# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/), and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## 3.0.0-rc.2 - 2022-11-02 ### Added - Add setting to toggle light/dark mode - Allow to disable non-SSO login ### Changed - UI improvements of comments - UI improvements of reports - Various UI improvement in event and group view - Add breadcrumb trail on Post view - Always lowercase the emails before trying to reset password - Make text editor heading level start at h3, h4, h5 - Remove obscure reference to Douglas Adams - Don't inline phoenix manifest - Show a proper error message when failure to register to an event - Order categories by translated label - Show registration button also if registration allow list is used - Add logging for when cached iCalendar feed data can't be found - Add an error log when we try to update the relay actor - Lower loglevel of error when creating a new person - Add unique constraint on event URL - Allow to view more than 10 drafts events on my events view ### Fixed - Fix event card background color behind picture - Fix position of the « no events found » message - Add distinct clause to search events - Fix showing past events on group page - Fix display of group invitations - Fix leaving a group - Fix group events order - Prevent loading group membership status before we get person information - Prefix setInterval with window - Fix fetching events with addresses that's not objects - Fix dashboard view - Fix anonymous & remote participation pages - Fix anonymous/remote participation button - Do not list drafts in upcoming / old events event if instance moderator - Make sure group is refreshed after action - Fix deleting person detached from user - Fix pagination number text color in dark theme - Fix post sharing URL - Fix current format status of text not displayed in text editor ### Security - Correctly escape user-defined names in emails ## 3.0.0-rc.1 - 2022-10-18 No changes since beta.3 ## 3.0.0-beta.3 - 2022-10-17 ### Fixed - Don't add empty search parameters to global search engine - Fix getting categories from global search engine - Remove unused deps - Only show one pagination bar when searching in both events & groups - Run build multiarch release on tags too - Don't start mobilizon server when running migrations - Run phx.digest before mix release ## 3.0.0-beta.2 - 2022-10-11 ### Changed - Improved the pertinence of related events - Light front-end performance improvements - Various UI and A11Y fixes on the event page - Handle categories page being empty ### Fixed - Address selector - Group location edition - Reconfigure plug at runtime with env - Fix global search term - Fix custom icons in metadata list - Handle unknown icon - Only preload svg pictures on homepage ## 3.0.0-beta.1 - 2022-09-27 ### Added - Add global search support, allowing to use https://search.joinmobilizon.org as a centralized event and group database - Add ability to filter search by categories and language - Add ability to explore search results on a map view - Add dark theme support - Add categories view - Support for Elixir 1.14 and Erlang OTP 25. ### Changed - Homepage has been redesigned - Search view has been redesigned - Internal illustration pictures are now only served using WebP. ### Fixed - Fixed deleting actor when participations association is not preloaded - Fixed rendering JSON-LD for an event with a single address (no online location) ### Internal - Build on Elixir 1.14 and Erlang OTP 25. - Migrate from Vue 2 and Vue Class Component to Vue 3 and the Composition API - Migrate from Bulma and Buefy to TailwindCSS and Oruga ### Tests #### Unit Tests - Rewrote tests using Vitest #### E2E Tests - Renabled E2E tests - Rewrote tests from Cypress to Playwright ## 2.1.0 - 2022-05-16 ### Added - Added an event category field. Administrators can extend the pre-configured list of categories through configuration. - Added possibility for administrators to have analytics (Matomo, Plausible supported) and error handling (Sentry supported) on front-end. - Redesigned federation admin section with dedicated instance pages - Allow to filter moderation reports by domain - Added a button to go to past events of a group if it has no upcoming events - Add Überauth CAS Strategy - Add a CLI command to delete actors ### Changed - Changed mailer library from Bamboo to Swoosh, should fix emails being considered spam. **Some configuration changes are required, see [UPGRADE.md](https://framagit.org/framasoft/mobilizon/-/blob/main/UPGRADE.md).** - Expose some fields to ActivityStreams event representation: `isOnline`, `remainingAttendeeCapacity` and `participantCount` - Expose a new field to ActivityStreams group representation: `memberCount` - Improve group creation errors feedback - Only display locality in event card - Stale groups are now excluded from group search - Event default visibility is now set according to group privacy setting - Remove Koena Connect button - Hide the whole metadata block if group has no description - Increase task timeout in Refresher to 60 seconds - Allow webfinger to be fetched over http (not https) in dev mode - Improve reactions when approving/rejecting an instance follow - Improve instance admin view for mobile - Allow to reject instance following - Allow instance to have non-standard ports - Add pagination to the instances list - Eventually fetch actors in mentions - Improve IdentityPicker, JoinGroupWithAccount and ActorInline components - Various group and posts improvements - Update schema.graphql file - Add "Accept-Language" header to sentry request metadata - Hide address blocks when address has no real data - Remove obsolete attribute `type="text/css"` from `