606 lines
22 KiB

* This file is part of Jdenticon for PHP.
* Copyright (c) 2018 Daniel Mester Pirttijärvi
* For full license information, please see the LICENSE file that was
* distributed with this source code.
namespace Jdenticon;
* Represents a 24-bit color with a 8-bit alpha channel.
class Color
private static $lightnessCompensations = array(
0.55, 0.5, 0.5, 0.46, 0.6, 0.55, 0.55);
* The red component of the color in the range [0, 255].
* @var int
public $r;
* The green component of the color in the range [0, 255].
* @var int
public $g;
* The blue component of the color in the range [0, 255].
* @var int
public $b;
* The alpha component of the color in the range [0, 255].
* @var int
public $a;
// Users of the struct should use the static factory methods
// to create Color value.
private function __construct()
* Creates a Color from an RGB value.
* @param int $alpha Alpha channel value in the range [0, 255].
* @param int $red Red component in the range [0, 255].
* @param int $green GReen component in the range [0, 255].
* @param int $blue Blue component in the range [0, 255].
public static function fromRgb($red, $green, $blue, $alpha = 255)
$color = new Color();
$color->r = $red;
$color->g = $green;
$color->b = $blue;
$color->a = $alpha;
return $color;
* Creates a Color instance from HSL color parameters.
* @param float $hue Hue in the range [0, 1]
* @param float $saturation Saturation in the range [0, 1]
* @param float $lightness Lightness in the range [0, 1]
* @param float $alpha Alpha channel value in the range [0, 1].
public static function fromHsl($hue, $saturation, $lightness, $alpha = 1.0)
if ($hue < 0) $hue = 0;
if ($hue > 1) $hue = 1;
if ($saturation < 0) $saturation = 0;
if ($saturation > 1) $saturation = 1;
if ($lightness < 0) $lightness = 0;
if ($lightness > 1) $lightness = 1;
if ($alpha < 0) $alpha = 0;
if ($alpha > 1) $alpha = 1;
// Based on
if ($saturation == 0) {
$value = (int)($lightness * 255);
return self::fromRgb($value, $value, $value, (int)($alpha * 255));
} else {
if ($lightness <= 0.5) {
$m2 = $lightness * ($saturation + 1);
} else {
$m2 = $lightness + $saturation - $lightness * $saturation;
$m1 = $lightness * 2 - $m2;
return self::fromRgb(
self::hueToRgb($m1, $m2, $hue * 6 + 2),
self::hueToRgb($m1, $m2, $hue * 6),
self::hueToRgb($m1, $m2, $hue * 6 - 2),
(int)($alpha * 255));
* Creates a Color> instance from HSL color parameters and will compensate
* the lightness for hues that appear to be darker than others.
* @param float $hue Hue in the range [0, 1].
* @param float $saturation Saturation in the range [0, 1].
* @param float $lightness Lightness in the range [0, 1].
* @param float $alpha Alpha channel value in the range [0, 1].
public static function fromHslCompensated($hue, $saturation, $lightness, $alpha = 1.0)
if ($hue < 0) $hue = 0;
if ($hue > 1) $hue = 1;
$lightnessCompensation = self::$lightnessCompensations[(int)($hue * 6 + 0.5)];
// Adjust the input lightness relative to the compensation
$lightness = $lightness < 0.5 ?
$lightness * $lightnessCompensation * 2 :
$lightnessCompensation + ($lightness - 0.5) * (1 - $lightnessCompensation) * 2;
return self::fromHsl($hue, $saturation, $lightness, $alpha);
// Helper method for FromHsl
private static function hueToRgb($m1, $m2, $h)
if ($h < 0) {
$h = $h + 6;
} elseif ($h > 6) {
$h = $h - 6;
if ($h < 1) {
$r = $m1 + ($m2 - $m1) * $h;
} elseif ($h < 3) {
$r = $m2;
} elseif ($h < 4) {
$r = $m1 + ($m2 - $m1) * (4 - $h);
} else {
$r = $m1;
return (int)(255 * $r);
* Gets the argb value of this color.
* @return int
public function toRgba()
($this->r << 24) |
($this->g << 16) |
($this->b << 8) |
* Gets a hexadecimal representation of this color on the format #rrggbbaa.
* @return string
public function __toString()
return '#' . bin2hex(pack('N', $this->toRgba()));
* Gets a hexadecimal representation of this color on the format #rrggbbaa.
* @return string
public function toHexString($length = 8)
if ($length === 8) {
return $this->__toString();
return '#' . substr(bin2hex(pack('N', $this->toRgba())), 0, 6);
* Tries to parse a value as a Color.
