2021-05-22 09:21:01 +02:00

569 lines
17 KiB

namespace IPLib\Address;
use IPLib\Range\RangeInterface;
use IPLib\Range\Subnet;
use IPLib\Range\Type as RangeType;
* An IPv6 address.
class IPv6 implements AddressInterface
* The long string representation of the address.
* @var string
* @example '0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001'
protected $longAddress;
* The long string representation of the address.
* @var string|null
* @example '::1'
protected $shortAddress;
* The byte list of the IP address.
* @var int[]|null
protected $bytes;
* The word list of the IP address.
* @var int[]|null
protected $words;
* The type of the range of this IP address.
* @var int|null
protected $rangeType;
* An array containing RFC designated address ranges.
* @var array|null
private static $reservedRanges = null;
* Initializes the instance.
* @param string $longAddress
public function __construct($longAddress)
$this->longAddress = $longAddress;
$this->shortAddress = null;
$this->bytes = null;
$this->words = null;
$this->rangeType = null;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface::__toString()
public function __toString()
return $this->toString();
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface::getNumberOfBits()
public static function getNumberOfBits()
return 128;
* Parse a string and returns an IPv6 instance if the string is valid, or null otherwise.
* @param string|mixed $address the address to parse
* @param bool $mayIncludePort set to false to avoid parsing addresses with ports
* @param bool $mayIncludeZoneID set to false to avoid parsing addresses with zone IDs (see RFC 4007)
* @return static|null
public static function fromString($address, $mayIncludePort = true, $mayIncludeZoneID = true)
$result = null;
if (is_string($address) && strpos($address, ':') !== false && strpos($address, ':::') === false) {
$matches = null;
if ($mayIncludePort && $address[0] === '[' && preg_match('/^\[(.+)]:\d+$/', $address, $matches)) {
$address = $matches[1];
if ($mayIncludeZoneID) {
$percentagePos = strpos($address, '%');
if ($percentagePos > 0) {
$address = substr($address, 0, $percentagePos);
if (preg_match('/^((?:[0-9a-f]*:+)+)(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$/i', $address, $matches)) {
$address6 = static::fromString($matches[1] . '0:0', false);
if ($address6 !== null) {
$address4 = IPv4::fromString($matches[2], false);
if ($address4 !== null) {
$bytes4 = $address4->getBytes();
$address6->longAddress = substr($address6->longAddress, 0, -9) . sprintf('%02x%02x:%02x%02x', $bytes4[0], $bytes4[1], $bytes4[2], $bytes4[3]);
$result = $address6;
} else {
if (strpos($address, '::') === false) {
$chunks = explode(':', $address);
} else {
$chunks = array();
$parts = explode('::', $address);
if (count($parts) === 2) {
$before = ($parts[0] === '') ? array() : explode(':', $parts[0]);
$after = ($parts[1] === '') ? array() : explode(':', $parts[1]);
$missing = 8 - count($before) - count($after);
if ($missing >= 0) {
$chunks = $before;
if ($missing !== 0) {
$chunks = array_merge($chunks, array_fill(0, $missing, '0'));
$chunks = array_merge($chunks, $after);
if (count($chunks) === 8) {
$nums = array_map(
function ($chunk) {
return preg_match('/^[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}$/', $chunk) ? hexdec($chunk) : false;
if (!in_array(false, $nums, true)) {
$longAddress = implode(
function ($num) {
return sprintf('%04x', $num);
$result = new static($longAddress);
return $result;
* Parse an array of bytes and returns an IPv6 instance if the array is valid, or null otherwise.
* @param int[]|array $bytes
* @return static|null
public static function fromBytes(array $bytes)
$result = null;
if (count($bytes) === 16) {
$address = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) {
if ($i !== 0 && $i % 2 === 0) {
$address .= ':';
$byte = $bytes[$i];
if (is_int($byte) && $byte >= 0 && $byte <= 255) {
$address .= sprintf('%02x', $byte);
} else {
$address = null;
if ($address !== null) {
$result = new static($address);
return $result;
* Parse an array of words and returns an IPv6 instance if the array is valid, or null otherwise.
