2010-05-26 15:34:42 -07:00

294 lines
9.5 KiB

if (typeof JSDOC == "undefined") JSDOC = {};
JSDOC.DocTag = function(src) {
if (typeof src != "undefined") {
Create and initialize the properties of this.
JSDOC.DocTag.prototype.init = function() {
this.title = "";
this.type = ""; = "";
this.isOptional = false;
this.defaultValue = "";
this.desc = "";
return this;
Populate the properties of this from the given tag src.
@param {string} src
JSDOC.DocTag.prototype.parse = function(src) {
if (typeof src != "string") throw "src must be a string not "+(typeof src);
try {
src = this.nibbleTitle(src);
if (JSDOC.PluginManager) {"onDocTagSynonym", this);
src = this.nibbleType(src);
// only some tags are allowed to have names.
if (this.title == "param" || this.title == "property" || this.title == "config") { // @config is deprecated
src = this.nibbleName(src);
catch(e) {
if (LOG) LOG.warn(e);
else throw e;
this.desc = src; // whatever is left
// example tags need to have whitespace preserved
if (this.title != "example") this.desc = this.desc.trim();
if (JSDOC.PluginManager) {"onDocTag", this);
Automatically called when this is stringified.
JSDOC.DocTag.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.desc;
plan(1, "testing JSDOC.DocTag#toString");
var tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("param {object} date A valid date.");
is(""+tag, "A valid date.", "stringifying a tag returns the desc.");
Find and shift off the title of a tag.
@param {string} src
@return src
JSDOC.DocTag.prototype.nibbleTitle = function(src) {
if (typeof src != "string") throw "src must be a string not "+(typeof src);
var parts = src.match(/^\s*(\S+)(?:\s([\s\S]*))?$/);
if (parts && parts[1]) this.title = parts[1];
if (parts && parts[2]) src = parts[2];
else src = "";
return src;
plan(8, "testing JSDOC.DocTag#nibbleTitle");
var tag = new JSDOC.DocTag();
is(tag.title, "aTitleGoesHere", "a title can be found in a single-word string.");
var src = tag.init().nibbleTitle("aTitleGoesHere and the rest");
is(tag.title, "aTitleGoesHere", "a title can be found in a multi-word string.");
is(src, "and the rest", "the rest is returned when the title is nibbled off.");
src = tag.init().nibbleTitle("");
is(tag.title, "", "given an empty string the title is empty.");
is(src, "", "the rest is empty when the tag is empty.");
var src = tag.init().nibbleTitle(" aTitleGoesHere\n a description");
is(tag.title, "aTitleGoesHere", "leading and trailing spaces are not part of the title.");
is(src, " a description", "leading spaces (less one) are part of the description.");
tag.init().nibbleTitle("a.Title::Goes_Here foo");
is(tag.title, "a.Title::Goes_Here", "titles with punctuation are allowed.");
Find and shift off the type of a tag.
@requires frame/String.js
@param {string} src
@return src
JSDOC.DocTag.prototype.nibbleType = function(src) {
if (typeof src != "string") throw "src must be a string not "+(typeof src);
if (src.match(/^\s*\{/)) {
var typeRange = src.balance("{", "}");
if (typeRange[1] == -1) {
throw "Malformed comment tag ignored. Tag type requires an opening { and a closing }: "+src;
this.type = src.substring(typeRange[0]+1, typeRange[1]).trim();
this.type = this.type.replace(/\s*,\s*/g, "|"); // multiples can be separated by , or |
src = src.substring(typeRange[1]+1);
return src;
plan(5, "testing JSDOC.DocTag.parser.nibbleType");
var tag = new JSDOC.DocTag();
tag.init().nibbleType("{String[]} aliases");
is(tag.type, "String[]", "type can have non-alpha characters.");
tag.init().nibbleType("{ aTypeGoesHere } etc etc");
is(tag.type, "aTypeGoesHere", "type is trimmed.");
tag.init().nibbleType("{ oneType, twoType ,\n threeType } etc etc");
is(tag.type, "oneType|twoType|threeType", "multiple types can be separated by commas.");
var error;
try { tag.init().nibbleType("{widget foo"); }
catch(e) { error = e; }
is(typeof error, "string", "malformed tag type throws error.");
isnt(error.indexOf("Malformed"), -1, "error message tells tag is malformed.");
Find and shift off the name of a tag.
