2021-11-01 18:08:42 +01:00

913 lines
30 KiB

* Sub-Class - Code 128, A, B, C
* # Code C Working properly only on PHP4 or PHP5.0.3+ due to bug :
* http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=28862
* !! Warning !!
* If you display the checksum on the label, you may obtain
* some garbage since some characters are not displayable.
* @author Akhtar Khan <er.akhtarkhan@gmail.com>
* @link http://www.codeitnow.in
* @package https://github.com/codeitnowin/barcode-generator
namespace CodeItNow\BarcodeBundle\Generator;
use CodeItNow\BarcodeBundle\Generator\CINParseException;
use CodeItNow\BarcodeBundle\Generator\CINBarcode1D;
define('CODE128_A', 1); // Table A
define('CODE128_B', 2); // Table B
define('CODE128_C', 3); // Table C
class CINcode128 extends CINBarcode1D {
const KEYA_FNC3 = 96;
const KEYA_FNC2 = 97;
const KEYA_SHIFT = 98;
const KEYA_CODEC = 99;
const KEYA_CODEB = 100;
const KEYA_FNC4 = 101;
const KEYA_FNC1 = 102;
const KEYB_FNC3 = 96;
const KEYB_FNC2 = 97;
const KEYB_SHIFT = 98;
const KEYB_CODEC = 99;
const KEYB_FNC4 = 100;
const KEYB_CODEA = 101;
const KEYB_FNC1 = 102;
const KEYC_CODEB = 100;
const KEYC_CODEA = 101;
const KEYC_FNC1 = 102;
const KEY_STARTA = 103;
const KEY_STARTB = 104;
const KEY_STARTC = 105;
const KEY_STOP = 106;
protected $keysA, $keysB, $keysC;
private $starting_text;
private $indcheck, $data, $lastTable;
private $tilde;
private $shift;
private $latch;
private $fnc;
private $METHOD = null; // Array of method available to create Code128 (CODE128_A, CODE128_B, CODE128_C)
private $noLengthLimit;
* Constructor.
* @param char $start
public function __construct($start = null) {
/* CODE 128 A */
$this->keysA = ' !"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_';
for ($i = 0; $i < 32; $i++) {
$this->keysA .= chr($i);
/* CODE 128 B */
$this->keysB = ' !"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~' . chr(127);
/* CODE 128 C */
$this->keysC = '0123456789';
$this->code = array(
'101111', /* 00 */
'111011', /* 01 */
'111110', /* 02 */
'010112', /* 03 */
'010211', /* 04 */
'020111', /* 05 */
'011102', /* 06 */
'011201', /* 07 */
'021101', /* 08 */
'110102', /* 09 */
'110201', /* 10 */
'120101', /* 11 */
'001121', /* 12 */
'011021', /* 13 */
'011120', /* 14 */
'002111', /* 15 */
'012011', /* 16 */
'012110', /* 17 */
'112100', /* 18 */
'110021', /* 19 */
'110120', /* 20 */
'102101', /* 21 */
'112001', /* 22 */
'201020', /* 23 */
'200111', /* 24 */
'210011', /* 25 */
'210110', /* 26 */
'201101', /* 27 */
'211001', /* 28 */
'211100', /* 29 */
'101012', /* 30 */
'101210', /* 31 */
'121010', /* 32 */
'000212', /* 33 */
'020012', /* 34 */
'020210', /* 35 */
'001202', /* 36 */
'021002', /* 37 */
'021200', /* 38 */
'100202', /* 39 */
'120002', /* 40 */
'120200', /* 41 */
'001022', /* 42 */
'001220', /* 43 */
'021020', /* 44 */
'002012', /* 45 */
'002210', /* 46 */
'022010', /* 47 */
'202010', /* 48 */
'100220', /* 49 */
'120020', /* 50 */
'102002', /* 51 */
'102200', /* 52 */
'102020', /* 53 */
'200012', /* 54 */
'200210', /* 55 */
'220010', /* 56 */
'201002', /* 57 */
'201200', /* 58 */
'221000', /* 59 */
'203000', /* 60 */
'110300', /* 61 */
'320000', /* 62 */
'000113', /* 63 */
'000311', /* 64 */
'010013', /* 65 */
'010310', /* 66 */
'030011', /* 67 */
'030110', /* 68 */
'001103', /* 69 */
'001301', /* 70 */
'011003', /* 71 */
'011300', /* 72 */
