/** * ZeroBin * * a zero-knowledge paste bin * * @link http://sebsauvage.net/wiki/doku.php?id=php:zerobin * @copyright 2012 Sébastien SAUVAGE (sebsauvage.net) * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/zlib-license.php The zlib/libpng License * @version 0.19 */ // Immediately start random number generator collector. sjcl.random.startCollectors(); /** * Converts a duration (in seconds) into human readable format. * * @param int seconds * @return string */ function secondsToHuman(seconds) { if (seconds<60) { var v=Math.floor(seconds); return v+' second'+((v>1)?'s':''); } if (seconds<60*60) { var v=Math.floor(seconds/60); return v+' minute'+((v>1)?'s':''); } if (seconds<60*60*24) { var v=Math.floor(seconds/(60*60)); return v+' hour'+((v>1)?'s':''); } // If less than 2 months, display in days: if (seconds<60*60*24*60) { var v=Math.floor(seconds/(60*60*24)); return v+' day'+((v>1)?'s':''); } var v=Math.floor(seconds/(60*60*24*30)); return v+' month'+((v>1)?'s':''); } /** * Converts an associative array to an encoded string * for appending to the anchor. * * @param object associative_array Object to be serialized * @return string */ function hashToParameterString(associativeArray) { var parameterString = ""; for (key in associativeArray) { if( parameterString === "" ) { parameterString = encodeURIComponent(key); parameterString += "=" + encodeURIComponent(associativeArray[key]); } else { parameterString += "&" + encodeURIComponent(key); parameterString += "=" + encodeURIComponent(associativeArray[key]); } } //padding for URL shorteners parameterString += "&p=p"; return parameterString; } /** * Converts a string to an associative array. * * @param string parameter_string String containing parameters * @return object */ function parameterStringToHash(parameterString) { var parameterHash = {}; var parameterArray = parameterString.split("&"); for (var i = 0; i < parameterArray.length; i++) { //var currentParamterString = decodeURIComponent(parameterArray[i]); var pair = parameterArray[i].split("="); var key = decodeURIComponent(pair[0]); var value = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]); parameterHash[key] = value; } return parameterHash; } /** * Get an associative array of the parameters found in the anchor * * @return object */ function getParameterHash() { var hashIndex = window.location.href.indexOf("#"); if (hashIndex >= 0) { return parameterStringToHash(window.location.href.substring(hashIndex + 1)); } else { return {}; } } /** * Compress a message (deflate compression). Returns base64 encoded data. * * @param string message * @return base64 string data */ function compress(message) { return Base64.toBase64( RawDeflate.deflate( Base64.utob(message) ) ); } /** * Decompress a message compressed with compress(). */ function decompress(data) { return Base64.btou( RawDeflate.inflate( Base64.fromBase64(data) ) ); } /** * Compress, then encrypt message with key. * * @param string key * @param string message * @return encrypted string data */ function zeroCipher(key, message) { if ($('#passwordinput').val().length == 0) { return sjcl.encrypt(key, compress(message)); } return sjcl.encrypt(key + sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(sjcl.hash.sha256.hash($("#passwordinput").val())), compress(message)); } /** * Decrypt message with key, then decompress. * * @param string key * @param encrypted string data * @return string readable message */ function zeroDecipher(key, data) { if (data != undefined) { try { return decompress(sjcl.decrypt(key, data)); } catch (err) { try { if ($('#passwordinput').val().length > 0) { password = $('#passwordinput').val(); } else { password = prompt("Please enter the password for this paste:", ""); if (password == null) return null; } data = decompress(sjcl.decrypt(key + sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(password)), data)); $('#passwordinput').val(password); return data; } catch (err) { return zeroDecipher(key, data); } } } } /** * Get the current script location (without search or hash part of the URL). * eg. http://server.com/zero/?aaaa#bbbb --> http://server.com/zero/ * * @return string current script location */ function scriptLocation() { var scriptLocation = window.location.href.substring(0,window.location.href.length - window.location.search.length - window.location.hash.length); var hashIndex = scriptLocation.indexOf("#"); if (hashIndex !