1 ? $messageId[1] : $messageId[0]; } if (!array_key_exists($messageId, self::$_translations)) { self::$_translations[$messageId] = $messages; } $args = func_get_args(); if (is_array(self::$_translations[$messageId])) { $number = (int) $args[1]; $key = self::_getPluralForm($number); $max = count(self::$_translations[$messageId]) - 1; if ($key > $max) $key = $max; $args[0] = self::$_translations[$messageId][$key]; $args[1] = $number; } else { $args[0] = self::$_translations[$messageId]; } return call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args); } /** * loads translations * * From: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3770513/detect-browser-language-in-php#3771447 * * @access public * @static * @return void */ public static function loadTranslations() { $availableLanguages = self::getAvailableLanguages(); // check if the lang cookie was set and that language exists if (array_key_exists('lang', $_COOKIE) && in_array($_COOKIE['lang'], $availableLanguages)) { $match = $availableLanguages[array_search($_COOKIE['lang'], $availableLanguages)]; } // find a translation file matching the browsers language preferences else { $match = self::_getMatchingLanguage( self::getBrowserLanguages(), $availableLanguages ); } // load translations self::$_language = $match; self::$_translations = ($match == 'en') ? array() : json_decode( file_get_contents(self::_getPath($match . '.json')), true ); } /** * get list of available translations based on files found * * @access public * @static * @return array */ public static function getAvailableLanguages() { if (count(self::$_availableLanguages) == 0) { $i18n = dir(self::_getPath()); while (false !== ($file = $i18n->read())) { if (preg_match('/^([a-z]{2}).json$/', $file, $match) === 1) { self::$_availableLanguages[] = $match[1]; } } self::$_availableLanguages[] = 'en'; } return self::$_availableLanguages; } /** * detect the clients supported languages and return them ordered by preference * * From: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3770513/detect-browser-language-in-php#3771447 * * @access public * @static * @return array */ public static function getBrowserLanguages() { $languages = array(); if (array_key_exists('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE', $_SERVER)) { $languageRanges = explode(',', trim($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])); foreach ($languageRanges as $languageRange) { if (preg_match( '/(\*|[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8}(?:-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*)(?:\s*;\s*q\s*=\s*(0(?:\.\d{0,3})|1(?:\.0{0,3})))?/', trim($languageRange), $match )) { if (!isset($match[2])) { $match[2] = '1.0'; } else { $match[2] = (string) floatval($match[2]); } if (!isset($languages[$match[2]])) { $languages[$match[2]] = array(); } $languages[$match[2]][] = strtolower($match[1]); } } krsort($languages); } return $languages; } /** * get currently loaded language * * @access public * @static * @return string */ public static function getLanguage() { return self::$_language; } /** * get list of language labels * * Only for given language codes, otherwise all labels. * * @access public * @static * @param array $languages * @return array */ public static function getLanguageLabels($languages = array()) { $file = self::_getPath('languages.json'); if (count(self::$_languageLabels) == 0 && is_readable($file)) { self::$_languageLabels = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true); } if (count($languages) == 0) return self::$_languageLabels; return array_intersect_key(self::$_languageLabels, array_flip($languages)); } /** * set the default language * * @access public * @static * @param string $lang * @return void */ public static function setLanguageFallback($lang) { if (in_array($lang, self::getAvailableLanguages())) self::$_languageFallback = $lang; } /** * get language file path * * @access protected * @static * @param string $file * @return string */ protected static function _getPath($file = '') { if (strlen(self::$_path) == 0) { self::$_path = PUBLIC_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'i18n'; } return self::$_path . (strlen($file) ? DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file : ''); } /** * determines the plural form to use based on current language and given number * * From: http://localization-guide.readthedocs.org/en/latest/l10n/pluralforms.html * * @access protected * @static * @param int $n * @return int */ protected static function _getPluralForm($n) { switch (self::$_language) { case 'fr': case 'zh': return ($n > 1 ? 1 : 0); case 'pl': return ($n == 1 ? 0 : $n % 10 >= 2 && $n % 10 <= 4 && ($n % 100 < 10 || $n % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2); // en, de default: return ($n != 1 ? 1 : 0); } } /** * compares two language preference arrays and returns the preferred match * * From: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3770513/detect-browser-language-in-php#3771447 * * @access protected * @static * @param array $acceptedLanguages * @param array $availableLanguages * @return string */ protected static function _getMatchingLanguage($acceptedLanguages, $availableLanguages) { $matches = array(); $any = false; foreach ($acceptedLanguages as $acceptedQuality => $acceptedValues) { $acceptedQuality = floatval($acceptedQuality); if ($acceptedQuality === 0.0) continue; foreach ($availableLanguages as $availableValue) { $availableQuality = 1.0; foreach ($acceptedValues as $acceptedValue) { if ($acceptedValue === '*') { $any = true; } $matchingGrade = self::_matchLanguage($acceptedValue, $availableValue); if ($matchingGrade > 0) { $q = (string) ($acceptedQuality * $availableQuality * $matchingGrade); if (!isset($matches[$q])) { $matches[$q] = array(); } if (!in_array($availableValue, $matches[$q])) { $matches[$q][] = $availableValue; } } } } } if (count($matches) === 0 && $any) { if (count($availableLanguages) > 0) { $matches['1.0'] = $availableLanguages; } } if (count($matches) === 0) { return self::$_languageFallback; } krsort($matches); $topmatches = current($matches); return current($topmatches); } /** * compare two language IDs and return the degree they match * * From: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3770513/detect-browser-language-in-php#3771447 * * @access protected * @static * @param string $a * @param string $b * @return float */ protected static function _matchLanguage($a, $b) { $a = explode('-', $a); $b = explode('-', $b); for ($i=0, $n = min(count($a), count($b)); $i < $n; ++$i) { if ($a[$i] !== $b[$i]) break; } return $i === 0 ? 0 : (float) $i / count($a); } }