defmodule Mobilizon.Web.Email.Notification do @moduledoc """ Handles emails sent about event notifications. """ use Phoenix.Swoosh, view: Mobilizon.Web.EmailView import Mobilizon.Web.Gettext alias Mobilizon.Events.{Event, Participant} alias Mobilizon.Users.{Setting, User} alias Mobilizon.Web.Email alias Mobilizon.Web.JsonLD.ObjectView @spec before_event_notification(String.t(), Participant.t(), String.t()) :: Swoosh.Email.t() def before_event_notification( email, %Participant{event: event, role: :participant} = participant, locale \\ "en" ) do Gettext.put_locale(locale) subject = gettext( "Don't forget to go to %{title}", title: event.title ) [to: email, subject: subject] |> Email.base_email() |> Email.add_event_attachment(event) |> render_body(:before_event_notification, %{ locale: locale, participant: participant, subject: subject, jsonLDMetadata: build_json_ld(participant) }) end @spec on_day_notification(User.t(), list(Participant.t()), pos_integer(), String.t()) :: Swoosh.Email.t() def on_day_notification( %User{email: email, settings: %Setting{timezone: timezone}}, participations, total, locale \\ "en" ) do Gettext.put_locale(locale) participation = hd(participations) subject = ngettext("One event planned today", "%{nb_events} events planned today", total, nb_events: total ) [to: email, subject: subject] |> Email.base_email() |> render_body(:on_day_notification, %{ locale: locale, participation: participation, participations: participations, subject: subject, total: total, timezone: timezone, jsonLDMetadata: build_json_ld(participations) }) end @spec weekly_notification(User.t(), list(Participant.t()), pos_integer(), String.t()) :: Swoosh.Email.t() def weekly_notification( %User{email: email, settings: %Setting{timezone: timezone}}, participations, total, locale \\ "en" ) do Gettext.put_locale(locale) participation = hd(participations) subject = ngettext("One event planned this week", "%{nb_events} events planned this week", total, nb_events: total ) [to: email, subject: subject] |> Email.base_email() |> render_body(:notification_each_week, %{ locale: locale, participation: participation, participations: participations, subject: subject, total: total, timezone: timezone, jsonLDMetadata: build_json_ld(participations) }) end @spec pending_participation_notification(User.t(), Event.t(), pos_integer()) :: Swoosh.Email.t() def pending_participation_notification( %User{locale: locale, email: email, settings: %Setting{timezone: timezone}}, %Event{} = event, total ) do Gettext.put_locale(locale) subject = ngettext( "One participation request for event %{title} to process", "%{number_participation_requests} participation requests for event %{title} to process", total, number_participation_requests: total, title: event.title ) [to: email, subject: subject] |> Email.base_email() |> render_body(:pending_participation_notification, %{ locale: locale, event: event, subject: subject, total: total, timezone: timezone }) end @spec build_json_ld(Participant.t()) :: String.t() defp build_json_ld(%Participant{} = participant) do "participation.json" |> ObjectView.render(%{participant: participant}) |> Jason.encode!() end defp build_json_ld(participations) when is_list(participations) do participations |>"participation.json", %{participant: &1})) |> Jason.encode!() end end