false)); $handler = HttpHandlerFactory::build($httpClient); $name = 'pb-'; $alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; for ($i = 0; $i < 29; ++$i) { $name .= $alphabet[rand(0, strlen($alphabet) - 1)]; } self::$_client = new StorageClientStub(array()); self::$_bucket = self::$_client->createBucket($name); } public function setUp() { // do not report E_NOTICE as fsouza/fake-gcs-server does not return a `generation` value in the response // which the Google Cloud Storage PHP library expects. error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); ini_set('error_log', stream_get_meta_data(tmpfile())['uri']); $this->_model = GoogleCloudStorage::getInstance(array( 'bucket' => self::$_bucket->name(), 'prefix' => 'pastes', 'client' => self::$_client, )); } public function tearDown() { foreach (self::$_bucket->objects() as $object) { $object->delete(); } error_reporting(E_ALL); } public static function tearDownAfterClass() { self::$_bucket->delete(); } public function testFileBasedDataStoreWorks() { $this->_model->delete(Helper::getPasteId()); // storing pastes $paste = Helper::getPaste(2, array('expire_date' => 1344803344)); $this->assertFalse($this->_model->exists(Helper::getPasteId()), 'paste does not yet exist'); $this->assertTrue($this->_model->create(Helper::getPasteId(), $paste), 'store new paste'); $this->assertTrue($this->_model->exists(Helper::getPasteId()), 'paste exists after storing it'); $this->assertFalse($this->_model->create(Helper::getPasteId(), $paste), 'unable to store the same paste twice'); $this->assertEquals($paste, $this->_model->read(Helper::getPasteId())); // storing comments $this->assertFalse($this->_model->existsComment(Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getCommentId()), 'comment does not yet exist'); $this->assertTrue($this->_model->createComment(Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getCommentId(), Helper::getComment()), 'store comment'); $this->assertTrue($this->_model->existsComment(Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getCommentId()), 'comment exists after storing it'); $this->assertFalse($this->_model->createComment(Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getCommentId(), Helper::getComment()), 'unable to store the same comment twice'); $comment = Helper::getComment(); $comment['id'] = Helper::getCommentId(); $comment['parentid'] = Helper::getPasteId(); $this->assertEquals( array($comment['meta']['created'] => $comment), $this->_model->readComments(Helper::getPasteId()) ); // deleting pastes $this->_model->delete(Helper::getPasteId()); $this->assertFalse($this->_model->exists(Helper::getPasteId()), 'paste successfully deleted'); $this->assertFalse($this->_model->existsComment(Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getCommentId()), 'comment was deleted with paste'); $this->assertFalse($this->_model->read(Helper::getPasteId()), 'paste can no longer be found'); } /** * pastes a-g are expired and should get deleted, x never expires and y-z expire in an hour */ public function testPurge() { $expired = Helper::getPaste(2, array('expire_date' => 1344803344)); $paste = Helper::getPaste(2, array('expire_date' => time() + 3600)); $keys = array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'x', 'y', 'z'); $ids = array(); foreach ($keys as $key) { $ids[$key] = hash('fnv164', $key); $this->assertFalse($this->_model->exists($ids[$key]), "paste $key does not yet exist"); if (in_array($key, array('x', 'y', 'z'))) { $this->assertTrue($this->_model->create($ids[$key], $paste), "store $key paste"); } elseif ($key === 'x') { $this->assertTrue($this->_model->create($ids[$key], Helper::getPaste()), "store $key paste"); } else { $this->assertTrue($this->_model->create($ids[$key], $expired), "store $key paste"); } $this->assertTrue($this->_model->exists($ids[$key]), "paste $key exists after storing it"); } $this->_model->purge(10); foreach ($ids as $key => $id) { if (in_array($key, array('x', 'y', 'z'))) { $this->assertTrue($this->_model->exists($id), "paste $key exists after purge"); $this->_model->delete($id); } else { $this->assertFalse($this->_model->exists($id), "paste $key was purged"); } } } public function testErrorDetection() { $this->_model->delete(Helper::getPasteId()); $paste = Helper::getPaste(2, array('expire' => "Invalid UTF-8 sequence: \xB1\x31")); $this->assertFalse($this->_model->exists(Helper::getPasteId()), 'paste does not yet exist'); $this->assertFalse($this->_model->create(Helper::getPasteId(), $paste), 'unable to store broken paste'); $this->assertFalse($this->_model->exists(Helper::getPasteId()), 'paste does still not exist'); } public function testCommentErrorDetection() { $this->_model->delete(Helper::getPasteId()); $comment = Helper::getComment(1, array('nickname' => "Invalid UTF-8 sequence: \xB1\x31")); $this->assertFalse($this->_model->exists(Helper::getPasteId()), 'paste does not yet exist'); $this->assertTrue($this->_model->create(Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getPaste()), 'store new paste'); $this->assertTrue($this->_model->exists(Helper::getPasteId()), 'paste exists after storing it'); $this->assertFalse($this->_model->existsComment(Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getCommentId()), 'comment does not yet exist'); $this->assertFalse($this->_model->createComment(Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getCommentId(), $comment), 'unable to store broken comment'); $this->assertFalse($this->_model->existsComment(Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getPasteId(), Helper::getCommentId()), 'comment does still not exist'); } } /** * Class StorageClientStub provides a limited stub for performing the unit test */ class StorageClientStub extends StorageClient { private $_config = null; private $_connection = null; private $_buckets = array(); public function __construct(array $config = array()) { $this->_config = $config; $this->_connection = new ConnectionInterfaceStub(); } public function bucket($name, $userProject = false) { if (!key_exists($name, $this->_buckets)) { $b = new BucketStub($this->_connection, $name, array(), $this); $this->_buckets[$name] = $b; } return $this->_buckets[$name]; } /** * @throws \Google\Cloud\Core\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function deleteBucket($name) { if (key_exists($name, $this->_buckets)) { unset($this->_buckets[$name]); } else { throw new NotFoundException(); } } public function buckets(array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function registerStreamWrapper($protocol = null) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function unregisterStreamWrapper($protocol = null) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function signedUrlUploader($uri, $data, array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function timestamp(\DateTimeInterface $timestamp, $nanoSeconds = null) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function getServiceAccount(array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function hmacKeys(array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function hmacKey($accessId, $projectId = null, array $metadata = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function createHmacKey($serviceAccountEmail, array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function createBucket($name, array $options = array()) { if (key_exists($name, $this->_buckets)) { throw new BadRequestException('already exists'); } $b = new BucketStub($this->_connection, $name, array(), $this); $this->_buckets[$name] = $b; return $b; } } /** * Class BucketStub stubs a GCS bucket. */ class BucketStub extends Bucket { public $_objects; private $_name; private $_info; private $_connection; private $_client; public function __construct(ConnectionInterface $connection, $name, array $info = array(), $client = null) { $this->_name = $name; $this->_info = $info; $this->_connection = $connection; $this->_objects = array(); $this->_client = $client; } public function acl() { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function