import Vue from "vue"; import VueI18n from "vue-i18n"; import { DateFnsPlugin } from "@/plugins/dateFns"; import en from "../i18n/en_US.json"; import langs from "../i18n/langs.json"; import { getLocaleData } from "./auth"; import pluralizationRules from "../i18n/pluralRules"; const DEFAULT_LOCALE = "en_US"; const localeInLocalStorage = getLocaleData(); console.debug("localeInLocalStorage", localeInLocalStorage); let language = localeInLocalStorage || (document.documentElement.getAttribute("lang") as string); console.debug( "localeInLocalStorage or fallback to lang html attribute", language ); language = language || ((window.navigator as any).userLanguage || window.navigator.language).replace( /-/, "_" ); console.debug("language or fallback to window.navigator language", language); export const locale = language &&, language) ? language : language.split("-")[0]; console.debug("chosen locale", locale); Vue.use(VueI18n); export const i18n = new VueI18n({ locale: DEFAULT_LOCALE, // set locale // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore messages: en, // set locale messages fallbackLocale: DEFAULT_LOCALE, formatFallbackMessages: true, pluralizationRules, }); console.debug("set VueI18n with default locale", DEFAULT_LOCALE); const loadedLanguages = [DEFAULT_LOCALE]; function setI18nLanguage(lang: string): string { console.debug("setting i18n locale to", lang); i18n.locale = lang; setLanguageInDOM(lang); return lang; } function setLanguageInDOM(lang: string): void { const fixedLang = lang.replace(/_/g, "-"); const html = document.documentElement; const documentLang = html.getAttribute("lang"); if (documentLang !== fixedLang) { html.setAttribute("lang", fixedLang); } } function fileForLanguage(matches: Record, lang: string) { if (, lang)) { return matches[lang]; } return lang; } function vueI18NfileForLanguage(lang: string) { const matches: Record = { fr: "fr_FR", en: "en_US", }; return fileForLanguage(matches, lang); } function dateFnsfileForLanguage(lang: string) { const matches: Record = { en_US: "en-US", en: "en-US", }; return fileForLanguage(matches, lang); } Vue.use(DateFnsPlugin, { locale: dateFnsfileForLanguage(locale) }); export async function loadLanguageAsync(lang: string): Promise { // If the same language if (i18n.locale === lang) { console.debug("already using language", lang); return Promise.resolve(setI18nLanguage(lang)); } // If the language was already loaded if (loadedLanguages.includes(lang)) { console.debug("language already loaded", lang); return Promise.resolve(setI18nLanguage(lang)); } // If the language hasn't been loaded yet console.debug("loading language", lang); const newMessages = await import( /* webpackChunkName: "lang-[request]" */ `@/i18n/${vueI18NfileForLanguage( lang )}.json` ); i18n.setLocaleMessage(lang, newMessages.default); loadedLanguages.push(lang); return setI18nLanguage(lang); } console.debug("loading async locale", locale); loadLanguageAsync(locale); console.debug("loaded async locale", locale); export function formatList(list: string[]): string { if (window.Intl && Intl.ListFormat) { const formatter = new Intl.ListFormat(undefined, { style: "long", type: "conjunction", }); return formatter.format(list); } return list.join(","); }