defmodule Mobilizon.Service.Geospatial.PhotonTest do use ExVCR.Mock, adapter: ExVCR.Adapter.Hackney use Mobilizon.DataCase, async: false import Mock alias Mobilizon.Addresses.Address alias Mobilizon.Service.Geospatial.Photon alias Mobilizon.Config @httpoison_headers [ {"User-Agent", "#{Config.instance_name()} #{Config.instance_hostname()} - Mobilizon #{ Mix.Project.config()[:version] }"} ] describe "search address" do test "produces a valid search address with options" do with_mock HTTPoison, get: fn _url, _headers -> {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 200, body: "{\"features\": []"}} end do"10 Rue Jangot", limit: 5, lang: "fr" ) assert_called( HTTPoison.get( "", @httpoison_headers ) ) end end test "returns a valid address from search" do use_cassette "geospatial/photon/search" do assert %Address{ locality: "Lyon", description: "10 Rue Jangot", region: "Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes", country: "France", postal_code: "69007", street: "10 Rue Jangot", geom: %Geo.Point{ coordinates: {4.8425657, 45.7517141}, properties: %{}, srid: 4326 } } =="10 rue Jangot") |> hd end end # Photon returns something quite wrong, so no need to test this right now. # test "returns a valid address from reverse geocode" do # use_cassette "geospatial/photon/geocode" do # assert %Address{ # locality: "Lyon", # description: "", # region: "Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes", # country: "France", # postal_code: "69007", # street: "10 Rue Jangot", # geom: %Geo.Point{ # coordinates: {4.8425657, 45.7517141}, # properties: %{}, # srid: 4326 # } # } == # Photon.geocode(4.8425657, 45.7517141) # |> hd # end # end end end