import { Component, Prop, Vue, Watch } from "vue-property-decorator"; import { LatLng } from "leaflet"; import { Address, IAddress } from "../types/address.model"; import { ADDRESS, REVERSE_GEOCODE } from "../graphql/address"; import { CONFIG } from "../graphql/config"; import { IConfig } from "../types/config.model"; import debounce from "lodash/debounce"; import { DebouncedFunc } from "lodash"; @Component({ components: { "map-leaflet": () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "map" */ "@/components/Map.vue"), }, apollo: { config: CONFIG, }, }) export default class AddressAutoCompleteMixin extends Vue { @Prop({ required: true }) value!: IAddress; gettingLocationError: string | null = null; gettingLocation = false; mapDefaultZoom = 15; addressData: IAddress[] = []; selected: IAddress = new Address(); config!: IConfig; isFetching = false; fetchAsyncData!: DebouncedFunc<(query: string) => Promise>; // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef protected location!: GeolocationPosition; // We put this in data because of issues like // data(): Record { return { fetchAsyncData: debounce(this.asyncData, 200), }; } @Watch("config") watchConfig(config: IConfig): void { if (!config.geocoding.autocomplete) { // If autocomplete is disabled, we put a larger debounce value // so that we don't request with incomplete address this.fetchAsyncData = debounce(this.asyncData, 2000); } } async asyncData(query: string): Promise { if (!query.length) { this.addressData = []; this.selected = new Address(); return; } if (query.length < 3) { this.addressData = []; return; } this.isFetching = true; const result = await this.$apollo.query({ query: ADDRESS, fetchPolicy: "network-only", variables: { query, locale: this.$i18n.locale, }, }); this.addressData = (address: IAddress) => new Address(address) ); this.isFetching = false; } get queryText(): string { return (this.value && new Address(this.value).fullName) || ""; } set queryText(text: string) { if (text === "" && this.selected?.id) { console.log("doing reset"); this.resetAddress(); } } resetAddress(): void { this.$emit("input", null); this.selected = new Address(); } async locateMe(): Promise { this.gettingLocation = true; this.gettingLocationError = null; try { this.location = await this.getLocation(); this.mapDefaultZoom = 12; this.reverseGeoCode( new LatLng( this.location.coords.latitude, this.location.coords.longitude ), 12 ); } catch (e: any) { this.gettingLocationError = e.message; } this.gettingLocation = false; } async reverseGeoCode(e: LatLng, zoom: number): Promise { // If the position has been updated through autocomplete selection, no need to geocode it! if (this.checkCurrentPosition(e)) return; const result = await this.$apollo.query({ query: REVERSE_GEOCODE, variables: { latitude:, longitude: e.lng, zoom, locale: this.$i18n.locale, }, }); this.addressData = (address: IAddress) => new Address(address) ); if (this.addressData.length > 0) { const defaultAddress = new Address(this.addressData[0]); this.selected = defaultAddress; this.$emit("input", this.selected); } } checkCurrentPosition(e: LatLng): boolean { if (!this.selected || !this.selected.geom) return false; const lat = parseFloat(this.selected.geom.split(";")[1]); const lon = parseFloat(this.selected.geom.split(";")[0]); return === lat && e.lng === lon; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef async getLocation(): Promise { let errorMessage = this.$t("Failed to get location."); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!("geolocation" in navigator)) { reject(new Error(errorMessage as string)); } navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition( (pos) => { resolve(pos); }, (err) => { switch (err.code) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef case GeolocationPositionError.PERMISSION_DENIED: errorMessage = this.$t("The geolocation prompt was denied."); break; // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef case GeolocationPositionError.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE: errorMessage = this.$t("Your position was not available."); break; // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef case GeolocationPositionError.TIMEOUT: errorMessage = this.$t("Geolocation was not determined in time."); break; default: errorMessage = err.message; } reject(new Error(errorMessage as string)); } ); }); } get fieldErrors(): Array> { const errors = []; if (this.gettingLocationError) { errors.push({ [this.gettingLocationError]: true, }); } return errors; } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this get isSecureContext(): boolean { return window.isSecureContext; } }