'use strict'; require('../common'); describe('ServerInteraction', function () { describe('prepare', function () { afterEach(async function () { // pause to let async functions conclude await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1900)); }); this.timeout(30000); it('can prepare an encrypted paste', function () { jsc.check(jsc.forall( 'string', 'string', 'string', async function (key, password, message) { // pause to let async functions conclude await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 300)); let clean = jsdom(); window.crypto = new WebCrypto(); message = message.trim(); $.PrivateBin.ServerInteraction.prepare(); $.PrivateBin.ServerInteraction.setCryptParameters(password, key); $.PrivateBin.ServerInteraction.setUnencryptedData('adata', [ // encryption parameters defined by CryptTool, format, discussion, burn after reading null, 'plaintext', 0, 0 ]); $.PrivateBin.ServerInteraction.setUnencryptedData('meta', {'expire': '5min'}); await $.PrivateBin.ServerInteraction.setCipherMessage({'paste': message}); //console.log($.PrivateBin.ServerInteraction.getData()); clean(); // TODO currently not testing anything and just used to generate v2 pastes for starting development of server side v2 implementation return true; } ), {tests: 3}); }); }); });