defmodule Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityStream.Converter.Flag do @moduledoc """ Flag converter. This module allows to convert reports from ActivityStream format to our own internal one, and back. Note: Reports are named Flag in AS. """ alias Mobilizon.Actors alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Conversations alias Mobilizon.Events alias Mobilizon.Events.Event alias Mobilizon.Reports.Report alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityPub.Relay alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityStream.{Converter, Convertible} @behaviour Converter defimpl Convertible, for: Report do alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityStream.Converter.Flag, as: FlagConverter defdelegate model_to_as(report), to: FlagConverter end @doc """ Converts an AP object data to our internal data structure. """ @impl Converter @spec as_to_model_data(map) :: map def as_to_model_data(object) do with params <- as_to_model(object) do %{ "reporter_id" => params["reporter"].id, "uri" => params["uri"], "content" => params["content"], "reported_id" => params["reported"].id, "event_id" => (!is_nil(params["event"]) && params["event"].id) || nil, "comments" => params["comments"] } end end @doc """ Convert an event struct to an ActivityStream representation """ @impl Converter @spec model_to_as(Report.t()) :: map def model_to_as(%Report{} = report) do object = [report.reported.url] ++, fn comment -> comment.url end) object = if report.event, do: object ++ [report.event.url], else: object %{ "type" => "Flag", "actor" => Relay.get_actor().url, "id" => report.url, "content" => report.content, "object" => object } end @spec as_to_model(map) :: map def as_to_model(%{"object" => objects} = object) do with {:ok, %Actor{} = reporter} <- Actors.get_actor_by_url(object["actor"]), %Actor{} = reported <- Enum.reduce_while(objects, nil, fn url, _ -> case Actors.get_actor_by_url(url) do {:ok, %Actor{} = actor} -> {:halt, actor} _ -> {:cont, nil} end end), event <- Enum.reduce_while(objects, nil, fn url, _ -> case Events.get_event_by_url(url) do %Event{} = event -> {:halt, event} _ -> {:cont, nil} end end), # Remove the reported actor and the event from the object list. comments <- Enum.filter(objects, fn url -> !(url == reported.url || (!is_nil(event) && event.url == url)) end), comments <-, &Conversations.get_comment_from_url/1) do %{ "reporter" => reporter, "uri" => object["id"], "content" => object["content"], "reported" => reported, "event" => event, "comments" => comments } end end end