND }, }); export const router = createRouter({ scrollBehavior, history: createWebHistory("/"), routes, }); router.beforeEach(authGuardIfNeeded); // router.afterEach(() => { // try { // if ($children[0]) { // // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // // @ts-ignore //$children[0].error = null; // } // } catch (e) { // console.error(e); // } // });