291 lines
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* This file is part of Jdenticon for PHP.
* Copyright (c) 2018 Daniel Mester Pirttijärvi
* For full license information, please see the LICENSE file that was
* distributed with this source code.
namespace Jdenticon\Rendering;
use Jdenticon\Shapes\Shape;
use Jdenticon\Shapes\ShapeCategory;
use Jdenticon\Shapes\ShapeDefinitions;
* Generates identicons and render them to a
* {@link \Jdenticon\Rendering\RendererInterface}. This class dictates what
* shapes will be used in the generated icons. If you intend to customize the
* appearance of generated icons you probably wants to either subclass or modify
* this class.
class IconGenerator
private $defaultShapes;
private static $instance;
protected function __construct()
$this->defaultShapes = array(
// Sides
new ShapeCategory(
/*$colorIndex=*/ 8,
/*$shapes=*/ ShapeDefinitions::getOuterShapes(),
/*$shapeIndex=*/ 2,
/*$rotationIndex=*/ 3,
/*$positions=*/ array(1,0, 2,0, 2,3, 1,3, 0,1, 3,1, 3,2, 0,2)
// Corners
new ShapeCategory(
/*$colorIndex=*/ 9,
/*$shapes=*/ ShapeDefinitions::getOuterShapes(),
/*$shapeIndex=*/ 4,
/*$rotationIndex=*/ 5,
/*$positions=*/ array(0,0, 3,0, 3,3, 0,3)
// Center
new ShapeCategory(
/*$colorIndex=*/ 10,
/*$shapes=*/ ShapeDefinitions::getCenterShapes(),
/*$shapeIndex=*/ 1,
/*$rotationIndex=*/ null,
/*$positions=*/ array(1,1, 2,1, 2,2, 1,2)
public static function getDefaultGenerator()
if (self::$instance === null) {
self::$instance = new IconGenerator();
return self::$instance;
* Gets the number of cells in each direction of the icons generated by
* this IconGenerator.
* @return int
public function getCellCount()
return 4;
* Determines the hue to be used in an icon for the specified hash.
* @return float Hue in the range [0, 1].
protected static function getHue($hash)
$value = hexdec(substr($hash, -7));
return $value / 0xfffffff;
* Determines whether $newValue is duplicated in $source if all values
* in $duplicateValues are determined to be equal.
* @return bool
private static function isDuplicate(
array $source, $newValue,
array $duplicateValues)
if (in_array($newValue, $duplicateValues, true)) {
foreach ($duplicateValues as $value) {
if (in_array($value, $source, true)) {
return true;
return false;
* Gets the specified octet from a byte array.
* @param string $hash The hexstring from which the octet will be retrieved.
* @param int $index The zero-based index of the octet to be returned.
* @return int
protected static function getOctet($hash, $index)
return hexdec($hash[$index]);
* Gets an array of the shape categories to be rendered in icons generated
* by this IconGenerator.
* @return array
protected function getCategories()
return $this->defaultShapes;
* Gets an enumeration of individual shapes to be rendered in an icon for a
* specific hash.
* @param \Jdenticon\Rendering\ColorTheme $colorTheme A color theme
* specifying the colors to be used in the icon.
* @param string $hash The hash for which the shapes will be returned.
* @return array(Jdenticon\Shapes\Shape)
protected function getShapes($colorTheme, $hash)
$usedColorThemeIndexes = array();
$categories = self::getCategories();
$shapes = array();
$colorCount = $colorTheme->getCount();
foreach ($categories as $category) {
$colorThemeIndex =
self::getOctet($hash, $category->colorIndex) % $colorCount;
if (self::isDuplicate(
// Disallow dark gray and dark color combo
$usedColorThemeIndexes, $colorThemeIndex, array(0, 4)) ||
// Disallow light gray and light color combo
$usedColorThemeIndexes, $colorThemeIndex, array(2, 3))
) {
$colorThemeIndex = 1;
$usedColorThemeIndexes[] = $colorThemeIndex;
$startRotationIndex = $category->rotationIndex === null ?
