ruleset_id = Less_Parser::$next_id++; $this->originalRuleset = $this->ruleset_id; if ( $this->selectors ) { foreach ( $this->selectors as $sel ) { if ( $sel->_oelements ) { $this->first_oelements[$sel->_oelements[0]] = true; } } } } /** * @param null|Less_Tree_Selector[] $selectors * @param Less_Tree[] $rules * @param null|bool $strictImports */ public function __construct( $selectors, $rules, $strictImports = null ) { $this->selectors = $selectors; $this->rules = $rules; $this->lookups = []; $this->strictImports = $strictImports; $this->SetRulesetIndex(); } public function accept( $visitor ) { if ( $this->paths !== null ) { $paths_len = count( $this->paths ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $paths_len; $i++ ) { $this->paths[$i] = $visitor->visitArray( $this->paths[$i] ); } } elseif ( $this->selectors ) { $this->selectors = $visitor->visitArray( $this->selectors ); } if ( $this->rules ) { $this->rules = $visitor->visitArray( $this->rules ); } } /** * @param Less_Environment $env * @return Less_Tree_Ruleset * @see less-2.5.3.js#Ruleset.prototype.eval */ public function compile( $env ) { $ruleset = $this->PrepareRuleset( $env ); // Store the frames around mixin definitions, // so they can be evaluated like closures when the time comes. $rsRuleCnt = count( $ruleset->rules ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $rsRuleCnt; $i++ ) { // These checks are the equivalent of the rule.evalFirst property in less.js if ( $ruleset->rules[$i] instanceof Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition || $ruleset->rules[$i] instanceof Less_Tree_DetachedRuleset ) { $ruleset->rules[$i] = $ruleset->rules[$i]->compile( $env ); } } $mediaBlockCount = count( $env->mediaBlocks ); // Evaluate mixin calls. $this->EvalMixinCalls( $ruleset, $env, $rsRuleCnt ); // Evaluate everything else for ( $i = 0; $i < $rsRuleCnt; $i++ ) { if ( !( $ruleset->rules[$i] instanceof Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition || $ruleset->rules[$i] instanceof Less_Tree_DetachedRuleset ) ) { $ruleset->rules[$i] = $ruleset->rules[$i]->compile( $env ); } } // Evaluate everything else for ( $i = 0; $i < $rsRuleCnt; $i++ ) { $rule = $ruleset->rules[$i]; // for rulesets, check if it is a css guard and can be removed if ( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Ruleset && $rule->selectors && count( $rule->selectors ) === 1 ) { // check if it can be folded in (e.g. & where) if ( $rule->selectors[0]->isJustParentSelector() ) { array_splice( $ruleset->rules, $i--, 1 ); $rsRuleCnt--; for ( $j = 0; $j < count( $rule->rules ); $j++ ) { $subRule = $rule->rules[$j]; if ( !( $subRule instanceof Less_Tree_Rule ) || !$subRule->variable ) { array_splice( $ruleset->rules, ++$i, 0, [ $subRule ] ); $rsRuleCnt++; } } } } } // Pop the stack $env->shiftFrame(); if ( $mediaBlockCount ) { $len = count( $env->mediaBlocks ); for ( $i = $mediaBlockCount; $i < $len; $i++ ) { $env->mediaBlocks[$i]->bubbleSelectors( $ruleset->selectors ); } } return $ruleset; } /** * Compile Less_Tree_Mixin_Call objects * * @param Less_Tree_Ruleset $ruleset * @param int $rsRuleCnt */ private function EvalMixinCalls( $ruleset, $env, &$rsRuleCnt ) { for ( $i = 0; $i < $rsRuleCnt; $i++ ) { $rule = $ruleset->rules[$i]; if ( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Mixin_Call ) { $rule = $rule->compile( $env ); $temp = []; foreach ( $rule as $r ) { if ( ( $r instanceof Less_Tree_Rule ) && $r->variable ) { // do not pollute the scope if the variable is // already there. consider returning false here // but we need a way to "return" variable from mixins if ( !