import onBeforeLoad from "./browser-language"; beforeEach(() => { cy.clearLocalStorage(); }); describe("Login", () => { it("Tests that everything is present", () => { cy.visit("/login", { onBeforeLoad }); cy.get("form .field").first().contains("label", "Email"); cy.get("form .field").last().contains("label", "Password"); cy.get("form").contains("button.button", "Login"); cy.get("form") .contains(".control a.button", "Forgot your password ?") .click(); cy.url().should("include", "/password-reset/send"); cy.go("back"); cy.wait(1000); cy.get("form").contains(".control a.button", "Register").click(); cy.url().should("include", "/register/user"); cy.go("back"); }); it("Tries to login with incorrect credentials", () => { cy.visit("/login", { onBeforeLoad }); cy.get("input[type=email]") .type("notanemail") .should("have.value", "notanemail"); cy.get("input[type=password]").click(); cy.contains("", "Login").click(); // cy.get('form .field').first().contains('', '@'); }); it("Tries to login with invalid credentials", () => { cy.visit("/login", { onBeforeLoad }); cy.get("input[type=email]") .type("") .should("have.value", ""); cy.get("input[type=password]") .type("badPassword") .should("have.value", "badPassword"); cy.contains("", "Login").click(); cy.contains( "", "No user account with this email was found. Maybe you made a typo?" ); }); it("Tries to login with valid credentials", () => { cy.visit("/login", { onBeforeLoad }); cy.get("input[type=email]").type(""); cy.get("input[type=password]").type("some password"); cy.get("form").submit(); cy.wait(1000); cy.get(".navbar-end .navbar-link span.icon i").should( "have.class", "mdi-account-circle" ); cy.contains("", "Welcome back I'm a test user"); cy.get(".navbar-item.has-dropdown").click(); cy.get(".navbar-item").last().contains("Log out").click(); }); it("Tries to login with valid credentials but unconfirmed account", () => { cy.visit("/login", { onBeforeLoad }); cy.get("input[type=email]").type(""); cy.get("input[type=password]").type("some password"); cy.get("form").submit(); cy.contains( "", "The user account you're trying to login as has not been confirmed yet. Check your email inbox and eventually your spam folder.You may also ask to resend confirmation email." ); }); it("Tries to login with valid credentials, confirmed account but no profile", () => { cy.visit("/login", { onBeforeLoad }); cy.get("input[type=email]").type(""); cy.get("input[type=password]").type("some password"); cy.get("form").submit(); cy.contains( ".message", "To achieve your registration, please create a first identity profile." ); cy.get("form > .field") .eq(1) .contains("label", "Username") .parent() .find("input") .type("test_user"); cy.get("form > .field") .first() .contains("label", "Display name") .parent() .find("input") .type("Duplicate"); cy.get("form > .field") .eq(2) .contains("label", "Description") .parent() .find("textarea") .type("This shouln't work because it' using a dupublicated username"); cy.get(".control.has-text-centered") .contains("button", "Create my profile") .click(); cy.contains("", "This username is already taken."); cy.get("form .field input").first(0).clear().type("test_user_2"); cy.get("form .field input").eq(1).type("Not"); cy.get("form .field textarea").clear().type("This will now work"); cy.get("form").submit(); cy.wait(1000); cy.get(".navbar-link span.icon i").should( "have.class", "mdi-account-circle" ); cy.contains( "", "Welcome to Mobilizon, test_user_2!" ); }); });