'use strict'; var common = require('../common'); describe('I18n', function () { describe('translate', function () { before(function () { $.PrivateBin.I18n.reset(); }); jsc.property( 'returns message ID unchanged if no translation found', 'string', function (messageId) { messageId = messageId.replace(/%(s|d)/g, '%%'); var plurals = [messageId, messageId + 's'], fake = [messageId], result = $.PrivateBin.I18n.translate(messageId); $.PrivateBin.I18n.reset(); var alias = $.PrivateBin.I18n._(messageId); $.PrivateBin.I18n.reset(); var pluralResult = $.PrivateBin.I18n.translate(plurals); $.PrivateBin.I18n.reset(); var pluralAlias = $.PrivateBin.I18n._(plurals); $.PrivateBin.I18n.reset(); var fakeResult = $.PrivateBin.I18n.translate(fake); $.PrivateBin.I18n.reset(); var fakeAlias = $.PrivateBin.I18n._(fake); $.PrivateBin.I18n.reset(); messageId = $.PrivateBin.Helper.htmlEntities(messageId); return messageId === result && messageId === alias && messageId === pluralResult && messageId === pluralAlias && messageId === fakeResult && messageId === fakeAlias; } ); jsc.property( 'replaces %s in strings with first given parameter, encoding all, when no link is in the messageID', 'string', '(small nearray) string', 'string', function (prefix, params, postfix) { prefix = prefix.replace(/%(s|d)/g, '%%'); params[0] = params[0].replace(/%(s|d)/g, '%%').replace(/%'; postfix = postfix.replace(/%(s|d)/g, '%%'); var translation = $.PrivateBin.Helper.htmlEntities(prefix) + params[0] + $.PrivateBin.Helper.htmlEntities(postfix); params.unshift(prefix + '%s' + postfix); var result = $.PrivateBin.I18n.translate.apply(this, params); $.PrivateBin.I18n.reset(); var alias = $.PrivateBin.I18n._.apply(this, params); $.PrivateBin.I18n.reset(); return translation === result && translation === alias; } ); }); describe('getPluralForm', function () { before(function () { $.PrivateBin.I18n.reset(); }); jsc.property( 'returns valid key for plural form', common.jscSupportedLanguages(), 'integer', function(language, n) { $.PrivateBin.I18n.reset(language); var result = $.PrivateBin.I18n.getPluralForm(n); // arabic seems to have the highest plural count with 6 forms return result >= 0 && result <= 5; } ); }); // loading of JSON via AJAX needs to be tested in the browser, this just mocks it // TODO: This needs to be tested using a browser. describe('loadTranslations', function () { this.timeout(30000); before(function () { $.PrivateBin.I18n.reset(); }); jsc.property( 'downloads and handles any supported language', common.jscSupportedLanguages(), function(language) { // cleanup var clean = jsdom('', {cookie: ['lang=en']}); $.PrivateBin.I18n.reset('en'); $.PrivateBin.I18n.loadTranslations(); clean(); // mock clean = jsdom('', {cookie: ['lang=' + language]}); $.PrivateBin.I18n.reset(language, require('../../i18n/' + language + '.json')); var result = $.PrivateBin.I18n.translate('en'), alias = $.PrivateBin.I18n._('en'); clean(); return language === result && language === alias; } ); jsc.property( 'should default to en', function() { var clean = jsdom('', {url: 'https://privatebin.net/'}); // when navigator.userLanguage is undefined and no default language // is specified, it would throw an error [ 'language', 'userLanguage' ].forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(navigator, key, { value: undefined, writeable: false }); }); $.PrivateBin.I18n.reset('en'); $.PrivateBin.I18n.loadTranslations(); var result = $.PrivateBin.I18n.translate('en'), alias = $.PrivateBin.I18n._('en'); clean(); return 'en' === result && 'en' === alias; } ); }); });