defmodule Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityPub.Types.Comments do @moduledoc false alias Mobilizon.{Actors, Discussions, Events} alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Discussions.{Comment, Discussion} alias Mobilizon.Events.Event alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityPub.Audience alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityPub.Types.Entity alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityStream.Converter.Utils, as: ConverterUtils alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityStream.Convertible alias Mobilizon.GraphQL.API.Utils, as: APIUtils alias Mobilizon.Share alias Mobilizon.Tombstone alias Mobilizon.Web.Endpoint import Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityPub.Utils, only: [make_create_data: 2, make_update_data: 2] require Logger @behaviour Entity @impl Entity @spec create(map(), map()) :: {:ok, map()} def create(args, additional) do with args <- prepare_args_for_comment(args), {:ok, %Comment{discussion_id: discussion_id} = comment} <- Discussions.create_comment(args), :ok <- maybe_publish_graphql_subscription(discussion_id), comment_as_data <- Convertible.model_to_as(comment), audience <- Audience.calculate_to_and_cc_from_mentions(comment), create_data <- make_create_data(comment_as_data, Map.merge(audience, additional)) do {:ok, comment, create_data} end end @impl Entity @spec update(Comment.t(), map(), map()) :: {:ok, Comment.t(), Activity.t()} | any() def update(%Comment{} = old_comment, args, additional) do with args <- prepare_args_for_comment_update(args), {:ok, %Comment{} = new_comment} <- Discussions.update_comment(old_comment, args), {:ok, true} <- Cachex.del(:activity_pub, "comment_#{new_comment.uuid}"), comment_as_data <- Convertible.model_to_as(new_comment), audience <- Audience.calculate_to_and_cc_from_mentions(new_comment), update_data <- make_update_data(comment_as_data, Map.merge(audience, additional)) do {:ok, new_comment, update_data} else err -> Logger.error("Something went wrong while creating an update activity") Logger.debug(inspect(err)) err end end @impl Entity @spec delete(Comment.t(), Actor.t(), boolean) :: {:ok, Comment.t()} def delete(%Comment{url: url} = comment, %Actor{} = actor, _local) do activity_data = %{ "type" => "Delete", "actor" => actor.url, "object" => Convertible.model_to_as(comment), "id" => url <> "/delete", "to" => [""] } with audience <- Audience.calculate_to_and_cc_from_mentions(comment), {:ok, %Comment{} = comment} <- Discussions.delete_comment(comment), # Preload to be sure %Comment{} = comment <- Discussions.get_comment_with_preload(, {:ok, true} <- Cachex.del(:activity_pub, "comment_#{comment.uuid}"), {:ok, %Tombstone{} = _tombstone} <- Tombstone.create_tombstone(%{uri: comment.url, actor_id:}) do Share.delete_all_by_uri(comment.url) {:ok, Map.merge(activity_data, audience), actor, comment} end end def actor(%Comment{actor: %Actor{} = actor}), do: actor def actor(%Comment{actor_id: actor_id}) when not is_nil(actor_id), do: Actors.get_actor(actor_id) def actor(_), do: nil def group_actor(%Comment{attributed_to: %Actor{} = group}), do: group def group_actor(%Comment{attributed_to_id: attributed_to_id}) when not is_nil(attributed_to_id), do: Actors.get_actor(attributed_to_id) def group_actor(_), do: nil # Prepare and sanitize arguments for comments defp prepare_args_for_comment(args) do with in_reply_to_comment <- args |> Map.get(:in_reply_to_comment_id) |> Discussions.get_comment_with_preload(), event <- args |> Map.get(:event_id) |> handle_event_for_comment(), args <- Map.update(args, :visibility, :public, & &1), {text, mentions, tags} <- APIUtils.make_content_html( args |> Map.get(:text, "") |> String.trim(), # Can't put additional tags on a comment [], "text/html" ), tags <- ConverterUtils.fetch_tags(tags), mentions <- Map.get(args, :mentions, []) ++ ConverterUtils.fetch_mentions(mentions), args <- Map.merge(args, %{ actor_id: Map.get(args, :actor_id), text: text, mentions: mentions, tags: tags, event: event, in_reply_to_comment: in_reply_to_comment, in_reply_to_comment_id: if(is_nil(in_reply_to_comment), do: nil, else: Map.get(in_reply_to_comment, :id)), origin_comment_id: if(is_nil(in_reply_to_comment), do: nil, else: Comment.get_thread_id(in_reply_to_comment) ) }) do args end end defp prepare_args_for_comment_update(args) do with {text, mentions, tags} <- APIUtils.make_content_html( args |> Map.get(:text, "") |> String.trim(), # Can't put additional tags on a comment [], "text/html" ), tags <- ConverterUtils.fetch_tags(tags), mentions <- Map.get(args, :mentions, []) ++ ConverterUtils.fetch_mentions(mentions) do Map.merge(args, %{text: text, mentions: mentions, tags: tags}) end end @spec handle_event_for_comment(String.t() | integer() | nil) :: Event.t() | nil defp handle_event_for_comment(event_id) when not is_nil(event_id) do case Events.get_event_with_preload(event_id) do {:ok, %Event{} = event} -> event {:error, :event_not_found} -> nil end end defp handle_event_for_comment(nil), do: nil defp maybe_publish_graphql_subscription(nil), do: :ok defp maybe_publish_graphql_subscription(discussion_id) do with %Discussion{} = discussion <- Discussions.get_discussion(discussion_id) do Absinthe.Subscription.publish(Endpoint, discussion, discussion_comment_changed: discussion.slug ) :ok end end end