defmodule MobilizonWeb.Resolvers.Event do @moduledoc """ Handles the event-related GraphQL calls """ alias Mobilizon.Activity alias Mobilizon.Events alias Mobilizon.Events.{Event, Participant} alias Mobilizon.Media.Picture alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Users.User # We limit the max number of events that can be retrieved @event_max_limit 100 @number_of_related_events 3 def list_events(_parent, %{page: page, limit: limit}, _resolution) when limit < @event_max_limit do {:ok, Mobilizon.Events.list_events(page, limit)} end def list_events(_parent, %{page: _page, limit: _limit}, _resolution) do {:error, :events_max_limit_reached} end def find_event(_parent, %{uuid: uuid}, _resolution) do case Mobilizon.Events.get_event_full_by_uuid(uuid) do nil -> {:error, "Event with UUID #{uuid} not found"} event -> {:ok, event} end end @doc """ List participant for event (separate request) """ def list_participants_for_event(_parent, %{uuid: uuid, page: page, limit: limit}, _resolution) do {:ok, Mobilizon.Events.list_participants_for_event(uuid, page, limit)} end @doc """ List participants for event (through an event request) """ def list_participants_for_event(%Event{uuid: uuid}, _args, _resolution) do {:ok, Mobilizon.Events.list_participants_for_event(uuid, 1, 10)} end @doc """ List related events """ def list_related_events( %Event{tags: tags, organizer_actor: organizer_actor, uuid: uuid}, _args, _resolution ) do # We get the organizer's next public event events = [Events.get_actor_upcoming_public_event(organizer_actor, uuid)] |> Enum.filter(&is_map/1) # We find similar events with the same tags # uniq_by : It's possible event_from_same_actor is inside events_from_tags events = (events ++ Events.find_similar_events_by_common_tags( tags, @number_of_related_events )) |> uniq_events() # TODO: We should use tag_relations to find more appropriate events # We've considered all recommended events, so we fetch the latest events events = if @number_of_related_events - length(events) > 0 do (events ++ Events.list_events(1, @number_of_related_events, :begins_on, :asc, true, true)) |> uniq_events() else events end events = events # We remove the same event from the results |> Enum.filter(fn event -> event.uuid != uuid end) # We return only @number_of_related_events right now |> Enum.take(@number_of_related_events) {:ok, events} end defp uniq_events(events), do: Enum.uniq_by(events, fn event -> event.uuid end) @doc """ Join an event for an actor """ def actor_join_event( _parent, %{actor_id: actor_id, event_id: event_id}, %{ context: %{ current_user: user } } ) do with {:is_owned, true, actor} <- User.owns_actor(user, actor_id), {:ok, %Event{} = event} <- Mobilizon.Events.get_event(event_id), {:error, :participant_not_found} <- Mobilizon.Events.get_participant(event_id, actor_id), role <- Mobilizon.Events.get_default_participant_role(event), {:ok, participant} <- Mobilizon.Events.create_participant(%{ role: role, event_id:, actor_id: }), participant <- Map.put(participant, :event, event) |> Map.put(:actor, actor) do {:ok, participant} else {:is_owned, false} -> {:error, "Actor id is not owned by authenticated user"} {:error, :event_not_found} -> {:error, "Event id not found"} {:ok, %Participant{}} -> {:error, "You are already a participant of this event"} end end def actor_join_event(_parent, _args, _resolution) do {:error, "You need to be logged-in to join an event"} end @doc """ Leave an event for an actor """ def actor_leave_event( _parent, %{actor_id: actor_id, event_id: event_id}, %{ context: %{ current_user: user } } ) do with {:is_owned, true, _} <- User.owns_actor(user, actor_id), {:ok, %Participant{} = participant} <- Mobilizon.Events.get_participant(event_id, actor_id), {:only_organizer, false} <- {:only_organizer, check_that_participant_is_not_only_organizer(event_id, actor_id)}, {:ok, _} <- Mobilizon.Events.delete_participant(participant) do {:ok, %{event: %{id: event_id}, actor: %{id: actor_id}}} else {:is_owned, false} -> {:error, "Actor id is not owned by authenticated user"} {:only_organizer, true} -> {:error, "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"} {:error, :participant_not_found} -> {:error, "Participant not found"} end end def actor_leave_event(_parent, _args, _resolution) do {:error, "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"} end # We check that the actor asking to leave the event is not it's only organizer # We start by fetching the list of organizers and if there's only one of them # and that it's the actor requesting leaving the event we return true @spec check_that_participant_is_not_only_organizer(integer(), integer()) :: boolean() defp check_that_participant_is_not_only_organizer(event_id, actor_id) do with [%Participant{actor: %Actor{id: participant_actor_id}}] <- Mobilizon.Events.list_organizers_participants_for_event(event_id) do participant_actor_id == actor_id else _ -> false end end @doc """ Create an event """ def create_event(_parent, args, %{context: %{current_user: _user}} = _resolution) do with {:ok, args} <- save_attached_picture(args), {:ok, %Activity{data: %{"object" => %{"type" => "Event"} = object}}} <- MobilizonWeb.API.Events.create_event(args) do res = %{ title: object["name"], description: object["content"], uuid: object["uuid"], url: object["id"] } res = if Map.has_key?(object, "attachment"), do: Map.put(res, :picture, %{ name: object["attachment"] |> hd() |> Map.get("name"), url: object["attachment"] |> hd() |> Map.get("url") |> hd() |> Map.get("href") }), else: res {:ok, res} end end def create_event(_parent, _args, _resolution) do {:error, "You need to be logged-in to create events"} end # If we have an attached picture, just transmit it. It will be handled by # Mobilizon.Service.ActivityPub.Utils.make_picture_data/1 @spec save_attached_picture(map()) :: {:ok, map()} defp save_attached_picture(%{picture: %{picture: %Plug.Upload{} = _picture}} = args), do: args # Otherwise if we use a previously uploaded picture we need to fetch it from database @spec save_attached_picture(map()) :: {:ok, map()} defp save_attached_picture(%{picture: %{picture_id: picture_id}} = args) do with %Picture{} = picture <- Mobilizon.Media.get_picture(picture_id) do {:ok, Map.put(args, :picture, picture)} end end @spec save_attached_picture(map()) :: {:ok, map()} defp save_attached_picture(args), do: {:ok, args} @doc """ Delete an event """ def delete_event(_parent, %{event_id: event_id, actor_id: actor_id}, %{ context: %{current_user: user} }) do with {:ok, %Event{} = event} <- Mobilizon.Events.get_event(event_id), {:is_owned, true, _} <- User.owns_actor(user, actor_id), {:event_can_be_managed, true} <- Event.can_event_be_managed_by(event, actor_id), event <- Mobilizon.Events.delete_event!(event) do {:ok, %{id:}} else {:error, :event_not_found} -> {:error, "Event not found"} {:is_owned, false} -> {:error, "Actor id is not owned by authenticated user"} {:event_can_be_managed, false} -> {:error, "You cannot delete this event"} end end def delete_event(_parent, _args, _resolution) do {:error, "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"} end end