defmodule Mobilizon.Service.DateTime do @moduledoc """ Module to represent a datetime in a given locale """ alias Cldr.DateTime.Relative def datetime_to_string(%DateTime{} = datetime, locale \\ "en", format \\ :medium) do Mobilizon.Cldr.DateTime.to_string!(datetime, format: format, locale: locale_or_default(locale)) end def datetime_to_time_string(%DateTime{} = datetime, locale \\ "en", format \\ :short) do Mobilizon.Cldr.Time.to_string!(datetime, format: format, locale: locale_or_default(locale)) end @spec datetime_tz_convert(DateTime.t(), String.t()) :: DateTime.t() def datetime_tz_convert(%DateTime{} = datetime, timezone) do case DateTime.shift_zone(datetime, timezone) do {:ok, datetime_with_tz} -> datetime_with_tz _ -> datetime end end @spec datetime_relative(DateTime.t(), String.t()) :: String.t() def datetime_relative(%DateTime{} = datetime, locale \\ "en") do Relative.to_string!(datetime, Mobilizon.Cldr, relative_to: DateTime.utc_now(), locale: locale_or_default(locale) ) end defp locale_or_default(locale) do if Mobilizon.Cldr.known_locale_name(locale) do locale else "en" end end def is_first_day_of_week(%Date{} = date, locale \\ "en") do Date.day_of_week(date) == Cldr.Calendar.first_day_for_locale(locale) end @spec calculate_first_day_of_week(Date.t(), String.t()) :: Date.t() def calculate_first_day_of_week(%Date{} = date, locale \\ "en") do if is_first_day_of_week(date, locale), do: date, else: calculate_first_day_of_week(Date.add(date, -1), locale) end @doc """ Calculate the time when a notification should be sent, based on a daily schedule ## Parameters * `compare_to` When to compare to. Defaults to the current datetime * `notification_time` The time when the notification is being sent. Defaults to `~T[08:00:00]` * `timezone` The user's timezone. Needed to convert the time in the user's local timezone. Defaults to `"Etc/UTC"` """ @spec calculate_next_day_notification(Date.t(), Keyword.t()) :: DateTime.t() def calculate_next_day_notification(%Date{} = day, options \\ []) do compare_to = Keyword.get(options, :compare_to, DateTime.utc_now()) notification_time = Keyword.get(options, :notification_time, ~T[18:00:00]) timezone = Keyword.get(options, :timezone, "Etc/UTC") send_at =!(day, notification_time, timezone) if, compare_to) == :lt do day |> Date.add(1) |>!(notification_time, timezone) else send_at end end @doc """ Calculate the time when a notification should be sent, based on a weekly schedule ## Parameters * `compare_to` When to compare to. Defaults to the current datetime * `notification_time` The time when the notification is being sent. Defaults to `~T[08:00:00]` * `timezone` The user's timezone. Needed to convert the time in the user's local timezone. Defaults to `"Etc/UTC"` * `locale` The user's locale. Allows to get the first day of the week to send the notification on the beginning of the week. Defaults to `"en"`. """ @spec calculate_next_week_notification(DateTime.t(), Keyword.t()) :: DateTime.t() | nil def calculate_next_week_notification(begins_on, options \\ []) do # That's now, but we allow to override it for tests compare_to = Keyword.get(options, :compare_to, DateTime.utc_now()) # If the event is in the future if, compare_to) == :gt do # We get the day of the scheduled notification next week notification_date = appropriate_first_day_of_week(begins_on, options) if is_nil(notification_date) do nil else # This is the datetime when the notification should be sent if, compare_to) == :gt do notification_date else nil end end else # In the past, don't send anything nil end end @spec next_first_day_of_week(DateTime.t(), Keyword.t()) :: Date.t() | nil def next_first_day_of_week(%DateTime{} = datetime, options) do locale = Keyword.get(options, :locale, "en") compare_to = Keyword.get(options, :compare_to, DateTime.utc_now()) next_first_day_of_week = compare_to |> DateTime.to_date() |> calculate_first_day_of_week(locale) |> Timex.add(Timex.Duration.from_weeks(1)) |> build_notification_datetime(options) if, next_first_day_of_week) == :gt do next_first_day_of_week else nil end end def appropriate_first_day_of_week(%DateTime{} = datetime, options) do locale = Keyword.get(options, :locale, "en") timezone = Keyword.get(options, :timezone, "Etc/UTC") local_datetime = datetime_tz_convert(datetime, timezone) first_day = local_datetime |> DateTime.to_date() |> calculate_first_day_of_week(locale) first_datetime = build_notification_datetime(first_day, options) if, first_datetime) == :gt do first_datetime else next_first_day_of_week(local_datetime, options) end end @spec build_notification_datetime(Date.t(), Keyword.t()) :: DateTime.t() def build_notification_datetime( %Date{} = date, options ) do notification_time = Keyword.get(options, :notification_time, ~T[08:00:00]) timezone = Keyword.get(options, :timezone, "Etc/UTC")!(date, notification_time, timezone) end @start_time ~T[08:00:00] @end_time ~T[09:00:00] @spec is_between_hours(Keyword.t()) :: boolean() def is_between_hours(options \\ []) when is_list(options) do compare_to_day = Keyword.get(options, :compare_to_day, Date.utc_today()) compare_to = Keyword.get(options, :compare_to_datetime, DateTime.utc_now()) start_time = Keyword.get(options, :start_time, @start_time) timezone = Keyword.get(options, :timezone, "Etc/UTC") end_time = Keyword.get(options, :end_time, @end_time),!(compare_to_day, start_time, timezone)) in [ :gt, :eq ] && compare_to,!(compare_to_day, end_time, timezone) ) == :lt end @spec is_between_hours_on_first_day(Keyword.t()) :: boolean() def is_between_hours_on_first_day(options) when is_list(options) do compare_to_day = Keyword.get(options, :compare_to_day, Date.utc_today()) locale = Keyword.get(options, :locale, "en") Mobilizon.Service.DateTime.is_first_day_of_week(compare_to_day, locale) && is_between_hours(options) end @spec is_delay_ok_since_last_notification_sent(DateTime.t()) :: boolean() def is_delay_ok_since_last_notification_sent(%DateTime{} = last_notification_sent) do, 3_600), DateTime.utc_now()) == :lt end end