browserUtil = {}; browserUtil.isRhino = (typeof(window) === 'undefined'); /** * Pause (for the graphics to update and the script timer to clear), then run the * specified action. */ browserUtil.pauseAndThen = function (cb) { cb && window.setTimeout(cb, 1); }; /** * Iterate using continuation-passing style. */ browserUtil.cpsIterate = function (f, start, end, pause, callback) { var pat = pause ? browserUtil.pauseAndThen : function (cb) { cb && cb(); }; function go() { var called = false; if (start >= end) { pat(callback); } else { pat(function () { f(start, function () { if (!called) { called = true; start++; go(); } }); }); } } go (start); }; /** * Map a function over an array using continuation-passing style. */ browserUtil.cpsMap = function (map, list, pause, callback) { browserUtil.cpsIterate(function (i, cb) { map(list[i], i, list.length, cb); }, 0, list.length, pause, callback); } /** Cache for remotely loaded scripts. */ browserUtil.scriptCache = {} /** Load several scripts, then call back */ browserUtil.loadScripts = function(scriptNames, cbSuccess, cbError) { var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; browserUtil.cpsMap(function (script, i, n, cb) { var scriptE = document.createElement('script'), xhr, loaded = false; browserUtil.status("Loading script " + script); if (window.location.protocol === "file:") { /* Can't make an AJAX request for files. * But, we know the load time will be short, so timeout-based error * detection is fine. */ scriptE.onload = function () { loaded = true; cb(); }; scriptE.onerror = function(err) { cbError && cbError(script, err, cb); }; script.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 'complete' || this.readyState == 'loaded') { loaded = true; cb(); } }; scriptE.type = 'text/javascript'; scriptE.src = script+"?"+(new Date().valueOf()); window.setTimeout(function () { loaded || cbError && cbError(script, "timeout expired", cb); }, 100); head.appendChild(scriptE); } else if (browserUtil.scriptCache[script] !== undefined) { try { scriptE.appendChild(document.createTextNode(browserUtil.scriptCache[script])); } catch (e) { scriptE.text = browserUtil.scriptCache[script]; } head.appendChild(scriptE); cb(); } else { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if (xhr.status == 200) { browserUtil.scriptCache[script] = xhr.responseText; try { scriptE.appendChild(document.createTextNode(xhr.responseText)); } catch (e) { scriptE.text = xhr.responseText; } head.appendChild(scriptE); cb(); } else { cbError && cbError(script, xhr.status, cb); } } }"GET", script+"?"+(new Date().valueOf()), true); xhr.send(); } }, scriptNames, false, cbSuccess); }; /** Write a message to the console */ browserUtil.write = function(type, message) { var d1 = document.getElementById("print"), d2 = document.createElement("div"), d3 = document.createElement("div"); d3.className = type; d3.appendChild(document.createTextNode(message)); d2.appendChild(d3); d1.appendChild(d2); return { update: function (type2, message2) { var d4 = document.createElement("div"); d4.className = type2 + " also"; d4.appendChild(document.createTextNode(message2)); d2.insertBefore(d4, d3); }}; }; /** Write a newline. Does nothing in the browser. */ browserUtil.writeNewline = function () { }; /** Write a message to the status line */ browserUtil.status = function(message) { var d1 = document.getElementById("status"); d1.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(message), d1.firstChild); };