== -1) { scriptLocation = scriptLocation.substring(0, hashIndex); } return scriptLocation; } /** * Get the pastes unique identifier from the URL * eg. http://server.com/zero/?c05354954c49a487#xxx --> c05354954c49a487 * * @return string unique identifier */ function pasteID() { return window.location.search.substring(1); } /** * Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities * * @param string str * @returns string encoded string */ function htmlEntities(str) { return String(str).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"'); } /** * Set text of a DOM element (required for IE) * This is equivalent to element.text(text) * * @param object element : a DOM element. * @param string text : the text to enter. */ function setElementText(element, text) { // For IE<10. if ($('#oldienotice').is(":visible")) { // IE<10 does not support white-space:pre-wrap; so we have to do this BIG UGLY STINKING THING. var html = htmlEntities(text).replace(/\n/ig,"\r\n
"); element.html('
'); } // for other (sane) browsers: else { element.text(text); } } /** * Show decrypted text in the display area, including discussion (if open) * * @param string key : decryption key * @param array comments : Array of messages to display (items = array with keys ('data','meta') */ function displayMessages(key, comments) { // restore password if set in previous visit, then clear the session if (window.sessionStorage && sessionStorage.getItem(pageKey())) { $('#passwordinput').val(sessionStorage.getItem(pageKey())); sessionStorage.clear(); } try { // Try to decrypt the paste. var cleartext = zeroDecipher(key, comments[0].data); if (cleartext == null) throw "password prompt canceled"; } catch(err) { $('#cleartext').addClass('hidden'); $('#prettymessage').addClass('hidden'); $('#clonebutton').addClass('hidden'); showError('Could not decrypt data (Wrong key ?)'); return; } setElementText($('#cleartext'), cleartext); setElementText($('#prettyprint'), cleartext); // Convert URLs to clickable links. urls2links($('#cleartext')); urls2links($('#prettyprint')); if (typeof prettyPrint == 'function') prettyPrint(); // Display paste expiration. if (comments[0].meta.expire_date) $('#remainingtime').removeClass('foryoureyesonly').text('This document will expire in '+secondsToHuman(comments[0].meta.remaining_time)+'.').removeClass('hidden'); if (comments[0].meta.burnafterreading) { $.get(scriptLocation() + "?pasteid=" + pasteID() + '&deletetoken=burnafterreading', 'json') .fail(function() { showError('Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.'); }); $('#remainingtime').addClass('foryoureyesonly').text('FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don\'t close this window, this message can\'t be displayed again.').removeClass('hidden'); $('#clonebutton').addClass('hidden'); // Discourage cloning (as it can't really be prevented). } // If the discussion is opened on this paste, display it. if (comments[0].meta.opendiscussion) { $('#comments').html(''); // iterate over comments for (var i = 1; i < comments.length; i++) { var comment=comments[i]; var cleartext="[Could not decrypt comment ; Wrong key ?]"; try { cleartext = zeroDecipher(key, comment.data); } catch(err) { } var place = $('#comments'); // If parent comment exists, display below (CSS will automatically shift it right.) var cname = '#comment_'+comment.meta.parentid; // If the element exists in page if ($(cname).length) { place = $(cname); } var divComment = $('
' + '
' + '' + '
'); setElementText(divComment.find('div.commentdata'), cleartext); // Convert URLs to clickable links in comment. urls2links(divComment.find('div.commentdata')); divComment.find('span.nickname').html('(Anonymous)'); // Try to get optional nickname: try { divComment.find('span.nickname').text(zeroDecipher(key, comment.meta.nickname)); } catch(err) { } divComment.find('span.commentdate').text(' ('+(new Date(comment.meta.postdate*1000).toString())+')').attr('title','CommentID: ' + comment.meta.commentid); // If an avatar is available, display it. if (comment.meta.vizhash) { divComment.find('span.nickname').before(' '); } place.append(divComment); } $('#comments').append('
'); $('#discussion').removeClass('hidden'); } } /** * Open the comment entry when clicking the "Reply" button of a comment. * * @param object source : element which emitted the event. * @param string commentid = identifier of the comment we want to reply to. */ function open_reply(source, commentid) { $('div.reply').remove(); // Remove any other reply area. source.after('
' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