'031001', /* 73 */
'031100', /* 74 */
'130100', /* 75 */
'110003', /* 76 */
'302000', /* 77 */
'130001', /* 78 */
'023000', /* 79 */
'000131', /* 80 */
'010031', /* 81 */
'010130', /* 82 */
'003101', /* 83 */
'013001', /* 84 */
'013100', /* 85 */
'300101', /* 86 */
'310001', /* 87 */
'310100', /* 88 */
'101030', /* 89 */
'103010', /* 90 */
'301010', /* 91 */
'000032', /* 92 */
'000230', /* 93 */
'020030', /* 94 */
'003002', /* 95 */
'003200', /* 96 */
'300002', /* 97 */
'300200', /* 98 */
'002030', /* 99 */
'003020', /* 100*/
'200030', /* 101*/
'300020', /* 102*/
'100301', /* 103*/
'100103', /* 104*/
'100121', /* 105*/
'122000' /*STOP*/
// Latches and Shifts
$this->latch = array(
array(null, self::KEYA_CODEB, self::KEYA_CODEC),
array(self::KEYB_CODEA, null, self::KEYB_CODEC),
array(self::KEYC_CODEA, self::KEYC_CODEB, null)
$this->shift = array(
array(null, self::KEYA_SHIFT),
array(self::KEYB_SHIFT, null)
$this->fnc = array(
array(self::KEYA_FNC1, self::KEYA_FNC2, self::KEYA_FNC3, self::KEYA_FNC4),
array(self::KEYB_FNC1, self::KEYB_FNC2, self::KEYB_FNC3, self::KEYB_FNC4),
array(self::KEYC_FNC1, null, null, null)
// Method available
$this->METHOD = array(CODE128_A => 'A', CODE128_B => 'B', CODE128_C => 'C');
* Specifies the start code. Can be 'A', 'B', 'C', or null
* - Table A: Capitals + ASCII 0-31 + punct
* - Table B: Capitals + LowerCase + punct
* - Table C: Numbers
* If null is specified, the table selection is automatically made.
* The default is null.
* @param string $table
public function setStart($table) {
if ($table !== 'A' && $table !== 'B' && $table !== 'C' && $table !== null) {
throw new CINArgumentException('The starting table must be A, B, C or null.', 'table');
$this->starting_text = $table;
* Gets the tilde.
* @return bool
public function getTilde() {
return $this->tilde;
* Accepts tilde to be process as a special character.
* If true, you can do this:
* - ~~ : to make ONE tilde
* - ~Fx : to insert FCNx. x is equal from 1 to 4.
* @param boolean $accept
public function setTilde($accept) {
$this->tilde = (bool)$accept;
* Parses the text before displaying it.
* @param mixed $text
public function parse($text) {
$this->text = '';
$seq = '';
$currentMode = $this->starting_text;
// Here, we format correctly what the user gives.
if (!is_array($text)) {
$seq = $this->getSequence($text, $currentMode);
$this->text = $text;
} else {
// This loop checks for UnknownText AND raises an exception if a character is not allowed in a table
while (list($key1, $val1) = each($text)) { // We take each value
if (!is_array($val1)) { // This is not a table
if (is_string($val1)) { // If it's a string, parse as unknown
$seq .= $this->getSequence($val1, $currentMode);
$this->text .= $val1;
} else {
// it's the case of "array(ENCODING, 'text')"
// We got ENCODING in $val1, calling 'each' again will get 'text' in $val2
list($key2, $val2) = each($text);
$seq .= $this->{'setParse' . $this->METHOD[$val1]}($val2, $currentMode);
$this->text .= $val2;
} else { // The method is specified
// $val1[0] = ENCODING
// $val1[1] = 'text'
$value = isset($val1[1]) ? $val1[1] : ''; // If data available
$seq .= $this->{'setParse' . $this->METHOD[$val1[0]]}($value, $currentMode);
$this->text .= $value;
if ($seq !== '') {
$bitstream = $this->createBinaryStream($this->text, $seq);
* Draws the barcode.
