_translations = json_decode( file_get_contents(PATH . 'i18n' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'de.json'), true ); } public function tearDown(): void { unset($_COOKIE['lang'], $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']); } public function testTranslationFallback() { $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = 'foobar'; $messageId = 'It does not matter if the message ID exists'; I18n::loadTranslations(); $this->assertEquals($messageId, I18n::_($messageId), 'fallback to en'); I18n::getLanguageLabels(); } public function testCookieLanguageDeDetection() { $_COOKIE['lang'] = 'de'; I18n::loadTranslations(); $this->assertEquals($_COOKIE['lang'], I18n::getLanguage(), 'browser language de'); $this->assertEquals('0 Stunden', I18n::_('%d hours', 0), '0 hours in German'); $this->assertEquals('1 Stunde', I18n::_('%d hours', 1), '1 hour in German'); $this->assertEquals('2 Stunden', I18n::_('%d hours', 2), '2 hours in German'); } public function testBrowserLanguageDeDetection() { $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = 'de-CH,de;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.6,en-US;q=0.4,en;q=0.2,fr;q=0.0'; I18n::loadTranslations(); $this->assertEquals('de', I18n::getLanguage(), 'browser language de'); $this->assertEquals('0 Stunden', I18n::_('%d hours', 0), '0 hours in German'); $this->assertEquals('1 Stunde', I18n::_('%d hours', 1), '1 hour in German'); $this->assertEquals('2 Stunden', I18n::_('%d hours', 2), '2 hours in German'); } public function testBrowserLanguageFrDetection() { $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = 'fr-CH,fr;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.6,en-US;q=0.4,en;q=0.2,de;q=0.0'; I18n::loadTranslations(); $this->assertEquals('fr', I18n::getLanguage(), 'browser language fr'); $this->assertEquals('0 heure', I18n::_('%d hours', 0), '0 hours in French'); $this->assertEquals('1 heure', I18n::_('%d hours', 1), '1 hour in French'); $this->assertEquals('2 heures', I18n::_('%d hours', 2), '2 hours in French'); } public function testBrowserLanguageNoDetection() { $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = 'no;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.6,en-US;q=0.4,en;q=0.2'; I18n::loadTranslations(); $this->assertEquals('no', I18n::getLanguage(), 'browser language no'); $this->assertEquals('0 timer', I18n::_('%d hours', 0), '0 hours in Norwegian'); $this->assertEquals('1 time', I18n::_('%d hours', 1), '1 hour in Norwegian'); $this->assertEquals('2 timer', I18n::_('%d hours', 2), '2 hours in Norwegian'); } public function testBrowserLanguageOcDetection() { $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = 'oc;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.6,en-US;q=0.4,en;q=0.2'; I18n::loadTranslations(); $this->assertEquals('oc', I18n::getLanguage(), 'browser language oc'); $this->assertEquals('0 ora', I18n::_('%d hours', 0), '0 hours in Occitan'); $this->assertEquals('1 ora', I18n::_('%d hours', 1), '1 hour in Occitan'); $this->assertEquals('2 oras', I18n::_('%d hours', 2), '2 hours in Occitan'); } public function testBrowserLanguageZhDetection() { $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = 'zh;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.6,en-US;q=0.4,en;q=0.2'; I18n::loadTranslations(); $this->assertEquals('zh', I18n::getLanguage(), 'browser language zh'); $this->assertEquals('0 小时', I18n::_('%d hours', 0), '0 hours in Chinese'); $this->assertEquals('1 小时', I18n::_('%d hours', 1), '1 hour in Chinese'); $this->assertEquals('2 小时', I18n::_('%d hours', 2), '2 hours in Chinese'); } public function testBrowserLanguagePlDetection() { $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = 'pl;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.6,en-US;q=0.4,en;q=0.2'; I18n::loadTranslations(); $this->assertEquals('pl', I18n::getLanguage(), 'browser language pl'); $this->assertEquals('1 godzina', I18n::_('%d hours', 1), '1 hour in Polish'); $this->assertEquals('2 godzina', I18n::_('%d hours', 2), '2 hours in Polish'); $this->assertEquals('12 godzinę', I18n::_('%d hours', 12), '12 hours in Polish'); $this->assertEquals('22 godzina', I18n::_('%d hours', 22), '22 hours in Polish'); $this->assertEquals('1 minut', I18n::_('%d minutes', 1), '1 minute in Polish'); $this->assertEquals('3 minut', I18n::_('%d minutes', 3), '3 minutes in Polish'); $this->assertEquals('13 minut', I18n::_('%d minutes', 13), '13 minutes in Polish'); $this->assertEquals('23 minut', I18n::_('%d minutes', 23), '23 minutes in Polish'); } public function testBrowserLanguageRuDetection() { $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = 'ru;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.6,en-US;q=0.4,en;q=0.2'; I18n::loadTranslations(); $this->assertEquals('ru', I18n::getLanguage(), 'browser language ru'); $this->assertEquals('1 минуту', I18n::_('%d minutes', 1), '1 minute in Russian'); $this->assertEquals('3 минуты', I18n::_('%d