0 : self::getOctet($hash, $category->rotationIndex);
$shapeIndex =
self::getOctet($hash, $category->shapeIndex) %
$shape = $category->shapes[$shapeIndex];
$shapes[] = new Shape(
/*$definition=*/ $shape,
/*$color=*/ $colorTheme->getByIndex($colorThemeIndex),
/*$positions=*/ $category->positions,
/*$startRotationIndex=*/ $startRotationIndex
return $shapes;
* Creates a quadratic copy of the specified
* {@link \Jdenticon\Rendering\Rectangle} with a multiple of the cell count
* as size.
* @param \Jdenticon\Rendering\Rectangle $rect The rectangle to be
* normalized.
protected function normalizeRectangle(\Jdenticon\Rendering\Rectangle $rect)
$size = (int)min($rect->width, $rect->height);
// Make size a multiple of the cell count
$size -= $size % $this->getCellCount();
return new Rectangle(
(int)($rect->x + ($rect->width - $size) / 2),
(int)($rect->y + ($rect->height - $size) / 2),
* Renders the background of an icon.
* @param \Jdenticon\Rendering\RendererInterface $renderer The renderer to
* be used for rendering the icon on the target surface.
* @param \Jdenticon\Rendering\Rectangle $rect The outer bounds of the icon.
* @param \Jdenticon\IdenticonStyle $style The style of the icon.
* @param \Jdenticon\Rendering\ColorTheme $colorTheme A color theme
* specifying the colors to be used in the icon.
* @param string $hash The hash to be used as basis for the generated icon.
protected function renderBackground(
\Jdenticon\Rendering\RendererInterface $renderer,
\Jdenticon\Rendering\Rectangle $rect,
\Jdenticon\IdenticonStyle $style,
\Jdenticon\Rendering\ColorTheme $colorTheme,
* Renders the foreground of an icon.
* @param \Jdenticon\Rendering\RendererInterface $renderer The renderer to
* be used for rendering the icon on the target surface.
* @param \Jdenticon\Rendering\Rectangle $rect The outer bounds of the icon.
* @param \Jdenticon\IdenticonStyle $style The style of the icon.
* @param \Jdenticon\Rendering\ColorTheme $colorTheme A color theme
* specifying the colors to be used in the icon.
* @param string $hash The hash to be used as basis for the generated icon.
protected function renderForeground(
\Jdenticon\Rendering\RendererInterface $renderer,
\Jdenticon\Rendering\Rectangle $rect,
\Jdenticon\IdenticonStyle $style,
\Jdenticon\Rendering\ColorTheme $colorTheme,
// Ensure rect is quadratic and a multiple of the cell count
$normalizedRect = $this->normalizeRectangle($rect);
$cellSize = $normalizedRect->width / $this->getCellCount();
foreach ($this->getShapes($colorTheme, $hash) as $shape) {
$rotation = $shape->startRotationIndex;
$positionCount = count($shape->positions);
for ($i = 0; $i + 1 < $positionCount; $i += 2) {
$renderer->setTransform(new Transform(
$normalizedRect->x + $shape->positions[$i + 0] * $cellSize,
$normalizedRect->y + $shape->positions[$i + 1] * $cellSize,
$cellSize, $rotation++ % 4));
$shape->definition->__invoke($renderer, $cellSize, $i / 2);
* Generates an identicon for the specified hash.
* @param \Jdenticon\Rendering\RendererInterface $renderer The renderer to
* be used for rendering the icon on the target surface.
* @param \Jdenticon\Rendering\Rectangle $rect The outer bounds of the icon.
* @param \Jdenticon\IdenticonStyle $style The style of the icon.
* @param string $hash The hash to be used as basis for the generated icon.
public function generate(
\Jdenticon\Rendering\RendererInterface $renderer,
\Jdenticon\Rendering\Rectangle $rect,
\Jdenticon\IdenticonStyle $style,
$hue = self::getHue($hash);
$colorTheme = new ColorTheme($hue, $style);
$this->renderBackground($renderer, $rect, $style, $colorTheme, $hash);
$this->renderForeground($renderer, $rect, $style, $colorTheme, $hash);