defmodule Mobilizon.Service.ICalendarTest do use Mobilizon.DataCase import Mobilizon.Factory alias ICalendar.Value alias Mobilizon.Addresses.Address alias Mobilizon.Events.{Event, FeedToken} alias Mobilizon.Service.Export.ICalendar, as: ICalendarService describe "export an event to ics" do test "export basic infos" do %Event{} = event = insert(:event) ics = """ BEGIN:VCALENDAR CALSCALE:GREGORIAN VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Elixir ICalendar//Mobilizon #{Mobilizon.Config.instance_version()}//EN BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:#{event.tags |> &1.title) |> Enum.join(",")} DESCRIPTION:Ceci est une description avec une première phrase assez longue\\,\\n puis sur une seconde ligne DTEND:#{Value.to_ics(event.ends_on)}Z DTSTAMP:#{Value.to_ics(event.publish_at)}Z DTSTART:#{Value.to_ics(event.begins_on)}Z GEO:#{event.physical_address |> Address.coords() |> Tuple.to_list() |> Enum.join(";")} LOCATION:#{Address.representation(event.physical_address)} SUMMARY:#{event.title} UID:#{event.uuid} URL:#{event.url} END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR """ assert {:ok, ics} == ICalendarService.export_public_event(event) end end describe "export the instance's public events" do test "succeds" do %Event{} = event = insert(:event, title: "I'm public") %Event{} = event2 = insert(:event, visibility: :private, title: "I'm private") %Event{} = event3 = insert(:event, title: "Another public") {:commit, ics} = ICalendarService.create_cache("instance") assert ics =~ event.title refute ics =~ event2.title assert ics =~ event3.title end test "with 50 events" do Enum.each(0..50, fn i -> %Event{} = insert(:event, title: "Event #{i}") end) {:commit, ics} = ICalendarService.create_cache("instance") Enum.each(0..50, fn i -> assert ics =~ "Event #{i}" end) end end describe "export an actor's events from a token" do test "an actor feedtoken" do user = insert(:user) actor = insert(:actor, user: user) %FeedToken{token: token} = insert(:feed_token, user: user, actor: actor) event = insert(:event) insert(:participant, event: event, actor: actor, role: :participant) {:commit, ics} = ICalendarService.create_cache("token_#{ShortUUID.encode!(token)}") assert ics =~ event.title end end end