defmodule MobilizonWeb.Schema.AdminType do @moduledoc """ Schema representation for ActionLog. """ use Absinthe.Schema.Notation alias Mobilizon.Events.Event alias Mobilizon.Reports.{Note, Report} alias MobilizonWeb.Resolvers.Admin @desc "An action log" object :action_log do field(:id, :id, description: "Internal ID for this comment") field(:actor, :actor, description: "The actor that acted") field(:object, :action_log_object, description: "The object that was acted upon") field(:action, :action_log_action, description: "The action that was done") field(:inserted_at, :datetime, description: "The time when the action was performed") end enum :action_log_action do value(:report_update_closed) value(:report_update_opened) value(:report_update_resolved) value(:note_creation) value(:note_deletion) value(:event_deletion) value(:event_update) end @desc "The objects that can be in an action log" interface :action_log_object do field(:id, :id, description: "Internal ID for this object") resolve_type(fn %Report{}, _ -> :report %Note{}, _ -> :report_note %Event{}, _ -> :event _, _ -> nil end) end object :dashboard do field(:last_public_event_published, :event, description: "Last public event publish") field(:number_of_users, :integer, description: "The number of local users") field(:number_of_events, :integer, description: "The number of local events") field(:number_of_comments, :integer, description: "The number of local comments") field(:number_of_reports, :integer, description: "The number of current opened reports") end object :admin_queries do @desc "Get the list of action logs" field :action_logs, type: list_of(:action_log) do arg(:page, :integer, default_value: 1) arg(:limit, :integer, default_value: 10) resolve(&Admin.list_action_logs/3) end field :dashboard, type: :dashboard do resolve(&Admin.get_dashboard/3) end end end