'); $('#nickname').focus(function() { if ($(this).val() == $(this).attr('title')) { $(this).val(''); } }); $('#replymessage').focus(); } /** * Send a reply in a discussion. * * @param string parentid : the comment identifier we want to send a reply to. */ function send_comment(parentid) { // Do not send if no data. if ($('#replymessage').val().length==0) { return; } showStatus('Sending comment...', spin=true); var cipherdata = zeroCipher(pageKey(), $('#replymessage').val()); var ciphernickname = ''; var nick=$('#nickname').val(); if (nick != '' && nick != 'Optional nickname...') { ciphernickname = zeroCipher(pageKey(), nick); } var data_to_send = { data:cipherdata, parentid: parentid, pasteid: pasteID(), nickname: ciphernickname }; $.post(scriptLocation(), data_to_send, 'json') .error(function() { showError('Comment could not be sent (server error or not responding).'); }) .success(function(data) { if (data.status == 0) { showStatus('Comment posted.'); // store password temporarily between page loads if ($('#passwordinput').val().length > 0 && window.sessionStorage) { sessionStorage.setItem(pageKey(), $('#passwordinput').val()); } location.reload(); } else if (data.status==1) { showError('Could not post comment: '+data.message); } else { showError('Could not post comment.'); } }); } /** * Send a new paste to server */ function send_data() { // Do not send if no data. if ($('#message').val().length == 0) { return; } // If sjcl has not collected enough entropy yet, display a message. if (!sjcl.random.isReady()) { showStatus('Sending paste (Please move your mouse for more entropy)...', spin=true); sjcl.random.addEventListener('seeded', function(){ send_data(); }); return; } showStatus('Sending paste...', spin=true); var randomkey = sjcl.codec.base64.fromBits(sjcl.random.randomWords(8, 0), 0); var cipherdata = zeroCipher(randomkey, $('#message').val()); var data_to_send = { data: cipherdata, expire: $('#pasteExpiration').val(), burnafterreading: $('#burnafterreading').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0, opendiscussion: $('#opendiscussion').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0 }; $.post(scriptLocation(), data_to_send, function(data) { if (data.status == 0) { stateExistingPaste(); var url = scriptLocation() + "?" + data.id + '#' + randomkey; var deleteUrl = scriptLocation() + "?pasteid=" + data.id + '&deletetoken=' + data.deletetoken; showStatus(''); $('#pastelink').html('Your paste is ' + url + ' (Hit CTRL+C to copy)'); $('#deletelink').html('Delete data'); $('#pasteresult').removeClass('hidden'); selectText('pasteurl'); // We pre-select the link so that the user only has to CTRL+C the link. setElementText($('#cleartext'), $('#message').val()); setElementText($('#prettyprint'), $('#message').val()); // Convert URLs to clickable links. urls2links($('#cleartext')); urls2links($('#prettyprint')); showStatus(''); if (typeof prettyPrint == 'function') prettyPrint(); } else if (data.status==1) { showError('Could not create paste: '+data.message); } else { showError('Could not create paste.'); } }, 'json') .fail(function() { showError('Data could not be sent (server error or not responding).'); }); } /** * Text range selection. * From: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/985272/jquery-selecting-text-in-an-element-akin-to-highlighting-with-your-mouse * * @param string element : Indentifier of the element to select (id=""). */ function selectText(element) { var doc = document , text = doc.getElementById(element) , range, selection ; if (doc.body.createTextRange) { // MS range = doc.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(text); range.select(); } else if (window.getSelection) { // all others selection = window.getSelection(); range = doc.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(text); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } } /** * Put the screen in "New paste" mode. */ function stateNewPaste() { $('#sendbutton').removeClass('hidden'); $('#clonebutton').addClass('hidden'); $('#rawtextbutton').addClass('hidden'); $('#expiration').removeClass('hidden'); $('#remainingtime').addClass('hidden'); $('#burnafterreadingoption').removeClass('hidden'); $('#opendisc').removeClass('hidden'); $('#newbutton').removeClass('hidden'); $('#pasteresult').addClass('hidden'); $('#message').text(''); $('#message').removeClass('hidden'); $('#cleartext').addClass('hidden'); $('#message').focus(); $('#discussion').addClass('hidden'); $('#prettymessage').addClass('hidden'); // Show password field $('#password').removeClass('hidden'); } /** * Put the screen in "Existing paste" mode. */ function stateExistingPaste() { $('#sendbutton').addClass('hidden'); // No "clone" for IE<10. if ($('#oldienotice').is(":visible")) { $('#clonebutton').addClass('hidden'); } else { $('#clonebutton').removeClass('hidden'); } $('#rawtextbutton').removeClass('hidden'); $('#expiration').addClass('hidden'); $('#burnafterreadingoption').addClass('hidden'); $('#opendisc').addClass('hidden'); $('#newbutton').removeClass('hidden'); $('#pasteresult').addClass('hidden'); $('#message').addClass('hidden'); $('#cleartext').addClass('hidden'); $('#prettymessage').removeClass('hidden'); } /** * Return raw text */ function rawText() { var paste = $('#cleartext').html(); var newDoc = document.open('text/html', 'replace'); newDoc.write('
