defmodule Mobilizon.Export do @moduledoc """ Manage exported files """ use Ecto.Schema import Ecto.Changeset import Ecto.Query, only: [where: 3] alias Mobilizon.Storage.Repo @type t :: %__MODULE__{ file_path: String.t(), file_name: String.t() | nil, file_size: integer() | nil, type: String.t(), reference: String.t(), format: String.t() } @required_attrs [:file_path, :type, :reference, :format] @optional_attrs [:file_size, :file_name] @attrs @required_attrs ++ @optional_attrs schema "exports" do field(:file_path, :string) field(:file_size, :integer) field(:file_name, :string) field(:type, :string) field(:reference, :string) field(:format, :string) timestamps() end @doc false def changeset(export, attrs) do export |> cast(attrs, @attrs) |> validate_required(@required_attrs) end @spec get_export(String.t(), String.t(), String.t()) :: t() | nil def get_export(file_path, type, format) do __MODULE__ |> where([e], e.file_path == ^file_path and e.type == ^type and e.format == ^format) |> end @spec outdated(String.t(), String.t(), integer()) :: list(t()) def outdated(type, format, expiration) do expiration_date = DateTime.add(DateTime.utc_now(), -expiration) __MODULE__ |> where([e], e.type == ^type and e.format == ^format and e.updated_at < ^expiration_date) |> Repo.all() end end