defmodule MobilizonWeb.API.Reports do @moduledoc """ API for Reports. """ import Mobilizon.Service.Admin.ActionLogService alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Reports, as: ReportsAction alias Mobilizon.Reports.{Note, Report, ReportStatus} alias Mobilizon.Users alias Mobilizon.Users.User alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityPub alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityPub.Activity @doc """ Create a report/flag on an actor, and optionally on an event or on comments. """ def report(args) do case {:make_activity, ActivityPub.flag(args, Map.get(args, :forward, false) == true)} do {:make_activity, {:ok, %Activity{} = activity, %Report{} = report}} -> {:ok, activity, report} {:make_activity, err} -> {:error, err} end end @doc """ Update the state of a report """ def update_report_status(%Actor{} = actor, %Report{} = report, state) do with {:valid_state, true} <- {:valid_state, ReportStatus.valid_value?(state)}, {:ok, report} <- ReportsAction.update_report(report, %{"status" => state}), {:ok, _} <- log_action(actor, "update", report) do {:ok, report} else {:valid_state, false} -> {:error, "Unsupported state"} end end @doc """ Create a note on a report """ @spec create_report_note(Report.t(), Actor.t(), String.t()) :: {:ok, Note.t()} def create_report_note( %Report{id: report_id}, %Actor{id: moderator_id, user_id: user_id} = moderator, content ) do with %User{role: role} <- Users.get_user!(user_id), {:role, true} <- {:role, role in [:administrator, :moderator]}, {:ok, %Note{} = note} <- Mobilizon.Reports.create_note(%{ "report_id" => report_id, "moderator_id" => moderator_id, "content" => content }), {:ok, _} <- log_action(moderator, "create", note) do {:ok, note} else {:role, false} -> {:error, "You need to be a moderator or an administrator to create a note on a report"} end end @doc """ Delete a report note """ @spec delete_report_note(Note.t(), Actor.t()) :: {:ok, Note.t()} def delete_report_note( %Note{moderator_id: note_moderator_id} = note, %Actor{id: moderator_id, user_id: user_id} = moderator ) do with {:same_actor, true} <- {:same_actor, note_moderator_id == moderator_id}, %User{role: role} <- Users.get_user!(user_id), {:role, true} <- {:role, role in [:administrator, :moderator]}, {:ok, %Note{} = note} <- Mobilizon.Reports.delete_note(note), {:ok, _} <- log_action(moderator, "delete", note) do {:ok, note} else {:role, false} -> {:error, "You need to be a moderator or an administrator to create a note on a report"} {:same_actor, false} -> {:error, "You can only remove your own notes"} end end end