defmodule Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityStream.Converter.Utils do @moduledoc """ Various utils for converters. """ alias Mobilizon.{Actors, Addresses, Events} alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Addresses.Address alias Mobilizon.Events.Tag alias Mobilizon.Medias.Media alias Mobilizon.Mention alias Mobilizon.Storage.Repo alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityPub.Actor, as: ActivityPubActor alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityStream.Converter.Address, as: AddressConverter alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityStream.Converter.Media, as: MediaConverter alias Mobilizon.Web.Endpoint require Logger @banner_picture_name "Banner" @spec fetch_tags([String.t()]) :: [Tag.t()] def fetch_tags(tags) when is_list(tags) do Logger.debug("fetching tags") Logger.debug(inspect(tags)) tags |> Enum.flat_map(&fetch_tag/1) |> Enum.uniq() |> end def fetch_tags(_), do: [] @spec fetch_mentions([map()]) :: [map()] def fetch_mentions(mentions) when is_list(mentions) do Logger.debug("fetching mentions") Enum.reduce(mentions, [], fn mention, acc -> create_mention(mention, acc) end) end def fetch_mentions(_), do: [] def fetch_actors(actors) when is_list(actors) do Logger.debug("fetching contacts") actors |> & |> Enum.filter(& &1) |> end def fetch_actors(_), do: [] @spec build_tags([Tag.t()]) :: [map()] def build_tags(tags) do, fn %Tag{} = tag -> %{ "href" => Endpoint.url() <> "/tags/#{tag.slug}", "name" => "##{tag.title}", "type" => "Hashtag" } end) end def build_mentions(mentions) do, fn %Mention{} = mention -> if Ecto.assoc_loaded?( do build_mention( else build_mention(Repo.preload(mention, [:actor]).actor) end end) end defp build_mention(%Actor{} = actor) do %{ "href" => actor.url, "name" => "@#{Actor.preferred_username_and_domain(actor)}", "type" => "Mention" } end defp fetch_tag(%{title: title}), do: [title] defp fetch_tag(tag) when is_map(tag) do case tag["type"] do "Hashtag" -> [tag_without_hash(tag["name"])] _err -> [] end end defp fetch_tag(tag) when is_binary(tag), do: [tag_without_hash(tag)] defp tag_without_hash("#" <> tag_title), do: tag_title defp tag_without_hash(tag_title), do: tag_title defp existing_tag_or_data(tag_title) do case Events.get_tag_by_title(tag_title) do %Tag{} = tag -> %{title: tag.title, id:} nil -> %{title: tag_title} end end @spec create_mention(map(), list()) :: list() defp create_mention(%Actor{id: actor_id} = _mention, acc) do acc ++ [%{actor_id: actor_id}] end defp create_mention(mention, acc) when is_map(mention) do with true <- mention["type"] == "Mention", {:ok, %Actor{id: actor_id}} <- ActivityPubActor.get_or_fetch_actor_by_url(mention["href"]) do acc ++ [%{actor_id: actor_id}] else _err -> acc end end @spec create_mention({String.t(), map()}, list()) :: list() defp create_mention({_, mention}, acc) when is_map(mention) do create_mention(mention, acc) end @spec maybe_fetch_actor_and_attributed_to_id(map()) :: {:ok, Actor.t(), Actor.t() | nil} | {:error, atom()} def maybe_fetch_actor_and_attributed_to_id(%{ "actor" => actor_url, "attributedTo" => attributed_to_url }) when is_nil(attributed_to_url) do case fetch_actor(actor_url) do {:ok, %Actor{} = actor} -> {:ok, actor, nil} {:error, err} -> {:error, err} end end def maybe_fetch_actor_and_attributed_to_id(%{ "actor" => actor_url, "attributedTo" => attributed_to_url }) when is_nil(actor_url) do case fetch_actor(attributed_to_url) do {:ok, %Actor{} = actor} -> {:ok, actor, nil} {:error, err} -> {:error, err} end end # Only when both actor and attributedTo fields are both filled is when we can return both def maybe_fetch_actor_and_attributed_to_id(%{ "actor" => actor_url, "attributedTo" => attributed_to_url }) when actor_url != attributed_to_url do with {:ok, %Actor{} = actor} <- fetch_actor(actor_url), {:ok, %Actor{} = attributed_to} <- fetch_actor(attributed_to_url) do {:ok, actor, attributed_to} else {:error, err} -> {:error, err} end end # If we only have attributedTo and no actor, take attributedTo as the actor def maybe_fetch_actor_and_attributed_to_id(%{ "attributedTo" => attributed_to_url }) do case fetch_actor(attributed_to_url) do {:ok, %Actor{} = attributed_to} -> {:ok, attributed_to, nil} {:error, err} -> {:error, err} end end def maybe_fetch_actor_and_attributed_to_id(_), do: {:error, :no_actor_found} @spec fetch_actor(String.t()) :: {:ok, Actor.t()} | {:error, atom()} def fetch_actor(actor_url) do case ActivityPubActor.get_or_fetch_actor_by_url(actor_url) do {:ok, %Actor{suspended: false} = actor} -> {:ok, actor} {:ok, %Actor{suspended: true} = _actor} -> {:error, :actor_suspended} {:error, err} -> {:error, err} end end @spec process_pictures(map(), integer()) :: Keyword.t() def process_pictures(object, actor_id) do attachements = Map.get(object, "attachment", []) {banner, media_attachements} = get_medias(attachements) media_attachements_map = media_attachements |> media_attachement -> {media_attachement["url"], MediaConverter.find_or_create_media(media_attachement, actor_id)} end) |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn {old_url, media}, acc -> case media do {:ok, %Media{} = media} -> Map.put(acc, old_url, media) _ -> acc end end) media_attachements_map_urls = media_attachements_map |> {old_url, new_media} -> {old_url, new_media.file.url} end) |> picture_id = case banner do banner_map when is_map(banner_map) -> case MediaConverter.find_or_create_media(banner_map, actor_id) do {:error, _err} -> nil {:ok, %Media{id: picture_id}} -> picture_id end _ -> nil end description = replace_media_urls_in_body(object["content"], media_attachements_map_urls) [description: description, picture_id: picture_id, medias: Map.values(media_attachements_map)] end defp replace_media_urls_in_body(body, media_urls), do: Enum.reduce(media_urls, body, fn media_url, body -> replace_media_url_in_body(body, media_url) end) defp replace_media_url_in_body(body, {old_url, new_url}), do: String.replace(body, old_url, new_url) @spec get_medias(list(map())) :: {map(), list(map())} defp get_medias(attachments) do banner = get_banner_picture(attachments) {banner, Enum.filter(attachments, &(&1["type"] == "Document" && &1["url"] != banner["url"]))} end @spec get_banner_picture(list(map())) :: map() defp get_banner_picture(attachments) do # Prefer media with media_with_picture_name = Enum.find(attachments, &(&1["type"] == "Document" && &1["name"] == @banner_picture_name)) case media_with_picture_name do # If no banner found, use the first media nil -> Enum.find(attachments, &(&1["type"] == "Document")) media_with_picture_name -> media_with_picture_name end end @spec get_address(map | binary | nil) :: Address.t() | nil def get_address(address_url) when is_binary(address_url) do get_address(%{"id" => address_url}) end def get_address(%{"id" => url} = map) when is_map(map) and is_binary(url) do Logger.debug("Address with an URL, let's check against our own database") case Addresses.get_address_by_url(url) do %Address{} = address -> address _ -> Logger.debug("not in our database, let's try to create it") # This is odd, why do addresses have url instead of just @id? map = Map.put(map, "url", map["id"]) do_get_address(map) end end def get_address(map) when is_map(map) do do_get_address(map) end def get_address(nil), do: nil @spec do_get_address(map) :: Address.t() | nil defp do_get_address(map) do map = AddressConverter.as_to_model_data(map) case Addresses.create_address(map) do {:ok, %Address{} = address} -> address _ -> nil end end end