defmodule Mix.Tasks.Mobilizon.Users.Modify do @moduledoc """ Task to modify an existing Mobilizon user """ use Mix.Task import Mix.Tasks.Mobilizon.Common alias Mobilizon.Users alias Mobilizon.Users.User @shortdoc "Modify a Mobilizon user" @impl Mix.Task def run([email | rest]) do {options, [], []} = OptionParser.parse( rest, strict: [ email: :string, disable: :boolean, enable: :boolean, user: :boolean, moderator: :boolean, admin: :boolean ] ) user? = Keyword.get(options, :user, false) moderator? = Keyword.get(options, :moderator, false) admin? = Keyword.get(options, :admin, false) disable? = Keyword.get(options, :disable, false) enable? = Keyword.get(options, :enable, false) new_email = Keyword.get(options, :email) if disable? && enable? do shell_error("Can't use both --enable and --disable options at the same time.") end start_mobilizon() with {:ok, %User{} = user} <- Users.get_user_by_email(email), attrs <- %{}, role <- calculate_role(admin?, moderator?, user?), attrs <- process_new_value(attrs, :email, new_email,, attrs <- process_new_value(attrs, :role, role, user.role), attrs <- if(disable? && !is_nil(user.confirmed_at), do: Map.put(attrs, :confirmed_at, nil), else: attrs ), attrs <- if(enable? && is_nil(user.confirmed_at), do: Map.put(attrs, :confirmed_at, DateTime.utc_now()), else: attrs ), {:makes_changes, true} <- {:makes_changes, attrs != %{}}, {:ok, %User{} = user} <- Users.update_user(user, attrs) do status = case user.confirmed_at do %DateTime{} = confirmed_at -> "Activated on #{DateTime.to_string(confirmed_at)} (UTC)" _ -> "disabled" end shell_info(""" An user has been modified with the following information: - email: #{} - Role: #{user.role} - account status: #{status} """) else {:makes_changes, false} -> shell_info("No change has been made") {:error, :user_not_found} -> shell_error("Error: No such user") {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{errors: errors}} -> shell_error(inspect(errors)) shell_error("User has not been modified because of the above reason.") err -> shell_error(inspect(err)) shell_error("User has not been modified because of an unknown reason.") end end def run(_) do shell_error(" requires an email as argument") end @spec process_new_value(map(), atom(), any(), any()) :: map() defp process_new_value(attrs, attribute, new_value, old_value) do if !is_nil(new_value) && new_value != old_value do Map.put(attrs, attribute, new_value) else attrs end end @spec calculate_role(boolean(), boolean(), boolean()) :: :administrator | :moderator | :user | nil defp calculate_role(admin?, moderator?, user?) do cond do admin? -> :administrator moderator? -> :moderator user? -> :user true -> nil end end end