array( 'discussion' => true, 'opendiscussion' => false, 'password' => true, 'fileupload' => false, 'burnafterreadingselected' => false, 'defaultformatter' => 'plaintext', 'syntaxhighlightingtheme' => null, 'sizelimit' => 2097152, 'template' => 'bootstrap', 'notice' => '', 'languageselection' => false, 'languagedefault' => '', 'urlshortener' => '', 'vizhash' => true, 'zerobincompatibility' => false, ), 'expire' => array( 'default' => '1week', 'clone' => true, ), 'expire_options' => array( '5min' => 300, '10min' => 600, '1hour' => 3600, '1day' => 86400, '1week' => 604800, '1month' => 2592000, '1year' => 31536000, 'never' => 0, ), 'formatter_options' => array( 'plaintext' => 'Plain Text', 'syntaxhighlighting' => 'Source Code', 'markdown' => 'Markdown', ), 'traffic' => array( 'limit' => 10, 'header' => null, 'dir' => 'data', ), 'purge' => array( 'limit' => 300, 'batchsize' => 10, 'dir' => 'data', ), 'model' => array( 'class' => 'PrivateBin\data\data', ), 'model_options' => array( 'dir' => 'data', ), ); /** * parse configuration file and ensure default configuration values are present * * @throws Exception */ public function __construct() { $config = array(); $configFile = PATH . 'cfg' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'conf.ini'; if (is_readable($configFile)) { $config = parse_ini_file($configFile, true); foreach (array('main', 'model', 'model_options') as $section) { if (!array_key_exists($section, $config)) { throw new Exception(i18n::_('PrivateBin requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.', $section), 2); } } } $opts = '_options'; foreach (self::getDefaults() as $section => $values) { // fill missing sections with default values if (!array_key_exists($section, $config) || count($config[$section]) == 0) { $this->_configuration[$section] = $values; if (array_key_exists('dir', $this->_configuration[$section])) { $this->_configuration[$section]['dir'] = PATH . $this->_configuration[$section]['dir']; } continue; } // provide different defaults for database model elseif ( $section == 'model_options' && in_array( $this->_configuration['model']['class'], array('privatebin_db', 'zerobin_db') ) ) { $values = array( 'dsn' => 'sqlite:' . PATH . 'data/db.sq3', 'tbl' => null, 'usr' => null, 'pwd' => null, 'opt' => array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true), ); } // "*_options" sections don't require all defaults to be set if ( $section !== 'model_options' && ($from = strlen($section) - strlen($opts)) >= 0 && strpos($section, $opts, $from) !== false ) { if (is_int(current($values))) { $config[$section] = array_map('intval', $config[$section]); } $this->_configuration[$section] = $config[$section]; } // check for missing keys and set defaults if necessary else { foreach ($values as $key => $val) { if ($key == 'dir') { $val = PATH . $val; } $result = $val; if (array_key_exists($key, $config[$section])) { if ($val === null) { $result = $config[$section][$key]; } elseif (is_bool($val)) { $val = strtolower($config[$section][$key]); if (in_array($val, array('true', 'yes', 'on'))) { $result = true; } elseif (in_array($val, array('false', 'no', 'off'))) { $result = false; } else { $result = (bool) $config[$section][$key]; } } elseif (is_int($val)) { $result = (int) $config[$section][$key]; } elseif (is_string($val) && !empty($config[$section][$key])) { $result = (string) $config[$section][$key]; } } $this->_configuration[$section][$key] = $result; } } } // support for old config file format, before the fork was renamed and PSR-4 introduced $this->_configuration['model']['class'] = str_replace( 'zerobin_', 'privatebin_', $this->_configuration['model']['class'] ); $this->_configuration['model']['class'] = str_replace( array('privatebin_data', 'privatebin_db'), array('PrivateBin\\data\\data', 'PrivateBin\\data\\db'), $this->_configuration['model']['class'] ); // ensure a valid expire default key is set if (!array_key_exists($this->_configuration['expire']['default'], $this->_configuration['expire_options'])) { $this->_configuration['expire']['default'] = key($this->_configuration['expire_options']); } } /** * get configuration as array * * return array */ public function get() { return $this->_configuration; } /** * get default configuration as array * * return array */ public static function getDefaults() { return self::$_defaults; } /** * get a key from the configuration, typically the main section or all keys * * @param string $key * @param string $section defaults to main * @throws Exception * return mixed */ public function getKey($key, $section = 'main') { $options = $this->getSection($section); if (!array_key_exists($key, $options)) { throw new Exception(i18n::_('Invalid data.') . " $section / $key", 4); } return $this->_configuration[$section][$key]; } /** * get a section from the configuration, must exist * * @param string $section * @throws Exception * return mixed */ public function getSection($section) { if (!array_key_exists($section, $this->_configuration)) { throw new Exception(i18n::_('PrivateBin requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.', $section), 3); } return $this->_configuration[$section]; } }