import Config import_config "dev.exs" config :mobilizon, Mobilizon.Web.Endpoint, http: [ port: 4000 ], url: [ host: "localhost", port: 4000, scheme: "http" ], debug_errors: true, code_reloader: false, check_origin: false, # Somehow this can't be merged properly with the dev config so we got this… watchers: [ yarn: [cd: Path.expand("../js", __DIR__)] ] require Logger cond do System.get_env("INSTANCE_CONFIG") && File.exists?("./config/#{System.get_env("INSTANCE_CONFIG")}") -> import_config System.get_env("INSTANCE_CONFIG") System.get_env("DOCKER", "false") == "false" && File.exists?("./config/e2e.secret.exs") -> import_config "e2e.secret.exs" System.get_env("DOCKER", "false") == "true" ->"Using environment configuration for Docker") true -> Logger.error("No configuration file found") end