* @param mixed $value Value to parse.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @return \Jdenticon\Color
public static function parse($value) {
if ($value instanceof Color) {
return $value;
$value = strtolower("$value");
if (preg_match('/^#?[0-9a-f]{3,8}$/', $value) &&
self::parseHexColor($value, $result)
) {
return $result;
if (preg_match(
$value, $matches) &&
self::parseRgbComponent($matches[1], $r) &&
self::parseRgbComponent($matches[2], $g) &&
self::parseRgbComponent($matches[3], $b) &&
self::parseAlpha(isset($matches[4]) ? $matches[4] : null, $a)
) {
return self::fromRgb($r, $g, $b, (int)(255 * $a));
if (preg_match(
$value, $matches) &&
self::parseHue($matches[1], $h) &&
self::parsePercent($matches[2], $s) &&
self::parsePercent($matches[3], $l) &&
self::parseAlpha(isset($matches[4]) ? $matches[4] : null, $a)
) {
return self::fromHsl($h, $s, $l, $a);
$result = self::parseNamedColor($value);
if ($result !== null) {
return $result;
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
"Cannot parse '$value' as a color.");
* Parses a percent value.
* @param string $input Input string.
* @param float $result Resulting value in range [0, 1].
* @return boolean
private static function parsePercent($input, &$result)
// Detect and remove percent sign
if (preg_match('/^\\s*(\\d*(?:\\.\\d*)?)%\\s*$/', $input, $matches)) {
$result = floatval($matches[1]) / 100;
if ($result < 0) $result = 0;
if ($result > 1) $result = 1;
return true;
return false;
* Parses an alpha value.
* @param string $input Input string.
* @param float $result Resulting alpha in range [0, 1].
* @return boolean
private static function parseAlpha($input, &$result)
if ($input === null ||
$input === ''
) {
$result = 1;
return true;
if (preg_match('/^\\s*(\\d*(?:\\.\\d*)?)(%?)\\s*$/', $input, $matches)) {
$result = floatval($matches[1]);
// Percentage
if ($matches[2] !== '') {
$result = $result / 100;
if ($result < 0) $result = 0;
if ($result > 1) $result = 1;
return true;
return false;
* Parses an RGB component.
* @param string $input Input string.
* @param float $result Hue in range [0, 255].
* @return boolean
private static function parseRgbComponent($input, &$result)
if (preg_match('/^\\s*(\\d*(?:\\.\\d*)?)(%?)\\s*$/', $input, $matches)) {
$result = floatval($matches[1]);
if ($matches[2] === '%') {
$result = 255 * $result / 100;
$result = (int)$result;
if ($result < 0) $result = 0;
if ($result > 255) $result = 255;
return true;
return false;
* Parses a hue component.
* @param string $input Input string.
* @param float $result Hue in range [0, 1].
* @return boolean
private static function parseHue($input, &$result)
if (preg_match(
$input, $matches)
) {
$result = floatval($matches[1]);
// Percentage
switch ($matches[2]) {
case "grad":
// Gradians: range 0 - 400
$result = $result / 400;
case "rad":
// Radians: range 0 - 2pi
$result = $result / M_PI / 2;
case "turn":
// Turns: range 0 - 1
$result = $result;
// Degree: range 0 - 360
$result = $result / 360;
$result = fmod($result, 1);
if ($result < 0) {
$result += 1;
return true;
return false;
* Parses a hex color string.
* @param string $input Input string.
* @param float $result Hue in range [0, 1].
* @return boolean
private static function parseHexColor($input, &$result)
if ($input[0] === '#') {
$input = substr($input, 1);
// intval does not support unsigned 32-bit integers
// so we need to parse large numbers stepwise
$numeric24bit = intval(substr($input, 0, 6), 16);
$alpha8bit = intval(substr($input, 6, 2), 16);
switch (strlen($input)) {
case 3:
$result = self::fromRgb(
(($numeric24bit & 0xf00) >> 8) |
(($numeric24bit & 0xf00) >> 4),
(($numeric24bit & 0x0f0) >> 4) |
(($numeric24bit & 0x0f0)),
(($numeric24bit & 0x00f) << 4) |
(($numeric24bit & 0x00f))
return true;
case 4:
$result = self::fromRgb(
(($numeric24bit & 0xf000) >> 12) |
(($numeric24bit & 0xf000) >> 8),
(($numeric24bit & 0x0f00) >> 8) |
(($numeric24bit & 0x0f00) >> 4),
(($numeric24bit & 0x00f0) >> 4) |
(($numeric24bit & 0x00f0)),
(($numeric24bit & 0x000f) << 4) |
(($numeric24bit & 0x000f))
return true;
case 6:
$result = self::fromRgb(
0xff & ($numeric24bit >> 16),
0xff & ($numeric24bit >> 8),
0xff & ($numeric24bit)
return true;
case 8:
$result = self::fromRgb(
0xff & ($numeric24bit >> 16),
0xff & ($numeric24bit >> 8),
0xff & ($numeric24bit),
0xff & ($alpha8bit)
return true;
return false;
* Looks up a named color to a Color instance.
