defmodule Mobilizon.Service.ActivityPub.Converters.Event do @moduledoc """ Event converter This module allows to convert events from ActivityStream format to our own internal one, and back """ alias Mobilizon.Actors alias Mobilizon.Media alias Mobilizon.Media.Picture alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Events.Event, as: EventModel alias Mobilizon.Service.ActivityPub.Converter alias Mobilizon.Events alias Mobilizon.Events.Tag @behaviour Converter @doc """ Converts an AP object data to our internal data structure """ @impl Converter @spec as_to_model_data(map()) :: map() def as_to_model_data(object) do with {:ok, %Actor{id: actor_id}} <- Actors.get_actor_by_url(object["actor"]), tags <- fetch_tags(object["tag"]) do picture_id = with true <- Map.has_key?(object, "attachment"), %Picture{id: picture_id} <- Media.get_picture_by_url( object["attachment"] |> hd |> Map.get("url") |> hd |> Map.get("href") ) do picture_id else _ -> nil end %{ "title" => object["name"], "description" => object["content"], "organizer_actor_id" => actor_id, "picture_id" => picture_id, "begins_on" => object["begins_on"], "category" => object["category"], "url" => object["id"], "uuid" => object["uuid"], "tags" => tags } end end defp fetch_tags(tags) do Enum.reduce(tags, [], fn tag, acc -> case Events.get_or_create_tag(tag) do {:ok, %Tag{} = tag} -> acc ++ [tag] _ -> acc end end) end @doc """ Convert an event struct to an ActivityStream representation """ @impl Converter @spec model_to_as(EventModel.t()) :: map() def model_to_as(%EventModel{} = event) do %{ "type" => "Event", "to" => [""], "title" => event.title, "actor" => event.organizer_actor.url, "uuid" => event.uuid, "category" => event.category, "summary" => event.description, "publish_at" => (event.publish_at || event.inserted_at) |> DateTime.to_iso8601(), "updated_at" => event.updated_at |> DateTime.to_iso8601(), "id" => event.url } end end