* @param resource $im
public function draw($im) {
$c = count($this->data);
for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
$this->drawChar($im, $this->data[$i], true);
$this->drawChar($im, '1', true);
$this->drawText($im, 0, 0, $this->positionX, $this->thickness);
* Returns the maximal size of a barcode.
* @param int $w
* @param int $h
* @return int[]
public function getDimension($w, $h) {
// Contains start + text + checksum + stop
$textlength = count($this->data) * 11;
$endlength = 2; // + final bar
$w += $textlength + $endlength;
$h += $this->thickness;
return parent::getDimension($w, $h);
* Validates the input.
protected function validate() {
$c = count($this->data);
if ($c === 0) {
throw new CINParseException('code128', 'No data has been entered.');
* Overloaded method to calculate checksum.
protected function calculateChecksum() {
// Checksum
// First Char (START)
// + Starting with the first data character following the start character,
// take the value of the character (between 0 and 102, inclusive) multiply
// it by its character position (1) and add that to the running checksum.
// Modulated 103
$this->checksumValue = $this->indcheck[0];
$c = count($this->indcheck);
for ($i = 1; $i < $c; $i++) {
$this->checksumValue += $this->indcheck[$i] * $i;
$this->checksumValue = $this->checksumValue % 103;
* Overloaded method to display the checksum.
protected function processChecksum() {
if ($this->checksumValue === false) { // Calculate the checksum only once
if ($this->checksumValue !== false) {
if ($this->lastTable === 'C') {
return (string)$this->checksumValue;
return $this->{'keys' . $this->lastTable}[$this->checksumValue];
return false;
* Specifies the starting_text table if none has been specified earlier.
* @param string $text
private function setStartFromText($text) {
if ($this->starting_text === null) {
// If we have a forced table at the start, we get that one...
if (is_array($text)) {
if (is_array($text[0])) {
// Code like array(array(ENCODING, ''))
$this->starting_text = $this->METHOD[$text[0][0]];
} else {
if (is_string($text[0])) {
// Code like array('test') (Automatic text)
$text = $text[0];
} else {
// Code like array(ENCODING, '')
$this->starting_text = $this->METHOD[$text[0]];
// At this point, we had an "automatic" table selection...
// If we can get at least 4 numbers, go in C; otherwise go in B.
$tmp = preg_quote($this->keysC, '/');
$length = strlen($text);
if ($length >= 4 && preg_match('/[' . $tmp . ']/', substr($text, 0, 4))) {
$this->starting_text = 'C';
} else {
if ($length > 0 && strpos($this->keysB, $text[0]) !== false) {
$this->starting_text = 'B';
} else {
$this->starting_text = 'A';
* Extracts the ~ value from the $text at the $pos.
* If the tilde is not ~~, ~F1, ~F2, ~F3, ~F4; an error is raised.
* @param string $text
* @param int $pos
* @return string
private static function extractTilde($text, $pos) {
if ($text[$pos] === '~') {
if (isset($text[$pos + 1])) {
// Do we have a tilde?
if ($text[$pos + 1] === '~') {
return '~~';
} elseif ($text[$pos + 1] === 'F') {
// Do we have a number after?
if (isset($text[$pos + 2])) {
$v = intval($text[$pos + 2]);
if ($v >= 1 && $v <= 4) {
return '~F' . $v;
} else {
throw new CINParseException('code128', 'Bad ~F. You must provide a number from 1 to 4.');
} else {
throw new CINParseException('code128', 'Bad ~F. You must provide a number from 1 to 4.');
} else {
throw new CINParseException('code128', 'Wrong code after the ~.');
} else {
throw new CINParseException('code128', 'Wrong code after the ~.');
} else {
throw new CINParseException('code128', 'There is no ~ at this location.');
* Gets the "dotted" sequence for the $text based on the $currentMode.