$ruleset->variable( $r->name ) ) { $temp[] = $r; } } else { $temp[] = $r; } } $temp_count = count( $temp ) - 1; array_splice( $ruleset->rules, $i, 1, $temp ); $rsRuleCnt += $temp_count; $i += $temp_count; $ruleset->resetCache(); } elseif ( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_RulesetCall ) { $rule = $rule->compile( $env ); $rules = []; foreach ( $rule->rules as $r ) { if ( ( $r instanceof Less_Tree_Rule ) && $r->variable ) { continue; } $rules[] = $r; } array_splice( $ruleset->rules, $i, 1, $rules ); $temp_count = count( $rules ); $rsRuleCnt += $temp_count - 1; $i += $temp_count - 1; $ruleset->resetCache(); } } } /** * Compile the selectors and create a new ruleset object for the compile() method * * @param Less_Environment $env * @return Less_Tree_Ruleset */ private function PrepareRuleset( $env ) { // NOTE: Preserve distinction between null and empty array when compiling // $this->selectors to $selectors $thisSelectors = $this->selectors; $selectors = null; $hasOnePassingSelector = false; if ( $thisSelectors ) { Less_Tree_DefaultFunc::error( "it is currently only allowed in parametric mixin guards," ); $selectors = []; foreach ( $thisSelectors as $s ) { $selector = $s->compile( $env ); $selectors[] = $selector; if ( $selector->evaldCondition ) { $hasOnePassingSelector = true; } } Less_Tree_DefaultFunc::reset(); } else { $hasOnePassingSelector = true; } if ( $this->rules && $hasOnePassingSelector ) { // Copy the array (no need for slice in PHP) $rules = $this->rules; } else { $rules = []; } $ruleset = new Less_Tree_Ruleset( $selectors, $rules, $this->strictImports ); $ruleset->originalRuleset = $this->ruleset_id; $ruleset->root = $this->root; $ruleset->firstRoot = $this->firstRoot; $ruleset->allowImports = $this->allowImports; // push the current ruleset to the frames stack $env->unshiftFrame( $ruleset ); // Evaluate imports if ( $ruleset->root || $ruleset->allowImports || !$ruleset->strictImports ) { $ruleset->evalImports( $env ); } return $ruleset; } function evalImports( $env ) { $rules_len = count( $this->rules ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $rules_len; $i++ ) { $rule = $this->rules[$i]; if ( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Import ) { $rules = $rule->compile( $env ); if ( is_array( $rules ) ) { array_splice( $this->rules, $i, 1, $rules ); $temp_count = count( $rules ) - 1; $i += $temp_count; $rules_len += $temp_count; } else { array_splice( $this->rules, $i, 1, [ $rules ] ); } $this->resetCache(); } } } function makeImportant() { $important_rules = []; foreach ( $this->rules as $rule ) { if ( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Rule || $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Ruleset || $rule instanceof Less_Tree_NameValue ) { $important_rules[] = $rule->makeImportant(); } else { $important_rules[] = $rule; } } return new Less_Tree_Ruleset( $this->selectors, $important_rules, $this->strictImports ); } public function matchArgs( $args, $env = null ) { return !$args; } // lets you call a css selector with a guard public function matchCondition( $args, $env ) { $lastSelector = end( $this->selectors ); if ( !$lastSelector->evaldCondition ) { return false; } if ( $lastSelector->condition && !$lastSelector->condition->compile( $env->copyEvalEnv( $env->frames ) ) ) { return false; } return true; } function resetCache() { $this->_rulesets = null; $this->_variables = null; $this->lookups = []; } public function variables() { $this->_variables = []; foreach ( $this->rules as $r ) { if ( $r instanceof Less_Tree_Rule && $r->variable === true ) { $this->_variables[$r->name] = $r; } } } /** * @param string $name * @return Less_Tree_Rule|null */ public function variable( $name ) { if ( $this->_variables === null ) { $this->variables(); } return $this->_variables[$name] ?? null; } public function find( $selector, $self = null ) { $key = implode( ' ', $selector->_oelements ); if ( !isset( $this->lookups[$key] ) ) { if ( !