@requires frame/String.js
@param {string} src
@return src
JSDOC.DocTag.prototype.nibbleName = function(src) {
if (typeof src != "string") throw "src must be a string not "+(typeof src);
src = src.trim();
// is optional?
if (src.charAt(0) == "[") {
var nameRange = src.balance("[", "]");
if (nameRange[1] == -1) {
throw "Malformed comment tag ignored. Tag optional name requires an opening [ and a closing ]: "+src;
} = src.substring(nameRange[0]+1, nameRange[1]).trim();
this.isOptional = true;
src = src.substring(nameRange[1]+1);
// has default value?
var nameAndValue ="=");
if (nameAndValue.length) { = nameAndValue.shift().trim();
this.defaultValue = nameAndValue.join("=");
else {
var parts = src.match(/^(\S+)(?:\s([\s\S]*))?$/);
if (parts) {
if (parts[1]) = parts[1];
if (parts[2]) src = parts[2].trim();
else src = "";
return src;
plan(9, "testing JSDOC.DocTag.parser.nibbleName");
var tag = new JSDOC.DocTag();
tag.init().nibbleName("[foo] This is a description.");
is(tag.isOptional, true, "isOptional syntax is detected.");
is(, "foo", "optional param name is found.");
tag.init().nibbleName("[foo] This is a description.");
is(tag.isOptional, true, "isOptional syntax is detected when no type.");
is(, "foo", "optional param name is found when no type.");
tag.init().nibbleName("[foo=7] This is a description.");
is(, "foo", "optional param name is found when default value.");
is(tag.defaultValue, 7, "optional param default value is found when default value.");
//tag.init().nibbleName("[foo= a value] This is a description.");
//is(tag.defaultValue, " a value", "optional param default value is found when default value has spaces (issue #112).");
tag.init().nibbleName("[foo=[]] This is a description.");
is(tag.defaultValue, "[]", "optional param default value is found when default value is [] (issue #95).");
tag.init().nibbleName("[foo=a=b] This is a description.");
is(, "foo", "optional param name is found when default value is a=b.");
is(tag.defaultValue, "a=b", "optional param default value is found when default value is a=b.")
plan(32, "Testing JSDOC.DocTag.parser.");
var tag = new JSDOC.DocTag();
is(typeof tag, "object", "JSDOC.DocTag.parser with an empty string returns an object.");
is(typeof tag.title, "string", "returned object has a string property 'title'.");
is(typeof tag.type, "string", "returned object has a string property 'type'.");
is(typeof, "string", "returned object has a string property 'name'.");
is(typeof tag.defaultValue, "string", "returned object has a string property 'defaultValue'.");
is(typeof tag.isOptional, "boolean", "returned object has a boolean property 'isOptional'.");
is(typeof tag.desc, "string", "returned object has a string property 'desc'.");
tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("param {widget} foo");
is(tag.title, "param", "param title is found.");
is(, "foo", "param name is found when desc is missing.");
is(tag.desc, "", "param desc is empty when missing.");
tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("param {object} date A valid date.");
is(, "date", "param name is found with a type.");
is(tag.type, "object", "param type is found.");
is(tag.desc, "A valid date.", "param desc is found with a type.");
tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("param aName a description goes\n here.");
is(, "aName", "param name is found without a type.");
is(tag.desc, "a description goes\n here.", "param desc is found without a type.");
tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("param {widget}");
is(, "", "param name is empty when it is not given.");
tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("param {widget} [foo] This is a description.");
is(, "foo", "optional param name is found.");
tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("return {aType} This is a description.");
is(tag.type, "aType", "when return tag has no name, type is found.");
is(tag.desc, "This is a description.", "when return tag has no name, desc is found.");
tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("author Joe Coder <>");
is(tag.title, "author", "author tag has a title.");
is(tag.type, "", "the author tag has no type.");
is(, "", "the author tag has no name.");
is(tag.desc, "Joe Coder <>", "author tag has desc.");
tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("private \t\n ");
is(tag.title, "private", "private tag has a title.");
is(tag.type, "", "the private tag has no type.");
is(, "", "the private tag has no name.");
is(tag.desc, "", "private tag has no desc.");
tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("example\n example(code);\n more();");
is(tag.desc, " example(code);\n more();", "leading whitespace (less one) in examples code is preserved.");
tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("param theName \n");
is(, "theName", "name only is found.");
tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("type theDesc \n");
is(tag.desc, "theDesc", "desc only is found.");
tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("type {theType} \n");
is(tag.type, "theType", "type only is found.");
tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("");
is(tag.title, "", "title is empty when tag is empty.");