* @param int[]|array $words
* @return static|null
public static function fromWords(array $words)
$result = null;
if (count($words) === 8) {
$chunks = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
$word = $words[$i];
if (is_int($word) && $word >= 0 && $word <= 0xffff) {
$chunks[] = sprintf('%04x', $word);
} else {
$chunks = null;
if ($chunks !== null) {
$result = new static(implode(':', $chunks));
return $result;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface::toString()
public function toString($long = false)
if ($long) {
$result = $this->longAddress;
} else {
if ($this->shortAddress === null) {
if (strpos($this->longAddress, '0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:') === 0) {
$lastBytes = array_slice($this->getBytes(), -4);
$this->shortAddress = '::ffff:' . implode('.', $lastBytes);
} else {
$chunks = array_map(
function ($word) {
return dechex($word);
$shortAddress = implode(':', $chunks);
$matches = null;
for ($i = 8; $i > 1; $i--) {
$search = '(?:^|:)' . rtrim(str_repeat('0:', $i), ':') . '(?:$|:)';
if (preg_match('/^(.*?)' . $search . '(.*)$/', $shortAddress, $matches)) {
$shortAddress = $matches[1] . '::' . $matches[2];
$this->shortAddress = $shortAddress;
$result = $this->shortAddress;
return $result;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface::getBytes()
public function getBytes()
if ($this->bytes === null) {
$bytes = array();
foreach ($this->getWords() as $word) {
$bytes[] = $word >> 8;
$bytes[] = $word & 0xff;
$this->bytes = $bytes;
return $this->bytes;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface::getBits()
public function getBits()
$parts = array();
foreach ($this->getBytes() as $byte) {
$parts[] = sprintf('%08b', $byte);
return implode('', $parts);
* Get the word list of the IP address.
* @return int[]
public function getWords()
if ($this->words === null) {
$this->words = array_map(
function ($chunk) {
return hexdec($chunk);
explode(':', $this->longAddress)
return $this->words;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface::getAddressType()
public function getAddressType()
return Type::T_IPv6;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface::getDefaultReservedRangeType()
public static function getDefaultReservedRangeType()
return RangeType::T_RESERVED;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface::getReservedRanges()
public static function getReservedRanges()
if (self::$reservedRanges === null) {
$reservedRanges = array();
foreach (array(
// RFC 4291
'::/128' => array(RangeType::T_UNSPECIFIED),
// RFC 4291
'::1/128' => array(RangeType::T_LOOPBACK),
// RFC 4291
'100::/8' => array(RangeType::T_DISCARD, array('100::/64' => RangeType::T_DISCARDONLY)),
//'2002::/16' => array(RangeType::),
// RFC 4291
'2000::/3' => array(RangeType::T_PUBLIC),
// RFC 4193
'fc00::/7' => array(RangeType::T_PRIVATENETWORK),
// RFC 4291
'fe80::/10' => array(RangeType::T_LINKLOCAL_UNICAST),
// RFC 4291
'ff00::/8' => array(RangeType::T_MULTICAST),
// RFC 4291
//'::/8' => array(RangeType::T_RESERVED),
// RFC 4048
//'200::/7' => array(RangeType::T_RESERVED),
// RFC 4291
//'400::/6' => array(RangeType::T_RESERVED),
// RFC 4291
//'800::/5' => array(RangeType::T_RESERVED),
// RFC 4291
//'1000::/4' => array(RangeType::T_RESERVED),
// RFC 4291
//'4000::/3' => array(RangeType::T_RESERVED),
// RFC 4291
//'6000::/3' => array(RangeType::T_RESERVED),
// RFC 4291
//'8000::/3' => array(RangeType::T_RESERVED),
// RFC 4291
//'a000::/3' => array(RangeType::T_RESERVED),
// RFC 4291
//'c000::/3' => array(RangeType::T_RESERVED),
// RFC 4291
//'e000::/4' => array(RangeType::T_RESERVED),
// RFC 4291
//'f000::/5' => array(RangeType::T_RESERVED),
// RFC 4291
//'f800::/6' => array(RangeType::T_RESERVED),
// RFC 4291
