2023-07-07 22:33:10 +02:00

154 lines
2.7 KiB

* @private
class Less_Environment {
* Information about the current file - for error reporting and importing and making urls relative etc.
* - rootpath: rootpath to append to URLs
* @var array|null $currentFileInfo;
public $currentFileInfo;
/* Whether we are currently importing multiple copies */
public $importMultiple = false;
* @var array
public $frames = [];
* @var array
public $mediaBlocks = [];
* @var array
public $mediaPath = [];
public static $parensStack = 0;
public static $tabLevel = 0;
public static $lastRule = false;
public static $_outputMap;
public static $mixin_stack = 0;
* @var array
public $functions = [];
public function Init() {
self::$parensStack = 0;
self::$tabLevel = 0;
self::$lastRule = false;
self::$mixin_stack = 0;
if ( Less_Parser::$options['compress'] ) {
self::$_outputMap = [
',' => ',',
': ' => ':',
'' => '',
' ' => ' ',
':' => ' :',
'+' => '+',
'~' => '~',
'>' => '>',
'|' => '|',
'^' => '^',
'^^' => '^^'
} else {
self::$_outputMap = [
',' => ', ',
': ' => ': ',
'' => '',
' ' => ' ',
':' => ' :',
'+' => ' + ',
'~' => ' ~ ',
'>' => ' > ',
'|' => '|',
'^' => ' ^ ',
'^^' => ' ^^ '
public function copyEvalEnv( $frames = [] ) {
$new_env = new Less_Environment();
$new_env->frames = $frames;
return $new_env;
public static function isMathOn() {
return !Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'] || self::$parensStack;
public static function isPathRelative( $path ) {
return !preg_match( '/^(?:[a-z-]+:|\/)/', $path );
* Canonicalize a path by resolving references to '/./', '/../'
* Does not remove leading "../"
* @param string $path or url
* @return string Canonicalized path
public static function normalizePath( $path ) {
$segments = explode( '/', $path );
$segments = array_reverse( $segments );
$path = [];
$path_len = 0;
while ( $segments ) {
$segment = array_pop( $segments );
switch ( $segment ) {
case '.':
case '..':
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeInvalidDimOffset False positive
if ( !$path_len || ( $path[$path_len - 1] === '..' ) ) {
$path[] = $segment;
} else {
array_pop( $path );
$path[] = $segment;
return implode( '/', $path );
public function unshiftFrame( $frame ) {
array_unshift( $this->frames, $frame );
public function shiftFrame() {
return array_shift( $this->frames );