Thomas Citharel 77d286ebb6
Introduce Cypress
Signed-off-by: Thomas Citharel <>
2019-10-06 18:28:18 +02:00

25 lines
513 B

import Config
import_config "dev.exs"
config :mobilizon, MobilizonWeb.Endpoint,
http: [
port: 4000
url: [
host: "localhost",
port: 4000,
scheme: "http"
debug_errors: true,
code_reloader: false,
check_origin: false,
# Somehow this can't be merged properly with the dev config some we got this…
watchers: [
yarn: [cd: Path.expand("../js", __DIR__)]
config :mobilizon, sql_sandbox: true
config :mobilizon, Mobilizon.Storage.Repo, pool: Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox