2021-05-22 09:21:01 +02:00

276 lines
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namespace IPLib\Range;
use IPLib\Address\AddressInterface;
use IPLib\Address\IPv4;
use IPLib\Address\IPv6;
use IPLib\Address\Type as AddressType;
* Represents an address range in pattern format (only ending asterisks are supported).
* @example 127.0.*.*
* @example ::/8
class Pattern extends AbstractRange
* Starting address of the range.
* @var \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface
protected $fromAddress;
* Final address of the range.
* @var \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface
protected $toAddress;
* Number of ending asterisks.
* @var int
protected $asterisksCount;
* The type of the range of this IP range.
* @var int|false|null false if this range crosses multiple range types, null if yet to be determined
protected $rangeType;
* Initializes the instance.
* @param \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface $fromAddress
* @param \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface $toAddress
* @param int $asterisksCount
public function __construct(AddressInterface $fromAddress, AddressInterface $toAddress, $asterisksCount)
$this->fromAddress = $fromAddress;
$this->toAddress = $toAddress;
$this->asterisksCount = $asterisksCount;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \IPLib\Range\RangeInterface::__toString()
public function __toString()
return $this->toString();
* Try get the range instance starting from its string representation.
* @param string|mixed $range
* @param bool $supportNonDecimalIPv4 set to true to support parsing non decimal (that is, octal and hexadecimal) IPv4 addresses
* @return static|null
public static function fromString($range, $supportNonDecimalIPv4 = false)
if (!is_string($range) || strpos($range, '*') === false) {
return null;
if ($range === '*.*.*.*') {
return new static(IPv4::fromString(''), IPv4::fromString(''), 4);
if ($range === '*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*') {
return new static(IPv6::fromString('::'), IPv6::fromString('ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff'), 8);
$matches = null;
if (strpos($range, '.') !== false && preg_match('/^[^*]+((?:\.\*)+)$/', $range, $matches)) {
$asterisksCount = strlen($matches[1]) >> 1;
if ($asterisksCount > 0) {
$missingDots = 3 - substr_count($range, '.');
if ($missingDots > 0) {
$range .= str_repeat('.*', $missingDots);
$asterisksCount += $missingDots;
$fromAddress = IPv4::fromString(str_replace('*', '0', $range), true, $supportNonDecimalIPv4);
if ($fromAddress === null) {
return null;
$fixedBytes = array_slice($fromAddress->getBytes(), 0, -$asterisksCount);
$otherBytes = array_fill(0, $asterisksCount, 255);
$toAddress = IPv4::fromBytes(array_merge($fixedBytes, $otherBytes));
return new static($fromAddress, $toAddress, $asterisksCount);
if (strpos($range, ':') !== false && preg_match('/^[^*]+((?::\*)+)$/', $range, $matches)) {
$asterisksCount = strlen($matches[1]) >> 1;
$fromAddress = IPv6::fromString(str_replace('*', '0', $range));
if ($fromAddress === null) {
return null;
$fixedWords = array_slice($fromAddress->getWords(), 0, -$asterisksCount);
$otherWords = array_fill(0, $asterisksCount, 0xffff);
$toAddress = IPv6::fromWords(array_merge($fixedWords, $otherWords));
return new static($fromAddress, $toAddress, $asterisksCount);
return null;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \IPLib\Range\RangeInterface::toString()
public function toString($long = false)
if ($this->asterisksCount === 0) {
return $this->fromAddress->toString($long);
switch (true) {
case $this->fromAddress instanceof \IPLib\Address\IPv4:
$chunks = explode('.', $this->fromAddress->toString());
$chunks = array_slice($chunks, 0, -$this->asterisksCount);
$chunks = array_pad($chunks, 4, '*');
$result = implode('.', $chunks);
case $this->fromAddress instanceof \IPLib\Address\IPv6:
if ($long) {
$chunks = explode(':', $this->fromAddress->toString(true));
$chunks = array_slice($chunks, 0, -$this->asterisksCount);
$chunks = array_pad($chunks, 8, '*');
$result = implode(':', $chunks);
} elseif ($this->asterisksCount === 8) {
$result = '*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*';
} else {
$bytes = $this->toAddress->getBytes();
$bytes = array_slice($bytes, 0, -$this->asterisksCount * 2);
$bytes = array_pad($bytes, 16, 1);
$address = IPv6::fromBytes($bytes);
$before = substr($address->toString(false), 0, -strlen(':101') * $this->asterisksCount);
$result = $before . str_repeat(':*', $this->asterisksCount);
throw new \Exception('@todo'); // @codeCoverageIgnore
return $result;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \IPLib\Range\RangeInterface::getAddressType()
public function getAddressType()
return $this->fromAddress->getAddressType();
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \IPLib\Range\RangeInterface::getStartAddress()
public function getStartAddress()
return $this->fromAddress;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \IPLib\Range\RangeInterface::getEndAddress()
public function getEndAddress()
return $this->toAddress;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \IPLib\Range\RangeInterface::getComparableStartString()
public function getComparableStartString()
return $this->fromAddress->getComparableString();
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \IPLib\Range\RangeInterface::getComparableEndString()
public function getComparableEndString()
return $this->toAddress->getComparableString();
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \IPLib\Range\RangeInterface::asSubnet()
public function asSubnet()
switch ($this->getAddressType()) {
case AddressType::T_IPv4:
return new Subnet($this->getStartAddress(), $this->getEndAddress(), 8 * (4 - $this->asterisksCount));
case AddressType::T_IPv6:
return new Subnet($this->getStartAddress(), $this->getEndAddress(), 16 * (8 - $this->asterisksCount));
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \IPLib\Range\RangeInterface::asPattern()
public function asPattern()
return $this;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \IPLib\Range\RangeInterface::getSubnetMask()
public function getSubnetMask()
if ($this->getAddressType() !== AddressType::T_IPv4) {
return null;
switch ($this->asterisksCount) {
case 0:
$bytes = array(255, 255, 255, 255);
case 4:
$bytes = array(0, 0, 0, 0);
$bytes = array_pad(array_fill(0, 4 - $this->asterisksCount, 255), 4, 0);
return IPv4::fromBytes($bytes);
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \IPLib\Range\RangeInterface::getReverseDNSLookupName()
public function getReverseDNSLookupName()
return $this->asterisksCount === 0 ? array($this->getStartAddress()->getReverseDNSLookupName()) : $this->asSubnet()->getReverseDNSLookupName();