defmodule EventosWeb.Coherence.ViewHelpers do @moduledoc """ Helper functions for Coherence Views. """ use Phoenix.HTML alias Coherence.Config import EventosWeb.Gettext @type conn :: Plug.Conn.t @type schema :: Ecto.Schema.t @seperator {:safe, "  |  "} @helpers EventosWeb.Router.Helpers @recover_link dgettext("coherence", "Forgot your password?") @unlock_link dgettext("coherence", "Send an unlock email") @register_link dgettext("coherence", "Need An Account?") @invite_link dgettext("coherence", "Invite Someone") @confirm_link dgettext("coherence", "Resend confirmation email") @signin_link dgettext("coherence", "Sign In") @signout_link dgettext("coherence", "Sign Out") @doc """ Create coherence template links. Generates links if the appropriate option is installed. This function can be used to: * create links for the new session page `:new_session` * create links for your layout template `:layout` Defaults are provided based on the options configured for Coherence. However, the defaults can be overridden by passing the following options. ## Customize the links ### :new_session Options * :recover - customize the recover link (#{@recover_link}) * :unlock - customize the unlock link (#{@unlock_link}) * :register - customize the register link (#{@register_link}) * :confirm - customize the confirm link (#{@confirm_link}) ### :layout Options * :list_tag - customize the list tag (:li) * :signout_class - customize the class on the signout link ("navbar-form") * :signin - customize the signin link text (#{@signin_link}) * :signout - customize the signout link text (#{@signout_link}) * :register - customize the register link text (#{@register_link}) ### Disable links If you set an option to false, the link will not be shown. For example, to disable the register link on the layout, use the following in your layout template: coherence_links(conn, :layout, register: false) ## Examples coherence_links(conn, :new_session) Generates: #{@recover_link} #{@unlock_link} #{@register_link} #{@confirm_link} coherence_links(conn, :new_session, recover: "Password reset", register: false Generates: Password reset #{@unlock_link} coherence_links(conn, :layout) # when logged in Generates: User's Name #{@signout_link} coherence_links(conn, :layout) # when not logged in Generates: #{@register_link} #{@signin_link} """ @spec coherence_links(conn, atom, Keyword.t) :: tuple def coherence_links(conn, which, opts \\ []) def coherence_links(conn, :new_session, opts) do recover_link = Keyword.get opts, :recover, @recover_link unlock_link = Keyword.get opts, :unlock, @unlock_link register_link = Keyword.get opts, :register, @register_link confirm_link = Keyword.get opts, :confirm, @confirm_link user_schema = Coherence.Config.user_schema [ recover_link(conn, user_schema, recover_link), unlock_link(conn, user_schema, unlock_link), register_link(conn, user_schema, register_link), confirmation_link(conn, user_schema, confirm_link) ] |> List.flatten |> concat([]) end def coherence_links(conn, :layout, opts) do list_tag = Keyword.get opts, :list_tag, :li signout_class = Keyword.get opts, :signout_class, "navbar-form" signin = Keyword.get opts, :signin, @signin_link signout = Keyword.get opts, :signout, @signout_link register = Keyword.get opts, :register, @register_link if Coherence.logged_in?(conn) do current_user = Coherence.current_user(conn) [ content_tag(list_tag, profile_link(current_user, conn)), content_tag(list_tag, signout_link(conn, signout, signout_class)) ] else signin_link = content_tag(list_tag, link(signin, to: coherence_path(@helpers, :session_path, conn, :new))) if Config.has_option(:registerable) && register do [content_tag(list_tag, link(register, to: coherence_path(@helpers, :registration_path, conn, :new))), signin_link] else signin_link end end end @doc """ Helper to avoid compile warnings when options are disabled. """ @spec coherence_path(module, atom, conn, atom) :: String.t def coherence_path(module, route_name, conn, action) do apply(module, route_name, [conn, action]) end def coherence_path(module, route_name, conn, action, opts) do apply(module, route_name, [conn, action, opts]) end defp concat([], acc), do: Enum.reverse(acc) defp concat([h|t], []), do: concat(t, [h]) defp concat([h|t], acc), do: concat(t, [h, @seperator | acc]) @spec recover_link(conn, module, false | String.t) :: [any] | [] def recover_link(_conn, _user_schema, false), do: [] def recover_link(conn, user_schema, text) do if user_schema.recoverable?, do: [recover_link(conn, text)], else: [] end @spec recover_link(conn, String.t) :: tuple def recover_link(conn, text \\ @recover_link), do: link(text, to: coherence_path(@helpers, :password_path, conn, :new)) @spec register_link(conn, module, false | String.t) :: [any] | [] def register_link(_conn, _user_schema, false), do: [] def register_link(conn, user_schema, text) do if user_schema.registerable?, do: [register_link(conn, text)], else: [] end @spec register_link(conn, String.t) :: tuple def register_link(conn, text \\ @register_link), do: link(text, to: coherence_path(@helpers, :registration_path, conn, :new)) @spec unlock_link(conn, module, false | String.t) :: [any] | [] def unlock_link(_conn, _user_schema, false), do: [] def unlock_link(conn, _user_schema, text) do if conn.assigns[:locked], do: [unlock_link(conn, text)], else: [] end @spec unlock_link(conn, String.t) :: tuple def unlock_link(conn, text \\ @unlock_link), do: link(text, to: coherence_path(@helpers, :unlock_path, conn, :new)) @spec invitation_link(conn, String.t) :: tuple def invitation_link(conn, text \\ @invite_link) do link text, to: coherence_path(@helpers, :invitation_path, conn, :new) end @spec signout_link(conn, String.t, String.t) :: tuple def signout_link(conn, text \\ @signout_link, signout_class \\ "") do link(text, to: coherence_path(@helpers, :session_path, conn, :delete), method: :delete, class: signout_class) end @spec confirmation_link(conn, module, false | String.t) :: [any] | [] def confirmation_link(_conn, _user_schema, false), do: [] def confirmation_link(conn, user_schema, text) do if user_schema.confirmable?, do: [confirmation_link(conn, text)], else: [] end @spec confirmation_link(conn, String.t) :: tuple def confirmation_link(conn, text \\ @confirm_link) do link(text, to: coherence_path(@helpers, :confirmation_path, conn, :new)) end @spec required_label(atom, String.t | atom, Keyword.t) :: tuple def required_label(f, name, opts \\ []) do label f, name, opts do [ "#{humanize(name)}\n", content_tag(:abbr, "*", class: "required", title: "required") ] end end @spec current_user(conn) :: schema def current_user(conn) do Coherence.current_user(conn) end @spec logged_in?(conn) :: boolean def logged_in?(conn) do Coherence.logged_in?(conn) end defp profile_link(current_user, conn) do if Config.user_schema.registerable? do link, to: coherence_path(@helpers, :registration_path, conn, :show) else end end end