$self ) { $self = $this->ruleset_id; } $this->lookups[$key] = []; $first_oelement = $selector->_oelements[0]; foreach ( $this->rules as $rule ) { if ( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Ruleset && $rule->ruleset_id != $self ) { if ( isset( $rule->first_oelements[$first_oelement] ) ) { foreach ( $rule->selectors as $ruleSelector ) { $match = $selector->match( $ruleSelector ); if ( $match ) { if ( $selector->elements_len > $match ) { $this->lookups[$key] = array_merge( $this->lookups[$key], $rule->find( new Less_Tree_Selector( array_slice( $selector->elements, $match ) ), $self ) ); } else { $this->lookups[$key][] = $rule; } break; } } } } } } return $this->lookups[$key]; } /** * @see Less_Tree::genCSS */ public function genCSS( $output ) { if ( !$this->root ) { Less_Environment::$tabLevel++; } $tabRuleStr = $tabSetStr = ''; if ( !Less_Parser::$options['compress'] ) { if ( Less_Environment::$tabLevel ) { $tabRuleStr = "\n" . str_repeat( Less_Parser::$options['indentation'], Less_Environment::$tabLevel ); $tabSetStr = "\n" . str_repeat( Less_Parser::$options['indentation'], Less_Environment::$tabLevel - 1 ); } else { $tabSetStr = $tabRuleStr = "\n"; } } $ruleNodes = []; $rulesetNodes = []; foreach ( $this->rules as $rule ) { $class = get_class( $rule ); if ( ( $class === 'Less_Tree_Media' ) || ( $class === 'Less_Tree_Directive' ) || ( $this->root && $class === 'Less_Tree_Comment' ) || ( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Ruleset && $rule->rules ) ) { $rulesetNodes[] = $rule; } else { $ruleNodes[] = $rule; } } // If this is the root node, we don't render // a selector, or {}. if ( !$this->root ) { $paths_len = count( $this->paths ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $paths_len; $i++ ) { $path = $this->paths[$i]; $firstSelector = true; foreach ( $path as $p ) { $p->genCSS( $output, $firstSelector ); $firstSelector = false; } if ( $i + 1 < $paths_len ) { $output->add( ',' . $tabSetStr ); } } $output->add( ( Less_Parser::$options['compress'] ? '{' : " {" ) . $tabRuleStr ); } // Compile rules and rulesets $ruleNodes_len = count( $ruleNodes ); $rulesetNodes_len = count( $rulesetNodes ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $ruleNodes_len; $i++ ) { $rule = $ruleNodes[$i]; // @page{ directive ends up with root elements inside it, a mix of rules and rulesets // In this instance we do not know whether it is the last property if ( $i + 1 === $ruleNodes_len && ( !$this->root || $rulesetNodes_len === 0 || $this->firstRoot ) ) { Less_Environment::$lastRule = true; } $rule->genCSS( $output ); if ( !Less_Environment::$lastRule ) { $output->add( $tabRuleStr ); } else { Less_Environment::$lastRule = false; } } if ( !$this->root ) { $output->add( $tabSetStr . '}' ); Less_Environment::$tabLevel--; } $firstRuleset = true; $space = ( $this->root ? $tabRuleStr : $tabSetStr ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $rulesetNodes_len; $i++ ) { if ( $ruleNodes_len && $firstRuleset ) { $output->add( $space ); } elseif ( !$firstRuleset ) { $output->add( $space ); } $firstRuleset = false; $rulesetNodes[$i]->genCSS( $output ); } if ( !Less_Parser::$options['compress'] && $this->firstRoot ) { $output->add( "\n" ); } } function markReferenced() { if ( !$this->selectors ) { return; } foreach ( $this->selectors as $selector ) { $selector->markReferenced(); } } /** * @param Less_Tree_Selector[][] $context * @param Less_Tree_Selector[]|null $selectors * @return Less_Tree_Selector[][] */ public function joinSelectors( $context, $selectors ) { $paths = []; if ( $selectors !== null ) { foreach ( $selectors as $selector ) { $this->joinSelector( $paths, $context, $selector ); } } return $paths; } public function joinSelector( array &$paths, array $context, Less_Tree_Selector $selector ) { $newPaths = []; $hadParentSelector = $this->replaceParentSelector( $newPaths, $context, $selector ); if ( !