defmodule MobilizonWeb.Resolvers.Admin do @moduledoc """ Handles the report-related GraphQL calls. """ import Mobilizon.Users.Guards alias Mobilizon.Admin.ActionLog alias Mobilizon.Events alias Mobilizon.Events.{Event, Comment} alias Mobilizon.Reports.{Note, Report} alias Mobilizon.Service.Statistics alias Mobilizon.Users.User def list_action_logs( _parent, %{page: page, limit: limit}, %{context: %{current_user: %User{role: role}}} ) when is_moderator(role) do with action_logs <- Mobilizon.Admin.list_action_logs(page, limit) do action_logs = action_logs |> %ActionLog{ target_type: target_type, action: action, actor: actor, id: id, inserted_at: inserted_at } = action_log -> with data when is_map(data) <- transform_action_log(String.to_existing_atom(target_type), action, action_log) do Map.merge(data, %{actor: actor, id: id, inserted_at: inserted_at}) end end) |> Enum.filter(& &1) {:ok, action_logs} end end def list_action_logs(_parent, _args, _resolution) do {:error, "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to list action logs"} end defp transform_action_log( Report, :update, %ActionLog{} = action_log ) do with %Report{} = report <- Mobilizon.Reports.get_report(action_log.target_id) do action = case action_log do %ActionLog{changes: %{"status" => "closed"}} -> :report_update_closed %ActionLog{changes: %{"status" => "open"}} -> :report_update_opened %ActionLog{changes: %{"status" => "resolved"}} -> :report_update_resolved end %{ action: action, object: report } end end defp transform_action_log(Note, :create, %ActionLog{ changes: changes }) do %{ action: :note_creation, object: convert_changes_to_struct(Note, changes) } end defp transform_action_log(Note, :delete, %ActionLog{ changes: changes }) do %{ action: :note_deletion, object: convert_changes_to_struct(Note, changes) } end defp transform_action_log(Event, :delete, %ActionLog{ changes: changes }) do %{ action: :event_deletion, object: convert_changes_to_struct(Event, changes) } end defp transform_action_log(Comment, :delete, %ActionLog{ changes: changes }) do %{ action: :comment_deletion, object: convert_changes_to_struct(Comment, changes) } end # Changes are stored as %{"key" => "value"} so we need to convert them back as struct defp convert_changes_to_struct(struct, %{"report_id" => _report_id} = changes) do with data <- for({key, val} <- changes, into: %{}, do: {String.to_atom(key), val}), data <- Map.put(data, :report, Mobilizon.Reports.get_report(data.report_id)) do struct(struct, data) end end defp convert_changes_to_struct(struct, changes) do with data <- for({key, val} <- changes, into: %{}, do: {String.to_atom(key), val}) do struct(struct, data) end end def get_dashboard(_parent, _args, %{ context: %{current_user: %User{role: role}} }) when is_admin(role) do last_public_event_published = case Events.list_events(1, 1, :inserted_at, :desc) do [event | _] -> event _ -> nil end {:ok, %{ number_of_users: Statistics.get_cached_value(:local_users), number_of_events: Statistics.get_cached_value(:local_events), number_of_comments: Statistics.get_cached_value(:local_comments), number_of_reports: Mobilizon.Reports.count_opened_reports(), last_public_event_published: last_public_event_published }} end def get_dashboard(_parent, _args, _resolution) do {:error, "You need to be logged-in and an administrator to access dashboard statistics"} end end