'use strict'; var jsc = require('jsverify'); before(function () { this.jsdom = require('jsdom-global')(); global.$ = global.jQuery = require('./jquery-3.1.1'); global.sjcl = require('./sjcl-1.0.6'); global.Base64 = require('./base64-2.1.9'); global.RawDeflate = require('./rawdeflate-0.5'); require('./rawinflate-0.3'); require('./privatebin'); }) after(function () { this.jsdom(); }) describe('helper', function () { describe('secondsToHuman', function () { jsc.property('returns an array with a number and a word', 'integer', function (number) { var result = $.PrivateBin.helper.secondsToHuman(number); return Array.isArray(result) && result.length === 2 && result[0] === parseInt(result[0], 10) && typeof result[1] === 'string'; }); jsc.property('returns seconds on the first array position', 'integer 59', function (number) { return $.PrivateBin.helper.secondsToHuman(number)[0] === number; }); jsc.property('returns seconds on the second array position', 'integer 59', function (number) { return $.PrivateBin.helper.secondsToHuman(number)[1] === 'second'; }); jsc.property('returns minutes on the first array position', 'integer 60 3599', function (number) { return $.PrivateBin.helper.secondsToHuman(number)[0] === Math.floor(number / 60); }); jsc.property('returns minutes on the second array position', 'integer 60 3599', function (number) { return $.PrivateBin.helper.secondsToHuman(number)[1] === 'minute'; }); jsc.property('returns hours on the first array position', 'integer 3600 86399', function (number) { return $.PrivateBin.helper.secondsToHuman(number)[0] === Math.floor(number / (60 * 60)); }); jsc.property('returns hours on the second array position', 'integer 3600 86399', function (number) { return $.PrivateBin.helper.secondsToHuman(number)[1] === 'hour'; }); jsc.property('returns days on the first array position', 'integer 86400 5184000', function (number) { return $.PrivateBin.helper.secondsToHuman(number)[0] === Math.floor(number / (60 * 60 * 24)); }); jsc.property('returns days on the second array position', 'integer 86400 5184000', function (number) { return $.PrivateBin.helper.secondsToHuman(number)[1] === 'day'; }); // max safe integer as per http://ecma262-5.com/ELS5_HTML.htm#Section_8.5 jsc.property('returns months on the first array position', 'integer 5184000 9007199254740991', function (number) { return $.PrivateBin.helper.secondsToHuman(number)[0] === Math.floor(number / (60 * 60 * 24 * 30)); }); jsc.property('returns months on the second array position', 'integer 5184000 9007199254740991', function (number) { return $.PrivateBin.helper.secondsToHuman(number)[1] === 'month'; }); }); });