'); newDoc.close(); } /** * Clone the current paste. */ function clonePaste() { stateNewPaste(); //Erase the id and the key in url history.replaceState(document.title, document.title, scriptLocation()); showStatus(''); $('#message').text($('#cleartext').text()); } /** * Create a new paste. */ function newPaste() { stateNewPaste(); showStatus(''); $('#message').text(''); } /** * Display an error message * (We use the same function for paste and reply to comments) */ function showError(message) { if ($('#status').length) { $('#status').addClass('errorMessage').text(message); } else { $('#errormessage').removeClass('hidden').append(message); } $('#replystatus').addClass('errorMessage').text(message); } /** * Display status * (We use the same function for paste and reply to comments) * * @param string message : text to display * @param boolean spin (optional) : tell if the "spinning" animation should be displayed. */ function showStatus(message, spin) { $('#replystatus').removeClass('errorMessage'); $('#replystatus').text(message); if (!message) { $('#status').html(' '); return; } if (message == '') { $('#status').html(' '); return; } $('#status').removeClass('errorMessage'); $('#status').text(message); if (spin) { var img = ''; $('#status').prepend(img); $('#replystatus').prepend(img); } } /** * Convert URLs to clickable links. * URLs to handle: * * magnet:?xt.1=urn:sha1:YNCKHTQCWBTRNJIV4WNAE52SJUQCZO5C&xt.2=urn:sha1:TXGCZQTH26NL6OUQAJJPFALHG2LTGBC7 * http://localhost:8800/zero/?6f09182b8ea51997#WtLEUO5Epj9UHAV9JFs+6pUQZp13TuspAUjnF+iM+dM= * http://user:password@localhost:8800/zero/?6f09182b8ea51997#WtLEUO5Epj9UHAV9JFs+6pUQZp13TuspAUjnF+iM+dM= * * * @param object element : a jQuery DOM element. */ function urls2links(element) { var re = /((http|https|ftp):\/\/[\w?=&.\/-;#@~%+-]+(?![\w\s?&.\/;#~%"=-]*>))/ig; element.html(element.html().replace(re,'$1')); var re = /((magnet):[\w?=&.\/-;#@~%+-]+)/ig; element.html(element.html().replace(re,'$1')); } /** * Return the deciphering key stored in anchor part of the URL */ function pageKey() { var key = window.location.hash.substring(1); // Get key // Some stupid web 2.0 services and redirectors add data AFTER the anchor // (such as &utm_source=...). // We will strip any additional data. // First, strip everything after the equal sign (=) which signals end of base64 string. i = key.indexOf('='); if (i>-1) { key = key.substring(0,i+1); } // If the equal sign was not present, some parameters may remain: i = key.indexOf('&'); if (i>-1) { key = key.substring(0,i); } // Then add trailing equal sign if it's missing if (key.charAt(key.length-1)!=='=') key+='='; return key; } /** * main application start, called when DOM is fully loaded */ $(function() { // hide "no javascript" message $('#noscript').hide(); // If "burn after reading" is checked, disable discussion. $('#burnafterreading').change(function() { if ($(this).is(':checked') ) { $('#opendisc').addClass('buttondisabled'); $('#opendiscussion').attr({checked: false}); $('#opendiscussion').attr('disabled',true); } else { $('#opendisc').removeClass('buttondisabled'); $('#opendiscussion').removeAttr('disabled'); } }); // Display status returned by php code if any (eg. Paste was properly deleted.) if ($('#status').text().length > 0) { showStatus($('#status').text(),false); return; } $('#status').html(' '); // Keep line height even if content empty. // Display an existing paste if ($('#cipherdata').text().length > 1) { // Missing decryption key in URL ? if (window.location.hash.length == 0) { showError('Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL ?)'); return; } // List of messages to display var messages = jQuery.parseJSON($('#cipherdata').text()); // Show proper elements on screen. stateExistingPaste(); displayMessages(pageKey(), messages); } // Display error message from php code. else if ($('#errormessage').text().length>1) { showError($('#errormessage').text()); } // Create a new paste. else { newPaste(); } });