//'fe00::/9' => array(RangeType::T_RESERVED),
// RFC 3879
//'fec0::/10' => array(RangeType::T_RESERVED),
) as $range => $data) {
$exceptions = array();
if (isset($data[1])) {
foreach ($data[1] as $exceptionRange => $exceptionType) {
$exceptions[] = new AssignedRange(Subnet::fromString($exceptionRange), $exceptionType);
$reservedRanges[] = new AssignedRange(Subnet::fromString($range), $data[0], $exceptions);
self::$reservedRanges = $reservedRanges;
return self::$reservedRanges;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface::getRangeType()
public function getRangeType()
if ($this->rangeType === null) {
$ipv4 = $this->toIPv4();
if ($ipv4 !== null) {
$this->rangeType = $ipv4->getRangeType();
} else {
$rangeType = null;
foreach (static::getReservedRanges() as $reservedRange) {
$rangeType = $reservedRange->getAddressType($this);
if ($rangeType !== null) {
$this->rangeType = $rangeType === null ? static::getDefaultReservedRangeType() : $rangeType;
return $this->rangeType;
* Create an IPv4 representation of this address (if possible, otherwise returns null).
* @return \IPLib\Address\IPv4|null
public function toIPv4()
if (strpos($this->longAddress, '2002:') === 0) {
// 6to4
return IPv4::fromBytes(array_slice($this->getBytes(), 2, 4));
if (strpos($this->longAddress, '0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:') === 0) {
// IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses
return IPv4::fromBytes(array_slice($this->getBytes(), -4));
return null;
* Render this IPv6 address in the "mixed" IPv6 (first 12 bytes) + IPv4 (last 4 bytes) mixed syntax.
* @param bool $ipV6Long render the IPv6 part in "long" format?
* @param bool $ipV4Long render the IPv4 part in "long" format?
* @return string
* @example '::'
* @example '0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:' when $ipV6Long is true
* @example '::' when $ipV4Long is true
* @example '0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:' when $ipV6Long and $ipV4Long are true
* @see point 3.
public function toMixedIPv6IPv4String($ipV6Long = false, $ipV4Long = false)
$myBytes = $this->getBytes();
$ipv6Bytes = array_merge(array_slice($myBytes, 0, 12), array(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff));
$ipv6String = static::fromBytes($ipv6Bytes)->toString($ipV6Long);
$ipv4Bytes = array_slice($myBytes, 12, 4);
$ipv4String = IPv4::fromBytes($ipv4Bytes)->toString($ipV4Long);
return preg_replace('/((ffff:ffff)|(\d+(\.\d+){3}))$/i', $ipv4String, $ipv6String);
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface::getComparableString()
public function getComparableString()
return $this->longAddress;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface::matches()
public function matches(RangeInterface $range)
return $range->contains($this);
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface::getNextAddress()
public function getNextAddress()
$overflow = false;
$words = $this->getWords();
for ($i = count($words) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
if ($words[$i] === 0xffff) {
if ($i === 0) {
$overflow = true;
$words[$i] = 0;
} else {
return $overflow ? null : static::fromWords($words);
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface::getPreviousAddress()
public function getPreviousAddress()
$overflow = false;
$words = $this->getWords();
for ($i = count($words) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
if ($words[$i] === 0) {
if ($i === 0) {
$overflow = true;
$words[$i] = 0xffff;
} else {
return $overflow ? null : static::fromWords($words);
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface::getReverseDNSLookupName()
public function getReverseDNSLookupName()
return implode(
array_reverse(str_split(str_replace(':', '', $this->toString(true)), 1))
) . '';