* There is also a check if we use the special tilde ~
* @param string $text
* @param string $currentMode
* @return string
private function getSequenceParsed($text, $currentMode) {
if ($this->tilde) {
$sequence = '';
$previousPos = 0;
while (($pos = strpos($text, '~', $previousPos)) !== false) {
$tildeData = self::extractTilde($text, $pos);
$simpleTilde = ($tildeData === '~~');
if ($simpleTilde && $currentMode !== 'B') {
throw new CINParseException('code128', 'The Table ' . $currentMode . ' doesn\'t contain the character ~.');
// At this point, we know we have ~Fx
if ($tildeData !== '~F1' && $currentMode === 'C') {
// The mode C doesn't support ~F2, ~F3, ~F4
throw new CINParseException('code128', 'The Table C doesn\'t contain the function ' . $tildeData . '.');
$length = $pos - $previousPos;
if ($currentMode === 'C') {
if ($length % 2 === 1) {
throw new CINParseException('code128', 'The text "' . $text . '" must have an even number of character to be encoded in Table C.');
$sequence .= str_repeat('.', $length);
$sequence .= '.';
$sequence .= (!$simpleTilde) ? 'F' : '';
$previousPos = $pos + strlen($tildeData);
// Flushing
$length = strlen($text) - $previousPos;
if ($currentMode === 'C') {
if ($length % 2 === 1) {
throw new CINParseException('code128', 'The text "' . $text . '" must have an even number of character to be encoded in Table C.');
$sequence .= str_repeat('.', $length);
return $sequence;
} else {
return str_repeat('.', strlen($text));
* Parses the text and returns the appropriate sequence for the Table A.
* @param string $text
* @param string $currentMode
* @return string
private function setParseA($text, &$currentMode) {
$tmp = preg_quote($this->keysA, '/');
// If we accept the ~ for special character, we must allow it.
if ($this->tilde) {
$tmp .= '~';
$match = array();
if (preg_match('/[^' . $tmp . ']/', $text, $match) === 1) {
// We found something not allowed
throw new CINParseException('code128', 'The text "' . $text . '" can\'t be parsed with the Table A. The character "' . $match[0] . '" is not allowed.');
} else {
$latch = ($currentMode === 'A') ? '' : '0';
$currentMode = 'A';
return $latch . $this->getSequenceParsed($text, $currentMode);
* Parses the text and returns the appropriate sequence for the Table B.
* @param string $text
* @param string $currentMode
* @return string
private function setParseB($text, &$currentMode) {
$tmp = preg_quote($this->keysB, '/');
$match = array();
if (preg_match('/[^' . $tmp . ']/', $text, $match) === 1) {
// We found something not allowed
throw new CINParseException('code128', 'The text "' . $text . '" can\'t be parsed with the Table B. The character "' . $match[0] . '" is not allowed.');
} else {
$latch = ($currentMode === 'B') ? '' : '1';
$currentMode = 'B';
return $latch . $this->getSequenceParsed($text, $currentMode);
* Parses the text and returns the appropriate sequence for the Table C.
* @param string $text
* @param string $currentMode
* @return string
private function setParseC($text, &$currentMode) {
$tmp = preg_quote($this->keysC, '/');
// If we accept the ~ for special character, we must allow it.
if ($this->tilde) {
$tmp .= '~F';
$match = array();
if (preg_match('/[^' . $tmp . ']/', $text, $match) === 1) {
// We found something not allowed
throw new CINParseException('code128', 'The text "' . $text . '" can\'t be parsed with the Table C. The character "' . $match[0] . '" is not allowed.');
} else {
$latch = ($currentMode === 'C') ? '' : '2';
$currentMode = 'C';
return $latch . $this->getSequenceParsed($text, $currentMode);
* Depending on the $text, it will return the correct
* sequence to encode the text.
