'sqlite::memory:', 'usr' => null, 'pwd' => null, 'opt' => array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION), ); public function setUp() { /* Setup Routine */ $this->_model = db::getInstance($this->_options); } public function tearDown() { /* Tear Down Routine */ if (is_dir(PATH . 'data')) helper::rmdir(PATH . 'data'); } public function testDatabaseBasedDataStoreWorks() { $this->_model->delete(helper::getPasteId()); // storing pastes $paste = helper::getPaste(array('expire_date' => 1344803344)); $this->assertFalse($this->_model->exists(helper::getPasteId()), 'paste does not yet exist'); $this->assertTrue($this->_model->create(helper::getPasteId(), $paste), 'store new paste'); $this->assertTrue($this->_model->exists(helper::getPasteId()), 'paste exists after storing it'); $this->assertFalse($this->_model->create(helper::getPasteId(), $paste), 'unable to store the same paste twice'); $this->assertEquals(json_decode(json_encode($paste)), $this->_model->read(helper::getPasteId())); // storing comments $this->assertFalse($this->_model->existsComment(helper::getPasteId(), helper::getPasteId(), helper::getCommentId()), 'comment does not yet exist'); $this->assertTrue($this->_model->createComment(helper::getPasteId(), helper::getPasteId(), helper::getCommentId(), helper::getComment()) !== false, 'store comment'); $this->assertTrue($this->_model->existsComment(helper::getPasteId(), helper::getPasteId(), helper::getCommentId()), 'comment exists after storing it'); $comment = json_decode(json_encode(helper::getComment())); $comment->id = helper::getCommentId(); $comment->parentid = helper::getPasteId(); $this->assertEquals( array($comment->meta->postdate => $comment), $this->_model->readComments(helper::getPasteId()) ); // deleting pastes $this->_model->delete(helper::getPasteId()); $this->assertFalse($this->_model->exists(helper::getPasteId()), 'paste successfully deleted'); $this->assertFalse($this->_model->existsComment(helper::getPasteId(), helper::getPasteId(), helper::getCommentId()), 'comment was deleted with paste'); $this->assertFalse($this->_model->read(helper::getPasteId()), 'paste can no longer be found'); } public function testDatabaseBasedAttachmentStoreWorks() { $this->_model->delete(helper::getPasteId()); $original = $paste = helper::getPasteWithAttachment(array('expire_date' => 1344803344)); $paste['meta']['burnafterreading'] = $original['meta']['burnafterreading'] = true; $paste['meta']['attachment'] = $paste['attachment']; $paste['meta']['attachmentname'] = $paste['attachmentname']; unset($paste['attachment'], $paste['attachmentname']); $this->assertFalse($this->_model->exists(helper::getPasteId()), 'paste does not yet exist'); $this->assertTrue($this->_model->create(helper::getPasteId(), $paste), 'store new paste'); $this->assertTrue($this->_model->exists(helper::getPasteId()), 'paste exists after storing it'); $this->assertFalse($this->_model->create(helper::getPasteId(), $paste), 'unable to store the same paste twice'); $this->assertEquals(json_decode(json_encode($original)), $this->_model->read(helper::getPasteId())); } public function testPurge() { $this->_model->delete(helper::getPasteId()); $expired = helper::getPaste(array('expire_date' => 1344803344)); $paste = helper::getPaste(array('expire_date' => time() + 3600)); $keys = array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'x', 'y', 'z'); $ids = array(); foreach ($keys as $key) { $ids[$key] = substr(md5($key), 0, 16); $this->_model->delete($ids[$key]); $this->assertFalse($this->_model->exists($ids[$key]), "paste $key does not yet exist"); if (in_array($key, array('x', 'y', 'z'))) { $this->assertTrue($this->_model->create($ids[$key], $paste), "store $key paste"); } else { $this->assertTrue($this->_model->create($ids[$key], $expired), "store $key paste"); } $this->assertTrue($this->_model->exists($ids[$key]), "paste $key exists after storing it"); } $this->_model->purge(10); foreach ($ids as $key => $id) { if (in_array($key, array('x', 'y', 'z'))) { $this->assertTrue($this->_model->exists($id), "paste $key exists after purge"); $this->_model->delete($id); } else { $this->assertFalse($this->_model->exists($id), "paste $key was purged"); } } } /** * @expectedException PDOException */ public function