{ "PrivateBin": "PrivateBin", "%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted in the browser using 256 bits AES. More information on the project page.": "%s je minimalističen, odprtokodni spletni 'pastebin', kjer server ne ve ničesar o prilepljenih podatkih. Podatki so zakodirani/odkodirani v brskalniku z uporabo 256 bitnega AES. Več informacij na spletni strani projekta..", "Because ignorance is bliss": "Ker kar ne veš ne boli.", "en": "sl", "Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "Prilepek ne obstaja, mu je potekla življenjska doba, ali pa je izbrisan.", "%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "Oprosti, %s za delovanje potrebuje vsaj php %s.", "%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s potrebuje sekcijo konfiguracij [%s] v konfiguracijski datoteki.", "Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [ "Prosim počakaj vsaj %d sekundo pred vsako naslednjo objavo.", "Prosim počakaj vsaj %d sekundi pred vsako naslednjo objavo.", "Prosim počakaj vsaj %d sekunde pred vsako naslednjo objavo.", "Prosim počakaj vsaj %d sekund pred vsako naslednjo objavo." ], "Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "Velikost prilepka je omejena na %s zakodiranih podatkov.", "Invalid data.": "Neveljavni podatki.", "You are unlucky. Try again.": "Nimaš sreče, poskusi ponovno.", "Error saving comment. Sorry.": "Nekaj je šlo narobe pri shranjevanju komentarja. Oprosti.", "Error saving paste. Sorry.": "Nekaj je šlo narobe pri shranjevanju prilepka. Oprosti.", "Invalid paste ID.": "Napačen ID prilepka.", "Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "Prilepek ni tipa zažgi-po-branju.", "Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "Napačen token za izbris. Prilepek ni bil izbrisan..", "Paste was properly deleted.": "Prilepek je uspešno izbrisan.", "JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "Da %s deluje, moraš vklopiti JavaScript. Oprosti za povročene nevšečnosti.", "%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s za svoje delovanje potrebuje moderen brskalnik.", "New": "Nov prilepek", "Send": "Pošlji", "Clone": "Kloniraj", "Raw text": "Surov tekst", "Expires": "Poteče", "Burn after reading": "Zažgi (pobriši) po branju", "Open discussion": "Dovoli razpravo", "Password (recommended)": "Geslo (priporočeno)", "Discussion": "Razprava", "Toggle navigation": "Preklopi navigacijo", "%d seconds": [ "%d sekunda", "%d sekundi", "%d sekunde", "%d sekund" ], "%d minutes": [ "%d minuta", "%d minuti", "%d minute", "%d minut" ], "%d hours": [ "%d ura", "%d uri", "%d ure", "%d ur" ], "%d days": [ "%d dan", "%d dneva", "%d dnevi", "%d dni" ], "%d weeks": [ "%d teden", "%d tedna", "%d tedni", "%d tednov" ], "%d months": [ "%d mesec", "%d meseca", "%d meseci", "%d mesecev" ], "%d years": [ "%d leto", "%d leti", "%d leta", "%d let" ], "Never": "Nikoli", "Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "Ne pozabi: To je testna storitev: Podatki so lahko kadarkoli pobrisani. Mucki bodo umrli, če boš zlorabljala to storitev.", "This document will expire in %d seconds.": [ "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d sekundo.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d sekundi.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d sekunde.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d sekund." ], "This document will expire in %d minutes.": [ "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d minuto.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d minuti.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d minute.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d minut." ], "This document will expire in %d hours.": [ "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d uro.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d uri.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d ure.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d ur." ], "This document will expire in %d days.": [ "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d dan.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d dni.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d dni.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d dni." ], "This document will expire in %d months.": [ "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d mesec.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d meseca.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d mesece.", "Ta dokument bo potekel čez %d mesecev." ], "Please enter the password for this paste:": "Prosim vnesi geslo tega prilepka:", "Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "Nemogoče odkodirati podakte (Imaš napačen ključ?)", "Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "Prilepek je nemogoče izbrisati, ni bil shranjen v načinu \"zažgi po branju\".", "FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "SAMO ZA TVOJE OČI. Ne zapri tega okna (zavihka), to sporočilo ne bo prikazano nikoli več.", "Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "Ne morem odkodirati komentarja: Imaš napačen ključ?", "Reply": "Odgovori", "Anonymous": "Aninomno", "Avatar generated from IP address": "Anonimen avatar (Vizhash IP naslova)", "Add comment": "Dodaj komentar", "Optional nickname…": "Uporabniško ime (lahko izpustiš)", "Post comment": "Objavi komentar", "Sending comment…": "Pošiljam komentar …", "Comment posted.": "Komentar poslan.", "Could not refresh display: %s": "Ne morem osvežiti zaslona : %s", "unknown status": "neznan status", "server error or not responding": "napaka na strežniku, ali pa se strežnik ne odziva", "Could not post comment: %s": "Komentarja ni bilo mogoče objaviti : %s", "Sending paste…": "Pošiljam prilepek…", "Your paste is %s (Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)": "Tvoj prilepek je dostopen na naslovu: %s (Pritisni [Ctrl]+[c] ali [Cmd] + [c] in skopiraj)", "Delete data": "Izbriši podatke", "Could not create paste: %s": "Ne morem ustvariti prilepka: %s", "Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "Ne morem odkodirati prilepka: V URL-ju manjka ključ (A si uporabil krajšalnik URL-jev, ki odstrani del URL-ja?)", "B": "o", "KiB": "KB", "MiB": "MB", "GiB": "GB", "TiB": "TB", "PiB": "PB", "EiB": "EB", "ZiB": "ZB", "YiB": "YB", "Format": "Format", "Plain Text": "Surov tekst", "Source Code": "Odprta koda", "Markdown": "Markdown", "Download attachment": "Pretoči priponko", "Cloned: '%s'": "'%s' klonirana", "The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.", "Attach a file": "Pripni datoteko", "alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard", "File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.", "Remove attachment": "Odstrani priponko", "Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "Tvoj brskalnik ne omogoča nalaganje zakodiranih datotek. Prosim uporabi novejši brskalnik.", "Invalid attachment.": "Neveljavna priponka.", "Options": "Možnosti", "Shorten URL": "Skrajšajte URL", "Editor": "Uredi", "Preview": "Predogled", "%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.", "Decrypt": "Decrypt", "Enter password": "Prosim vnesi geslo", "Loading…": "Loading…", "Decrypting paste…": "Decrypting paste…", "Preparing new paste…": "Preparing new paste…", "In case this message never disappears please have a look at this FAQ for information to troubleshoot.": "In case this message never disappears please have a look at this FAQ for information to troubleshoot (in English).", "+++ no paste text +++": "+++ no paste text +++", "Could not get paste data: %s": "Could not get paste data: %s", "QR code": "QR code", "This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.", "For more information see this FAQ entry.": "For more information see this FAQ entry.", "Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try switching to HTTPS.": "Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try switching to HTTPS.", "Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.", "waiting on user to provide a password": "waiting on user to provide a password", "Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.", "Retry": "Retry", "Showing raw text…": "Showing raw text…", "Notice:": "Notice:", "This link will expire after %s.": "This link will expire after %s.", "This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.", "Link:": "Link:", "Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?", "Use Current Timezone": "Use Current Timezone", "Convert To UTC": "Convert To UTC", "Close": "Close", "Encrypted note on PrivateBin": "Encrypted note on PrivateBin", "Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too." }