defmodule Mobilizon.GraphQL.Schema.AdminType do @moduledoc """ Schema representation for ActionLog. """ use Absinthe.Schema.Notation alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Discussions.Comment alias Mobilizon.Events.Event alias Mobilizon.Reports.{Note, Report} alias Mobilizon.Users.User alias Mobilizon.GraphQL.Resolvers.Admin @desc "An action log" object :action_log do field(:id, :id, description: "Internal ID for this comment") field(:actor, :actor, description: "The actor that acted") field(:object, :action_log_object, description: "The object that was acted upon") field(:action, :action_log_action, description: "The action that was done") field(:inserted_at, :datetime, description: "The time when the action was performed") end @desc """ The different types of action log actions """ enum :action_log_action do value(:report_update_closed, description: "The report was closed") value(:report_update_opened, description: "The report was opened") value(:report_update_resolved, description: "The report was resolved") value(:note_creation, description: "A note was created on a report") value(:note_deletion, description: "A note was deleted on a report") value(:event_deletion, description: "An event was deleted") value(:comment_deletion, description: "A comment was deleted") value(:event_update, description: "An event was updated") value(:actor_suspension, description: "An actor was suspended") value(:actor_unsuspension, description: "An actor was unsuspended") value(:user_deletion, description: "An user was deleted") end @desc "The objects that can be in an action log" interface :action_log_object do field(:id, :id, description: "Internal ID for this object") resolve_type(fn %Report{}, _ -> :report %Note{}, _ -> :report_note %Event{}, _ -> :event %Comment{}, _ -> :comment %Actor{type: "Person"}, _ -> :person %User{}, _ -> :user %Actor{type: "Group"}, _ -> :group _, _ -> nil end) end @desc """ Language information """ object :language do field(:code, :string, description: "The iso-639-3 language code") field(:name, :string, description: "The language name") end @desc """ Dashboard information """ object :dashboard do field(:last_public_event_published, :event, description: "Last public event published") field(:last_group_created, :group, description: "Last public group created") field(:number_of_users, :integer, description: "The number of local users") field(:number_of_events, :integer, description: "The number of local events") field(:number_of_comments, :integer, description: "The number of local comments") field(:number_of_groups, :integer, description: "The number of local groups") field(:number_of_reports, :integer, description: "The number of current opened reports") field(:number_of_followers, :integer, description: "The number of instance followers") field(:number_of_followings, :integer, description: "The number of instance followings") field(:number_of_confirmed_participations_to_local_events, :integer, description: "The number of total confirmed participations to local events" ) end @desc """ Admin settings """ object :admin_settings do field(:instance_name, :string, description: "The instance's name") field(:instance_description, :string, description: "The instance's description") field(:instance_long_description, :string, description: "The instance's long description") field(:instance_slogan, :string, description: "The instance's slogan") field(:contact, :string, description: "The instance's contact details") field(:instance_terms, :string, description: "The instance's terms body text") field(:instance_terms_type, :instance_terms_type, description: "The instance's terms type") field(:instance_terms_url, :string, description: "The instance's terms URL") field(:instance_privacy_policy, :string, description: "The instance's privacy policy body text" ) field(:instance_privacy_policy_type, :instance_privacy_type, description: "The instance's privacy policy type" ) field(:instance_privacy_policy_url, :string, description: "The instance's privacy policy URL") field(:instance_rules, :string, description: "The instance's rules") field(:registrations_open, :boolean, description: "Whether the registrations are opened") field(:instance_languages, list_of(:string), description: "The instance's languages") end @desc "The acceptable values for the instance's terms type" enum :instance_terms_type do value(:url, as: "URL", description: "An URL. Users will be redirected to this URL.") value(:default, as: "DEFAULT", description: "Terms will be set to Mobilizon's default terms") value(:custom, as: "CUSTOM", description: "Custom terms text") end @desc """ The acceptable values for the instance privacy policy type """ enum :instance_privacy_type do value(:url, as: "URL", description: "An URL. Users will be redirected to this URL.") value(:default, as: "DEFAULT", description: "Privacy policy will be set to Mobilizon's default privacy policy" ) value(:custom, as: "CUSTOM", description: "Custom privacy policy text") end object :admin_queries do @desc "Get the list of action logs" field :action_logs, type: list_of(:action_log) do arg(:page, :integer, default_value: 1) arg(:limit, :integer, default_value: 10) resolve(&Admin.list_action_logs/3) end @desc """ List the instance's supported languages """ field :languages, type: list_of(:language) do arg(:codes, list_of(:string), description: "The user's locale. The list of languages will be translated with this locale" ) resolve(&Admin.get_list_of_languages/3) end @desc """ Get dashboard information """ field :dashboard, type: :dashboard do resolve(&Admin.get_dashboard/3) end @desc """ Get admin settings """ field :admin_settings, type: :admin_settings do resolve(&Admin.get_settings/3) end @desc """ List the relay followers """ field :relay_followers, type: :paginated_follower_list do arg(:page, :integer, default_value: 1, description: "The page in the paginated relay followers list" ) arg(:limit, :integer, default_value: 10, description: "The limit of relay followers per page" ) resolve(&Admin.list_relay_followers/3) end @desc """ List the relay followings """ field :relay_followings, type: :paginated_follower_list do arg(:page, :integer, default_value: 1, description: "The page in the paginated relay followings list" ) arg(:limit, :integer, default_value: 10, description: "The limit of relay followings per page" ) arg(:order_by, :string, default_value: :updated_at, description: "The field to order by the list" ) arg(:direction, :string, default_value: :desc, description: "The sorting direction") resolve(&Admin.list_relay_followings/3) end end object :admin_mutations do @desc "Add a relay subscription" field :add_relay, type: :follower do arg(:address, non_null(:string), description: "The relay hostname to add") resolve(&Admin.create_relay/3) end @desc "Delete a relay subscription" field :remove_relay, type: :follower do arg(:address, non_null(:string), description: "The relay hostname to delete") resolve(&Admin.remove_relay/3) end @desc "Accept a relay subscription" field :accept_relay, type: :follower do arg(:address, non_null(:string), description: "The accepted relay hostname") resolve(&Admin.accept_subscription/3) end @desc "Reject a relay subscription" field :reject_relay, type: :follower do arg(:address, non_null(:string), description: "The rejected relay hostname") resolve(&Admin.reject_subscription/3) end @desc """ Save admin settings """ field :save_admin_settings, type: :admin_settings do arg(:instance_name, :string, description: "The instance's name") arg(:instance_description, :string, description: "The instance's description") arg(:instance_long_description, :string, description: "The instance's long description") arg(:instance_slogan, :string, description: "The instance's slogan") arg(:contact, :string, description: "The instance's contact details") arg(:instance_terms, :string, description: "The instance's terms body text") arg(:instance_terms_type, :instance_terms_type, description: "The instance's terms type") arg(:instance_terms_url, :string, description: "The instance's terms URL") arg(:instance_privacy_policy, :string, description: "The instance's privacy policy body text" ) arg(:instance_privacy_policy_type, :instance_privacy_type, description: "The instance's privacy policy type" ) arg(:instance_privacy_policy_url, :string, description: "The instance's privacy policy URL") arg(:instance_rules, :string, description: "The instance's rules") arg(:registrations_open, :boolean, description: "Whether the registrations are opened") arg(:instance_languages, list_of(:string), description: "The instance's languages") resolve(&Admin.save_settings/3) end end end