* @param string $text
* @param string $starting_text
* @return string
private function getSequence($text, &$starting_text) {
$e = 10000;
$latLen = array(
array(0, 1, 1),
array(1, 0, 1),
array(1, 1, 0)
$shftLen = array(
array($e, 1, $e),
array(1, $e, $e),
array($e, $e, $e)
$charSiz = array(2, 2, 1);
$startA = $e;
$startB = $e;
$startC = $e;
if ($starting_text === 'A') { $startA = 0; }
if ($starting_text === 'B') { $startB = 0; }
if ($starting_text === 'C') { $startC = 0; }
$curLen = array($startA, $startB, $startC);
$curSeq = array(null, null, null);
$nextNumber = false;
$x = 0;
$xLen = strlen($text);
for ($x = 0; $x < $xLen; $x++) {
$input = $text[$x];
// 1.
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
for ($j = 0; $j < 3; $j++) {
if (($curLen[$i] + $latLen[$i][$j]) < $curLen[$j]) {
$curLen[$j] = $curLen[$i] + $latLen[$i][$j];
$curSeq[$j] = $curSeq[$i] . $j;
// 2.
$nxtLen = array($e, $e, $e);
$nxtSeq = array();
// 3.
$flag = false;
$posArray = array();
// Special case, we do have a tilde and we process them
if ($this->tilde && $input === '~') {
$tildeData = self::extractTilde($text, $x);
if ($tildeData === '~~') {
// We simply skip a tilde
$posArray[] = 1;
} elseif (substr($tildeData, 0, 2) === '~F') {
$v = intval($tildeData[2]);
$posArray[] = 0;
$posArray[] = 1;
if ($v === 1) {
$posArray[] = 2;
$x += 2;
$flag = true;
} else {
$pos = strpos($this->keysA, $input);
if ($pos !== false) {
$posArray[] = 0;
$pos = strpos($this->keysB, $input);
if ($pos !== false) {
$posArray[] = 1;
// Do we have the next char a number?? OR a ~F1
$pos = strpos($this->keysC, $input);
if ($nextNumber || ($pos !== false && isset($text[$x + 1]) && strpos($this->keysC, $text[$x + 1]) !== false)) {
$nextNumber = !$nextNumber;
$posArray[] = 2;
$c = count($posArray);
for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
if (($curLen[$posArray[$i]] + $charSiz[$posArray[$i]]) < $nxtLen[$posArray[$i]]) {
$nxtLen[$posArray[$i]] = $curLen[$posArray[$i]] + $charSiz[$posArray[$i]];
$nxtSeq[$posArray[$i]] = $curSeq[$posArray[$i]] . '.';
for ($j = 0; $j < 2; $j++) {
if ($j === $posArray[$i]) { continue; }
if (($curLen[$j] + $shftLen[$j][$posArray[$i]] + $charSiz[$posArray[$i]]) < $nxtLen[$j]) {
$nxtLen[$j] = $curLen[$j] + $shftLen[$j][$posArray[$i]] + $charSiz[$posArray[$i]];
$nxtSeq[$j] = $curSeq[$j] . chr($posArray[$i] + 65) . '.';
if ($c === 0) {
// We found an unsuported character
throw new CINParseException('code128', 'Character ' . $input . ' not supported.');
if ($flag) {
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
if (isset($nxtSeq[$i])) {
$nxtSeq[$i] .= 'F';
// 4.
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
$curLen[$i] = $nxtLen[$i];
if (isset($nxtSeq[$i])) {
$curSeq[$i] = $nxtSeq[$i];
// Every curLen under $e is possible but we take the smallest
$m = $e;
$k = -1;
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
if ($curLen[$i] < $m) {
$k = $i;
$m = $curLen[$i];
if ($k === -1) {
return '';
return $curSeq[$k];
* Depending on the sequence $seq given (returned from getSequence()),
* this method will return the code stream in an array. Each char will be a
* string of bit based on the Code 128.