testGetIbmInstance() { db::getInstance(array( 'dsn' => 'ibm:', 'usr' => null, 'pwd' => null, 'opt' => array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION) )); } /** * @expectedException PDOException */ public function testGetInformixInstance() { db::getInstance(array( 'dsn' => 'informix:', 'usr' => null, 'pwd' => null, 'opt' => array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION) )); } /** * @expectedException PDOException */ public function testGetMssqlInstance() { db::getInstance(array( 'dsn' => 'mssql:', 'usr' => null, 'pwd' => null, 'opt' => array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION) )); } /** * @expectedException PDOException */ public function testGetMysqlInstance() { db::getInstance(array( 'dsn' => 'mysql:', 'usr' => null, 'pwd' => null, 'opt' => array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION) )); } /** * @expectedException PDOException */ public function testGetOciInstance() { db::getInstance(array( 'dsn' => 'oci:', 'usr' => null, 'pwd' => null, 'opt' => array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION) )); } /** * @expectedException PDOException */ public function testGetPgsqlInstance() { db::getInstance(array( 'dsn' => 'pgsql:', 'usr' => null, 'pwd' => null, 'opt' => array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION) )); } /** * @expectedException Exception * @expectedExceptionCode 5 */ public function testGetFooInstance() { db::getInstance(array( 'dsn' => 'foo:', 'usr' => null, 'pwd' => null, 'opt' => null )); } /** * @expectedException Exception * @expectedExceptionCode 6 */ public function testMissingDsn() { $options = $this->_options; unset($options['dsn']); db::getInstance($options); } /** * @expectedException Exception * @expectedExceptionCode 6 */ public function testMissingUsr() { $options = $this->_options; unset($options['usr']); db::getInstance($options); } /** * @expectedException Exception * @expectedExceptionCode 6 */ public function testMissingPwd() { $options = $this->_options; unset($options['pwd']); db::getInstance($options); } /** * @expectedException Exception * @expectedExceptionCode 6 */ public function testMissingOpt() { $options = $this->_options; unset($options['opt']); db::getInstance($options); } public function testOldAttachments() { mkdir(PATH . 'data'); $path = PATH . 'data' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'attachement-test.sq3'; @unlink($path); $this->_options['dsn'] = 'sqlite:' . $path; $this->_options['tbl'] = 'bar_'; $model = db::getInstance($this->_options); $original = $paste = helper::getPasteWithAttachment(array('expire_date' => 1344803344)); $paste['meta']['attachment'] = $paste['attachment']; $paste['meta']['attachmentname'] = $paste['attachmentname']; unset($paste['attachment'], $paste['attachmentname']); $meta = $paste['meta']; $db = new PDO( $this->_options['dsn'], $this->_options['usr'], $this->_options['pwd'], $this->_options['opt'] ); $statement = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO bar_paste VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)'); $statement->execute( array( helper::getPasteId(), $paste['data'], $paste['meta']['postdate'], 1344803344, 0, 0, json_encode($meta), null, null, ) ); $statement->closeCursor(); $this->assertTrue($model->exists(helper::getPasteId()), 'paste exists after storing it'); $this->assertEquals(json_decode(json_encode($original)), $model->read(helper::getPasteId())); helper::rmdir(PATH . 'data'); } public function testTableUpgrade() { mkdir(PATH . 'data'); $path = PATH . 'data' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'db-test.sq3'; @unlink($path); $this->_options['dsn'] = 'sqlite:' . $path; $this->_options['tbl'] = 'foo_'; $db = new PDO( $this->_options['dsn'], $this->_options['usr'], $this->_options['pwd'], $this->_options['opt'] ); $db->exec( 'CREATE TABLE foo_paste ( ' . 'dataid CHAR(16), ' . 'data TEXT, ' . 'postdate INT, ' . 'expiredate INT, ' . 'opendiscussion INT, ' . 'burnafterreading INT );' ); $db->exec( 'CREATE TABLE foo_comment ( ' . "dataid CHAR(16) NOT NULL, " . 'pasteid CHAR(16), ' . 'parentid CHAR(16), ' . 'data BLOB, ' . 'nickname BLOB, ' . 'vizhash BLOB, ' . "postdate INT );" ); db::getInstance($this->_options); helper::rmdir(PATH . 'data'); } }