defaultAcl() { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function exists() { return true; } public function upload($data, array $options = array()) { if (!is_string($data) || !key_exists('name', $options)) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } $name = $options['name']; $generation = '1'; $o = new StorageObjectStub($this->_connection, $name, $this, $generation, $options); $this->_objects[$options['name']] = $o; $o->setData($data); } public function uploadAsync($data, array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function getResumableUploader($data, array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function getStreamableUploader($data, array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function object($name, array $options = array()) { if (key_exists($name, $this->_objects)) { return $this->_objects[$name]; } else { return new StorageObjectStub($this->_connection, $name, $this, null, $options); } } public function objects(array $options = array()) { $prefix = key_exists('prefix', $options) ? $options['prefix'] : ''; return new CallbackFilterIterator( new ArrayIterator($this->_objects), function ($current, $key, $iterator) use ($prefix) { return substr($key, 0, strlen($prefix)) == $prefix; } ); } public function createNotification($topic, array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function notification($id) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function notifications(array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function delete(array $options = array()) { $this->_client->deleteBucket($this->_name); } public function update(array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function compose(array $sourceObjects, $name, array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function info(array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function reload(array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function name() { return $this->_name; } public static function lifecycle(array $lifecycle = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function currentLifecycle(array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function isWritable($file = null) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function iam() { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function lockRetentionPolicy(array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function signedUrl($expires, array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function generateSignedPostPolicyV4($objectName, $expires, array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } } /** * Class StorageObjectStub stubs a GCS storage object. */ class StorageObjectStub extends StorageObject { private $_name; private $_data; private $_info; private $_bucket; private $_generation; private $_exists = false; private $_connection; public function __construct(ConnectionInterface $connection, $name, $bucket, $generation = null, array $info = array(), $encryptionKey = null, $encryptionKeySHA256 = null) { $this->_name = $name; $this->_bucket = $bucket; $this->_generation = $generation; $this->_info = $info; $this->_connection = $connection; } public function acl() { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function exists(array $options = array()) { return key_exists($this->_name, $this->_bucket->_objects); } /** * @throws NotFoundException */ public function delete(array $options = array()) { if (key_exists($this->_name, $this->_bucket->_objects)) { unset($this->_bucket->_objects[$this->_name]); } else { throw new NotFoundException('key ' . $this->_name . ' not found.'); } } /** * @throws NotFoundException */ public function update(array $metadata, array $options = array()) { if (!$this->_exists) { throw new NotFoundException('key ' . $this->_name . ' not found.'); } $this->_info = $metadata; } public function copy($destination, array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function rewrite($destination, array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function rename($name, array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } /** * @throws NotFoundException */ public function downloadAsString(array $options = array()) { if (!$this->_exists) { throw new NotFoundException('key ' . $this->_name . ' not found.'); } return $this->_data; } public function downloadToFile($path, array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function downloadAsStream(array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function downloadAsStreamAsync(array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function signedUrl($expires, array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function signedUploadUrl($expires, array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function beginSignedUploadSession(array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function info(array $options = array()) { return key_exists('metadata',$this->_info) ? $this->_info['metadata'] : array(); } public function reload(array $options = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function name() { return $this->_name; } public function identity() { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function gcsUri() { return sprintf( 'gs://%s/%s', $this->_bucket->name(), $this->_name ); } public function setData($data) { $this->_data = $data; $this->_exists = true; } } /** * Class ConnectionInterfaceStub required for the stubs. */ class ConnectionInterfaceStub implements ConnectionInterface { public function deleteAcl(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function getAcl(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function listAcl(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function insertAcl(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function patchAcl(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function deleteBucket(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function getBucket(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function listBuckets(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function insertBucket(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function getBucketIamPolicy(array $args) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function setBucketIamPolicy(array $args) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function testBucketIamPermissions(array $args) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function patchBucket(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function deleteObject(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function copyObject(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function rewriteObject(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function composeObject(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function getObject(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function listObjects(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function patchObject(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function downloadObject(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function insertObject(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function getNotification(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function deleteNotification(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function insertNotification(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function listNotifications(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function getServiceAccount(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function lockRetentionPolicy(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function createHmacKey(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function deleteHmacKey(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function getHmacKey(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function updateHmacKey(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } public function listHmacKeys(array $args = array()) { throw new BadMethodCallException('not supported by this stub'); } }