defmodule Coherence.Redirects do @moduledoc """ Define controller action redirection functions. This module contains default redirect functions for each of the controller actions that perform redirects. By using this Module you get the following functions: * session_create/2 * session_delete/2 * password_create/2 * password_update/2, * unlock_create_not_locked/2 * unlock_create_invalid/2 * unlock_create/2 * unlock_edit_not_locked/2 * unlock_edit/2 * unlock_edit_invalid/2 * registration_create/2 * invitation_create/2 * confirmation_create/2 * confirmation_edit_invalid/2 * confirmation_edit_expired/2 * confirmation_edit/2 * confirmation_edit_error/2 You can override any of the functions to customize the redirect path. Each function is passed the `conn` and `params` arguments from the controller. ## Examples import EventosWeb.Router.Helpers # override the log out action back to the log in page def session_delete(conn, _), do: redirect(conn, to: session_path(conn, :new)) # redirect the user to the login page after registering def registration_create(conn, _), do: redirect(conn, to: session_path(conn, :new)) # disable the user_return_to feature on login def session_create(conn, _), do: redirect(conn, to: landing_path(conn, :index)) """ use Redirects # Uncomment the import below if adding overrides # import EventosWeb.Router.Helpers # Add function overrides below # Example usage # Uncomment the following line to return the user to the login form after logging out # def session_delete(conn, _), do: redirect(conn, to: session_path(conn, :new)) end