minutes', 3), '3 minutes in Russian'); $this->assertEquals('10 минут', I18n::_('%d minutes', 10), '10 minutes in Russian'); $this->assertEquals('21 минуту', I18n::_('%d minutes', 21), '21 minutes in Russian'); } public function testBrowserLanguageSlDetection() { $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = 'sl;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.6,en-US;q=0.4,en;q=0.2'; I18n::loadTranslations(); $this->assertEquals('sl', I18n::getLanguage(), 'browser language sl'); $this->assertEquals('0 ura', I18n::_('%d hours', 0), '0 hours in Slowene'); $this->assertEquals('1 uri', I18n::_('%d hours', 1), '1 hour in Slowene'); $this->assertEquals('2 ure', I18n::_('%d hours', 2), '2 hours in Slowene'); $this->assertEquals('3 ur', I18n::_('%d hours', 3), '3 hours in Slowene'); $this->assertEquals('11 ura', I18n::_('%d hours', 11), '11 hours in Slowene'); $this->assertEquals('101 uri', I18n::_('%d hours', 101), '101 hours in Slowene'); $this->assertEquals('102 ure', I18n::_('%d hours', 102), '102 hours in Slowene'); $this->assertEquals('104 ur', I18n::_('%d hours', 104), '104 hours in Slowene'); } public function testBrowserLanguageCsDetection() { $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = 'cs;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.6,en-US;q=0.4,en;q=0.2'; I18n::loadTranslations(); $this->assertEquals('cs', I18n::getLanguage(), 'browser language cs'); $this->assertEquals('1 hodina', I18n::_('%d hours', 1), '1 hour in Czech'); $this->assertEquals('2 hodiny', I18n::_('%d hours', 2), '2 hours in Czech'); $this->assertEquals('5 minut', I18n::_('%d minutes', 5), '5 minutes in Czech'); $this->assertEquals('14 minut', I18n::_('%d minutes', 14), '14 minutes in Czech'); } public function testBrowserLanguageAnyDetection() { $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = '*'; I18n::loadTranslations(); $this->assertTrue(strlen(I18n::getLanguage()) >= 2, 'browser language any'); } public function testVariableInjection() { $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = 'foobar'; I18n::loadTranslations(); $this->assertEquals('some string + 1', I18n::_('some %s + %d', 'string', 1), 'browser language en'); } public function testHtmlEntityEncoding() { $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = 'foobar'; I18n::loadTranslations(); $input = '&<>"\'/`='; $result = htmlspecialchars($input, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5 | ENT_DISALLOWED, 'UTF-8', false); $this->assertEquals($result, I18n::encode($input), 'encodes HTML entities'); $this->assertEquals('some ' . $result . ' + 1', I18n::_('some %s + %d', $input, 1), 'encodes parameters in translations'); $this->assertEquals($result . $result, I18n::_($input . '%s', $input), 'encodes message ID as well, when no link'); } public function testFallbackAlwaysPresent() { $path = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'privatebin_i18n'; if (!is_dir($path)) { mkdir($path); } $languageIterator = new AppendIterator(); $languageIterator->append(new GlobIterator(I18nMock::getPath('??.json'))); $languageIterator->append(new GlobIterator(I18nMock::getPath('???.json'))); // for jbo $languageCount = 0; foreach ($languageIterator as $file) { ++$languageCount; $this->assertTrue(copy($file->getPathname(), $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file->getBasename())); } I18nMock::resetPath($path); $languagesDevelopment = I18nMock::getAvailableLanguages(); $this->assertEquals($languageCount, count($languagesDevelopment), 'all copied languages detected'); $this->assertTrue(in_array('en', $languagesDevelopment), 'English fallback present'); unlink($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'en.json'); I18nMock::resetAvailableLanguages(); $languagesDeployed = I18nMock::getAvailableLanguages(); $this->assertEquals($languageCount, count($languagesDeployed), 'all copied languages detected, plus fallback'); $this->assertTrue(in_array('en', $languagesDeployed), 'English fallback still present'); I18nMock::resetAvailableLanguages(); I18nMock::resetPath(); Helper::rmDir($path); } public function testMessageIdsExistInAllLanguages() { $messageIds = array(); $languages = array(); $dir = dir(PATH . 'i18n'); while (false !== ($file = $dir->read())) { if (strlen($file) === 7) { $language = substr($file, 0, 2); $languageMessageIds = array_keys( json_decode( file_get_contents(PATH . 'i18n' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file), true ) ); $messageIds = array_unique(array_merge($messageIds, $languageMessageIds)); $languages[$language] = $languageMessageIds; } } foreach ($messageIds as $messageId) { foreach (array_keys($languages) as $language) { // most languages don't translate the data size units, ignore those if ($messageId !== 'B' && strlen($messageId) !== 3 && strpos($messageId, 'B', 2) !== 2) { $this->assertContains( $messageId, $languages[$language], "message ID '$messageId' exists in translation file $language.json" ); } } } } }