$hadParentSelector ) { if ( $context ) { $newPaths = []; foreach ( $context as $path ) { $newPaths[] = array_merge( $path, [ $selector ] ); } } else { $newPaths = [ [ $selector ] ]; } } foreach ( $newPaths as $newPath ) { $paths[] = $newPath; } } /** * Replace all parent selectors inside $inSelector with $context. * * @param array &$paths Resulting selectors are appended to $paths. * @param mixed $context * @param Less_Tree_Selector $inSelector Inner selector from Less_Tree_Paren * @return bool True if $inSelector contained at least one parent selector */ private function replaceParentSelector( array &$paths, $context, Less_Tree_Selector $inSelector ) { $hadParentSelector = false; // The paths are [[Selector]] // The first list is a list of comma separated selectors // The inner list is a list of inheritance separated selectors // e.g. // .a, .b { // .c { // } // } // == [[.a] [.c]] [[.b] [.c]] // // the elements from the current selector so far $currentElements = []; // the current list of new selectors to add to the path. // We will build it up. We initiate it with one empty selector as we "multiply" the new selectors // by the parents $newSelectors = [ [] ]; foreach ( $inSelector->elements as $el ) { // non-parent reference elements just get added if ( $el->value !== '&' ) { $nestedSelector = $this->findNestedSelector( $el ); if ( $nestedSelector !== null ) { $this->mergeElementsOnToSelectors( $currentElements, $newSelectors ); $nestedPaths = []; $replacedNewSelectors = []; $replaced = $this->replaceParentSelector( $nestedPaths, $context, $nestedSelector ); $hadParentSelector = $hadParentSelector || $replaced; // $nestedPaths is populated by replaceParentSelector() // $nestedPaths should have exactly one TODO, replaceParentSelector does not multiply selectors foreach ( $nestedPaths as $nestedPath ) { $replacementSelector = $this->createSelector( $nestedPath, $el ); // join selector path from $newSelectors with every selector path in $addPaths array. // $el contains the element that is being replaced by $addPaths // // @see less-2.5.3.js#Ruleset-addAllReplacementsIntoPath $addPaths = [ $replacementSelector ]; foreach ( $newSelectors as $newSelector ) { $replacedNewSelectors[] = $this->addReplacementIntoPath( $newSelector, $addPaths, $el, $inSelector ); } } $newSelectors = $replacedNewSelectors; $currentElements = []; } else { $currentElements[] = $el; } } else { $hadParentSelector = true; // the new list of selectors to add $selectorsMultiplied = []; // merge the current list of non parent selector elements // on to the current list of selectors to add $this->mergeElementsOnToSelectors( $currentElements, $newSelectors ); foreach ( $newSelectors as $sel ) { // if we don't have any parent paths, the & might be in a mixin so that it can be used // whether there are parents or not if ( !$context ) { // the combinator used on el should now be applied to the next element instead so that // it is not lost if ( $sel ) { $sel[0]->elements[] = new Less_Tree_Element( $el->combinator, '', $el->index, $el->currentFileInfo ); } $selectorsMultiplied[] = $sel; } else { // and the parent selectors foreach ( $context as $parentSel ) { // We need to put the current selectors // then join the last selector's elements on to the parents selectors $newSelectorPath = $this->addReplacementIntoPath( $sel, $parentSel, $el, $inSelector ); // add that to our new set of selectors $selectorsMultiplied[] = $newSelectorPath; } } } // our new selectors has been multiplied, so reset the state $newSelectors = $selectorsMultiplied; $currentElements = []; } } // if we have any elements left over (e.g. .a& .b == .b) // add them on to all the current selectors $this->mergeElementsOnToSelectors( $currentElements, $newSelectors ); foreach ( $newSelectors as &$sel ) { $length = count( $sel ); if ( $length ) { $paths[] = $sel; $lastSelector = $sel[$length - 1]; $sel[$length - 1] = $lastSelector->createDerived( $lastSelector->elements, $inSelector->extendList ); } } return $hadParentSelector; } /** * @param array $elementsToPak * @param Less_Tree_Element $originalElement * @return Less_Tree_Selector */ private function createSelector( array $elementsToPak, $originalElement ) { if ( !