* Each letter from the sequence represents bits.
* 0 to 2 are latches
* A to B are Shift + Letter
* . is a char in the current encoding
* @param string $text
* @param string $seq
* @return string[][]
private function createBinaryStream($text, $seq) {
$c = strlen($seq);
$data = array(); // code stream
$indcheck = array(); // index for checksum
$currentEncoding = 0;
if ($this->starting_text === 'A') {
$currentEncoding = 0;
$indcheck[] = self::KEY_STARTA;
$this->lastTable = 'A';
} elseif ($this->starting_text === 'B') {
$currentEncoding = 1;
$indcheck[] = self::KEY_STARTB;
$this->lastTable = 'B';
} elseif ($this->starting_text === 'C') {
$currentEncoding = 2;
$indcheck[] = self::KEY_STARTC;
$this->lastTable = 'C';
$data[] = $this->code[103 + $currentEncoding];
$temporaryEncoding = -1;
for ($i = 0, $counter = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
$input = $seq[$i];
$inputI = intval($input);
if ($input === '.') {
$this->encodeChar($data, $currentEncoding, $seq, $text, $i, $counter, $indcheck);
if ($temporaryEncoding !== -1) {
$currentEncoding = $temporaryEncoding;
$temporaryEncoding = -1;
} elseif ($input >= 'A' && $input <= 'B') {
// We shift
$encoding = ord($input) - 65;
$shift = $this->shift[$currentEncoding][$encoding];
$indcheck[] = $shift;
$data[] = $this->code[$shift];
if ($temporaryEncoding === -1) {
$temporaryEncoding = $currentEncoding;
$currentEncoding = $encoding;
} elseif ($inputI >= 0 && $inputI < 3) {
$temporaryEncoding = -1;
// We latch
$latch = $this->latch[$currentEncoding][$inputI];
if ($latch !== null) {
$indcheck[] = $latch;
$this->lastTable = chr(65 + $inputI);
$data[] = $this->code[$latch];
$currentEncoding = $inputI;
return array($indcheck, $data);
* Encodes characters, base on its encoding and sequence
* @param int[] $data
* @param int $encoding
* @param string $seq
* @param string $text
* @param int $i
* @param int $counter
* @param int[] $indcheck
private function encodeChar(&$data, $encoding, $seq, $text, &$i, &$counter, &$indcheck) {
if (isset($seq[$i + 1]) && $seq[$i + 1] === 'F') {
// We have a flag !!
if ($text[$counter + 1] === 'F') {
$number = $text[$counter + 2];
$fnc = $this->fnc[$encoding][$number - 1];
$indcheck[] = $fnc;
$data[] = $this->code[$fnc];
// Skip F + number
$counter += 2;
} else {
// Not supposed
} else {
if ($encoding === 2) {
// We take 2 numbers in the same time
$code = (int)substr($text, $counter, 2);
$indcheck[] = $code;
$data[] = $this->code[$code];
} else {
$keys = ($encoding === 0) ? $this->keysA : $this->keysB;
$pos = strpos($keys, $text[$counter]);
$indcheck[] = $pos;
$data[] = $this->code[$pos];
* Saves data into the classes.
* This method will save data, calculate real column number
* (if -1 was selected), the real error level (if -1 was
* selected)... It will add Padding to the end and generate
* the error codes.
* @param array $data
private function setData($data) {
$this->indcheck = $data[0];
$this->data = $data[1];
$this->data[] = $this->code[$this->checksumValue];
$this->data[] = $this->code[self::KEY_STOP];
* Removes the limit of 48 characters.
* @param bool $noLengthLimit
public function setNoLengthLimit($noLengthLimit) {
$this->noLengthLimit = (bool)$noLengthLimit;
* Gets if the limit of 48 characters is removed.
* @return bool
public function getNoLengthLimit() {
return $this->noLengthLimit;