* @param string $input Input string.
* @return \Jdenticon\Color
private static function parseNamedColor($input)
// Source:
switch ($input) {
case 'aliceblue': return self::fromRgb(240,248,255);
case 'antiquewhite': return self::fromRgb(250,235,215);
case 'aqua': return self::fromRgb(0,255,255);
case 'aquamarine': return self::fromRgb(127,255,212);
case 'azure': return self::fromRgb(240,255,255);
case 'beige': return self::fromRgb(245,245,220);
case 'bisque': return self::fromRgb(255,228,196);
case 'black': return self::fromRgb(0,0,0);
case 'blanchedalmond': return self::fromRgb(255,235,205);
case 'blue': return self::fromRgb(0,0,255);
case 'blueviolet': return self::fromRgb(138,43,226);
case 'brown': return self::fromRgb(165,42,42);
case 'burlywood': return self::fromRgb(222,184,135);
case 'cadetblue': return self::fromRgb(95,158,160);
case 'chartreuse': return self::fromRgb(127,255,0);
case 'chocolate': return self::fromRgb(210,105,30);
case 'coral': return self::fromRgb(255,127,80);
case 'cornflowerblue': return self::fromRgb(100,149,237);
case 'cornsilk': return self::fromRgb(255,248,220);
case 'crimson': return self::fromRgb(220,20,60);
case 'cyan': return self::fromRgb(0,255,255);
case 'darkblue': return self::fromRgb(0,0,139);
case 'darkcyan': return self::fromRgb(0,139,139);
case 'darkgoldenrod': return self::fromRgb(184,134,11);
case 'darkgray': return self::fromRgb(169,169,169);
case 'darkgreen': return self::fromRgb(0,100,0);
case 'darkgrey': return self::fromRgb(169,169,169);
case 'darkkhaki': return self::fromRgb(189,183,107);
case 'darkmagenta': return self::fromRgb(139,0,139);
case 'darkolivegreen': return self::fromRgb(85,107,47);
case 'darkorange': return self::fromRgb(255,140,0);
case 'darkorchid': return self::fromRgb(153,50,204);
case 'darkred': return self::fromRgb(139,0,0);
case 'darksalmon': return self::fromRgb(233,150,122);
case 'darkseagreen': return self::fromRgb(143,188,143);
case 'darkslateblue': return self::fromRgb(72,61,139);
case 'darkslategray': return self::fromRgb(47,79,79);
case 'darkslategrey': return self::fromRgb(47,79,79);
case 'darkturquoise': return self::fromRgb(0,206,209);
case 'darkviolet': return self::fromRgb(148,0,211);
case 'deeppink': return self::fromRgb(255,20,147);
case 'deepskyblue': return self::fromRgb(0,191,255);
case 'dimgray': return self::fromRgb(105,105,105);
case 'dimgrey': return self::fromRgb(105,105,105);
case 'dodgerblue': return self::fromRgb(30,144,255);
case 'firebrick': return self::fromRgb(178,34,34);
case 'floralwhite': return self::fromRgb(255,250,240);
case 'forestgreen': return self::fromRgb(34,139,34);
case 'fuchsia': return self::fromRgb(255,0,255);
case 'gainsboro': return self::fromRgb(220,220,220);
case 'ghostwhite': return self::fromRgb(248,248,255);
case 'gold': return self::fromRgb(255,215,0);
case 'goldenrod': return self::fromRgb(218,165,32);
case 'gray': return self::fromRgb(128,128,128);
case 'green': return self::fromRgb(0,128,0);
case 'greenyellow': return self::fromRgb(173,255,47);
case 'grey': return self::fromRgb(128,128,128);
case 'honeydew': return self::fromRgb(240,255,240);
case 'hotpink': return self::fromRgb(255,105,180);
case 'indianred': return self::fromRgb(205,92,92);
case 'indigo': return self::fromRgb(75,0,130);
case 'ivory': return self::fromRgb(255,255,240);
case 'khaki': return self::fromRgb(240,230,140);
case 'lavender': return self::fromRgb(230,230,250);
case 'lavenderblush': return self::fromRgb(255,240,245);
case 'lawngreen': return self::fromRgb(124,252,0);
case 'lemonchiffon': return self::fromRgb(255,250,205);
case 'lightblue': return self::fromRgb(173,216,230);
case 'lightcoral': return self::fromRgb(240,128,128);
case 'lightcyan': return self::fromRgb(224,255,255);
case 'lightgoldenrodyellow': return self::fromRgb(250,250,210);
case 'lightgray': return self::fromRgb(211,211,211);
case 'lightgreen': return self::fromRgb(144,238,144);
case 'lightgrey': return self::fromRgb(211,211,211);