$elementsToPak ) { // This is an invalid call. Kept to match less.js. Appears unreachable. // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgumentProbablyReal $containedElement = new Less_Tree_Paren( null ); } else { $insideParent = []; foreach ( $elementsToPak as $elToPak ) { $insideParent[] = new Less_Tree_Element( null, $elToPak, $originalElement->index, $originalElement->currentFileInfo ); } $containedElement = new Less_Tree_Paren( new Less_Tree_Selector( $insideParent ) ); } $element = new Less_Tree_Element( null, $containedElement, $originalElement->index, $originalElement->currentFileInfo ); return new Less_Tree_Selector( [ $element ] ); } /** * @param Less_Tree_Element $element * @return Less_Tree_Selector|null */ private function findNestedSelector( $element ) { $maybeParen = $element->value; if ( !( $maybeParen instanceof Less_Tree_Paren ) ) { return null; } $maybeSelector = $maybeParen->value; if ( !( $maybeSelector instanceof Less_Tree_Selector ) ) { return null; } return $maybeSelector; } /** * joins selector path from $beginningPath with selector path in $addPath. * * $replacedElement contains the element that is being replaced by $addPath * * @param Less_Tree_Selector[] $beginningPath * @param Less_Tree_Selector[] $addPath * @param Less_Tree_Element $replacedElement * @param Less_Tree_Selector $originalSelector * @return Less_Tree_Selector[] Concatenated path * @see less-2.5.3.js#Ruleset-addReplacementIntoPath */ private function addReplacementIntoPath( array $beginningPath, array $addPath, $replacedElement, $originalSelector ) { // our new selector path $newSelectorPath = []; // construct the joined selector - if `&` is the first thing this will be empty, // if not newJoinedSelector will be the last set of elements in the selector if ( $beginningPath ) { // NOTE: less.js uses Array slice() to copy. In PHP, arrays are naturally copied by value. $newSelectorPath = $beginningPath; $lastSelector = array_pop( $newSelectorPath ); $newJoinedSelector = $originalSelector->createDerived( $lastSelector->elements ); } else { $newJoinedSelector = $originalSelector->createDerived( [] ); } if ( $addPath ) { // if the & does not have a combinator that is "" or " " then // and there is a combinator on the parent, then grab that. // this also allows `+ a { & .b { .a & { ...` $combinator = $replacedElement->combinator; $parentEl = $addPath[0]->elements[0]; if ( $replacedElement->combinatorIsEmptyOrWhitespace && !$parentEl->combinatorIsEmptyOrWhitespace ) { $combinator = $parentEl->combinator; } // join the elements so far with the first part of the parent $newJoinedSelector->elements[] = new Less_Tree_Element( $combinator, $parentEl->value, $replacedElement->index, $replacedElement->currentFileInfo ); $newJoinedSelector->elements = array_merge( $newJoinedSelector->elements, array_slice( $addPath[0]->elements, 1 ) ); } // now add the joined selector - but only if it is not empty if ( $newJoinedSelector->elements ) { $newSelectorPath[] = $newJoinedSelector; } // put together the parent selectors after the join (e.g. the rest of the parent) if ( count( $addPath ) > 1 ) { $newSelectorPath = array_merge( $newSelectorPath, array_slice( $addPath, 1 ) ); } return $newSelectorPath; } function mergeElementsOnToSelectors( $elements, &$selectors ) { if ( !$elements ) { return; } if ( !$selectors ) { $selectors[] = [ new Less_Tree_Selector( $elements ) ]; return; } foreach ( $selectors as &$sel ) { // if the previous thing in sel is a parent this needs to join on to it if ( $sel ) { $last = count( $sel ) - 1; $sel[$last] = $sel[$last]->createDerived( array_merge( $sel[$last]->elements, $elements ) ); } else { $sel[] = new Less_Tree_Selector( $elements ); } } } }