math = new BinaryMath(); $this->setNumBits($numBits); } /** * Calculate the subnets describing all (and only all) the addresses between two boundaries. * * @param \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface $from * @param \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface $to * * @return \IPLib\Range\Subnet[]|null return NULL if the two addresses have an invalid number of bits (that is, different from the one passed to the constructor of this class) */ public function getRanges(AddressInterface $from, AddressInterface $to) { if ($from->getNumberOfBits() !== $this->numBits || $to->getNumberOfBits() !== $this->numBits) { return null; } if ($from->getComparableString() > $to->getComparableString()) { list($from, $to) = array($to, $from); } $result = array(); $this->calculate($this->math->reduce($from->getBits()), $this->math->reduce($to->getBits()), $this->numBits, $result); return $result; } /** * Set the number of bits used to represent addresses (32 for IPv4, 128 for IPv6). * * @param int $numBits */ private function setNumBits($numBits) { $numBits = (int) $numBits; $masks = array(); $unmasks = array(); for ($bit = 0; $bit < $numBits; $bit++) { $masks[$bit] = str_repeat('1', $numBits - $bit) . str_repeat('0', $bit); $unmasks[$bit] = $bit === 0 ? '0' : str_repeat('1', $bit); } $this->numBits = $numBits; $this->masks = $masks; $this->unmasks = $unmasks; } /** * Calculate the subnets. * * @param string $start the start address (represented in reduced bit form) * @param string $end the end address (represented in reduced bit form) * @param int $position the number of bits in the mask we are comparing at this cycle * @param \IPLib\Range\Subnet[] $result found ranges will be added to this variable */ private function calculate($start, $end, $position, array &$result) { if ($start === $end) { $result[] = $this->subnetFromBits($start, $this->numBits); return; } for ($index = $position - 1; $index >= 0; $index--) { $startMasked = $this->math->andX($start, $this->masks[$index]); $endMasked = $this->math->andX($end, $this->masks[$index]); if ($startMasked !== $endMasked) { $position = $index; break; } } if ($startMasked === $start && $this->math->andX($this->math->increment($end), $this->unmasks[$position]) === '0') { $result[] = $this->subnetFromBits($start, $this->numBits - 1 - $position); return; } $middleAddress = $this->math->orX($start, $this->unmasks[$position]); $this->calculate($start, $middleAddress, $position, $result); $this->calculate($this->math->increment($middleAddress), $end, $position, $result); } /** * Create an address instance starting from its bits. * * @param string $bits the bits of the address (represented in reduced bit form) * * @return \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface */ private function addressFromBits($bits) { $bits = str_pad($bits, $this->numBits, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $bytes = array(); foreach (explode("\n", trim(chunk_split($bits, 8, "\n"))) as $byteBits) { $bytes[] = bindec($byteBits); } return Factory::addressFromBytes($bytes); } /** * Create an range instance starting from the bits if the address and the length of the network prefix. * * @param string $bits the bits of the address (represented in reduced bit form) * @param int $networkPrefix the length of the network prefix * * @return \IPLib\Range\Subnet */ private function subnetFromBits($bits, $networkPrefix) { $startAddress = $this->addressFromBits($bits); $numOnes = $this->numBits - $networkPrefix; if ($numOnes === 0) { return new Subnet($startAddress, $startAddress, $networkPrefix); } $endAddress = $this->addressFromBits(substr($bits, 0, -$numOnes) . str_repeat('1', $numOnes)); return new Subnet($startAddress, $endAddress, $networkPrefix); } }