<%= gettext "New report on %{instance}", instance: @instance[:name] %>

<%= if Map.has_key?(@report, :event) do %> <% end %> <%= if Map.has_key?(@report, :comments) && length(@report.comments) > 0 do %> <% end %> <%= if Map.has_key?(@report, :content) do %> <% end %>

<%= if @report.reporter.type == :Application and @report.reporter.preferred_username == "relay" do %> <%= gettext "Someone on %{instance} reported the following content.", instance: @report.reporter.domain %> <% else %> <%= gettext "%{reporter_name} (%{reporter_username}) reported the following content.", reporter_name: @report.reporter.name, reporter_username: Mobilizon.Actors.Actor.preferred_username_and_domain(@report.reporter) %> <% end %>

<%= gettext "Event" %>

" target="_blank"> <%= gettext "%{title} by %{creator}", title: @report.event.title, creator: Mobilizon.Actors.Actor.preferred_username_and_domain(@report.reported) %>

<%= gettext "Comments" %>

<%= for comment <- @report.comments do %>

<%= HtmlSanitizeEx.strip_tags(comment.text) %>

<% end %>

<%= gettext "Reason" %>

<%= @report.content %>

<%= gettext "View the report" %>