<%= gettext("New report on %{instance}", instance: @instance_name) |> raw %> |
<%= if @report.reporter.type == :Application and @report.reporter.preferred_username == "relay" do %> <%= gettext( "Someone on %{instance} reported the following content for you to analyze:", instance: escape_html(@report.reporter.domain) ) |> raw %> <% else %> <%= gettext("%{reporter} reported the following content.", reporter: escape_html(display_name_and_username(@report.reporter)) ) |> raw %> <% end %> |
<%= if @report.reported.type == :Group do %> <%= gettext("Group reported") %><%= Mobilizon.Actors.Actor.display_name_and_username(@report.reported) %> <% else %><%= gettext("Profile reported") %><%= Mobilizon.Actors.Actor.display_name_and_username(@report.reported) %> <% end %> |
<%= gettext("Event") %><%= gettext("%{title} by %{creator}", title: @report.event.title, creator: Mobilizon.Actors.Actor.preferred_username_and_domain(@report.reported) ) %> |
<%= gettext("Flagged comments") %><%= for comment <- @report.comments do %><%= Mobilizon.Service.Formatter.HTML.strip_tags(comment.text) %> <% end %> |
<%= gettext("Reasons for report") %><%= @report.content |> raw %> |