defmodule Mobilizon.GraphQL.Schema.SearchType do @moduledoc """ Schema representation for Search """ use Absinthe.Schema.Notation alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Events.Event alias Mobilizon.GraphQL.Resolvers.Search @desc "Search persons result" object :persons do field(:total, non_null(:integer), description: "Total elements") field(:elements, non_null(list_of(:person)), description: "Person elements") end @desc "Search groups result" object :groups do field(:total, non_null(:integer), description: "Total elements") field(:elements, non_null(list_of(:group)), description: "Group elements") end @desc "Search events result" object :events do field(:total, non_null(:integer), description: "Total elements") field(:elements, non_null(list_of(:event)), description: "Event elements") end @desc """ A entity that can be interacted with from a remote instance """ interface :interactable do field(:url, :string, description: "A public URL for the entity") resolve_type(fn %Actor{type: :Group}, _ -> :group %Event{}, _ -> :event _, _ -> nil end) end enum :event_type do value(:in_person, description: "The event will happen in person. It can also be livestreamed, but has a physical address" ) value(:online, description: "The event will only happen online. It has no physical address") end object :search_queries do @desc "Search persons" field :search_persons, :persons do arg(:term, :string, default_value: "", description: "Search term") arg(:page, :integer, default_value: 1, description: "Result page") arg(:limit, :integer, default_value: 10, description: "Results limit per page") resolve(&Search.search_persons/3) end @desc "Search groups" field :search_groups, :groups do arg(:term, :string, default_value: "", description: "Search term") arg(:location, :string, description: "A geohash for coordinates") arg(:exclude_my_groups, :boolean, description: "Whether to include the groups the current actor is member or follower" ) arg(:minimum_visibility, :group_visibility, description: "The minimum visibility the group must have" ) arg(:radius, :float, default_value: 50, description: "Radius around the location to search in" ) arg(:page, :integer, default_value: 1, description: "Result page") arg(:limit, :integer, default_value: 10, description: "Results limit per page") resolve(&Search.search_groups/3) end @desc "Search events" field :search_events, :events do arg(:term, :string, default_value: "") arg(:tags, :string, description: "A comma-separated string listing the tags") arg(:location, :string, description: "A geohash for coordinates") arg(:type, :event_type, description: "Whether the event is online or in person") arg(:category, :string, description: "The category for the event") arg(:category_one_of, list_of(:string), description: "The list of categories the event can be in" ) arg(:status_one_of, list_of(:event_status), description: "The list of statuses this event can have" ) arg(:radius, :float, default_value: 50, description: "Radius around the location to search in" ) arg(:page, :integer, default_value: 1, description: "Result page") arg(:limit, :integer, default_value: 10, description: "Results limit per page") arg(:begins_on, :datetime, description: "Filter events by their start date") arg(:ends_on, :datetime, description: "Filter events by their end date") resolve(&Search.search_events/3) end @desc "Interact with an URI" field :interact, :interactable do arg(:uri, non_null(:string), description: "The URI for to interact with") resolve(&Search.interact/3) end end end