case 'lightpink': return self::fromRgb(255,182,193);
case 'lightsalmon': return self::fromRgb(255,160,122);
case 'lightseagreen': return self::fromRgb(32,178,170);
case 'lightskyblue': return self::fromRgb(135,206,250);
case 'lightslategray': return self::fromRgb(119,136,153);
case 'lightslategrey': return self::fromRgb(119,136,153);
case 'lightsteelblue': return self::fromRgb(176,196,222);
case 'lightyellow': return self::fromRgb(255,255,224);
case 'lime': return self::fromRgb(0,255,0);
case 'limegreen': return self::fromRgb(50,205,50);
case 'linen': return self::fromRgb(250,240,230);
case 'magenta': return self::fromRgb(255,0,255);
case 'maroon': return self::fromRgb(128,0,0);
case 'mediumaquamarine': return self::fromRgb(102,205,170);
case 'mediumblue': return self::fromRgb(0,0,205);
case 'mediumorchid': return self::fromRgb(186,85,211);
case 'mediumpurple': return self::fromRgb(147,112,219);
case 'mediumseagreen': return self::fromRgb(60,179,113);
case 'mediumslateblue': return self::fromRgb(123,104,238);
case 'mediumspringgreen': return self::fromRgb(0,250,154);
case 'mediumturquoise': return self::fromRgb(72,209,204);
case 'mediumvioletred': return self::fromRgb(199,21,133);
case 'midnightblue': return self::fromRgb(25,25,112);
case 'mintcream': return self::fromRgb(245,255,250);
case 'mistyrose': return self::fromRgb(255,228,225);
case 'moccasin': return self::fromRgb(255,228,181);
case 'navajowhite': return self::fromRgb(255,222,173);
case 'navy': return self::fromRgb(0,0,128);
case 'oldlace': return self::fromRgb(253,245,230);
case 'olive': return self::fromRgb(128,128,0);
case 'olivedrab': return self::fromRgb(107,142,35);
case 'orange': return self::fromRgb(255,165,0);
case 'orangered': return self::fromRgb(255,69,0);
case 'orchid': return self::fromRgb(218,112,214);
case 'palegoldenrod': return self::fromRgb(238,232,170);
case 'palegreen': return self::fromRgb(152,251,152);
case 'paleturquoise': return self::fromRgb(175,238,238);
case 'palevioletred': return self::fromRgb(219,112,147);
case 'papayawhip': return self::fromRgb(255,239,213);
case 'peachpuff': return self::fromRgb(255,218,185);
case 'peru': return self::fromRgb(205,133,63);
case 'pink': return self::fromRgb(255,192,203);
case 'plum': return self::fromRgb(221,160,221);
case 'powderblue': return self::fromRgb(176,224,230);
case 'purple': return self::fromRgb(128,0,128);
case 'rebeccapurple': return self::fromRgb(102,51,153);
case 'red': return self::fromRgb(255,0,0);
case 'rosybrown': return self::fromRgb(188,143,143);
case 'royalblue': return self::fromRgb(65,105,225);
case 'saddlebrown': return self::fromRgb(139,69,19);
case 'salmon': return self::fromRgb(250,128,114);
case 'sandybrown': return self::fromRgb(244,164,96);
case 'seagreen': return self::fromRgb(46,139,87);
case 'seashell': return self::fromRgb(255,245,238);
case 'sienna': return self::fromRgb(160,82,45);
case 'silver': return self::fromRgb(192,192,192);
case 'skyblue': return self::fromRgb(135,206,235);
case 'slateblue': return self::fromRgb(106,90,205);
case 'slategray': return self::fromRgb(112,128,144);
case 'slategrey': return self::fromRgb(112,128,144);
case 'snow': return self::fromRgb(255,250,250);
case 'springgreen': return self::fromRgb(0,255,127);
case 'steelblue': return self::fromRgb(70,130,180);
case 'tan': return self::fromRgb(210,180,140);
case 'teal': return self::fromRgb(0,128,128);
case 'thistle': return self::fromRgb(216,191,216);
case 'tomato': return self::fromRgb(255,99,71);
case 'transparent': return self::fromRgb(0,0,0,0);
case 'turquoise': return self::fromRgb(64,224,208);
case 'violet': return self::fromRgb(238,130,238);
case 'wheat': return self::fromRgb(245,222,179);
case 'white': return self::fromRgb(255,255,255);
case 'whitesmoke': return self::fromRgb(245,245,245);
case 'yellow': return self::fromRgb(255,255,0);
case 'yellowgreen': return self::fromRgb(154,205,50);
default: return null;