
368 lines
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import tplAudio from 'templates/audio.js';
import tplGif from 'templates/gif.js';
import tplImage from 'templates/image.js';
import tplVideo from 'templates/video.js';
import { api } from '@converse/headless/core';
import { containsDirectives, getDirectiveAndLength, getDirectiveTemplate, isQuoteDirective } from './styling.js';
import { getEmojiMarkup } from './chat/utils.js';
import { getHyperlinkTemplate } from 'utils/html.js';
import { getMediaURLs } from '@converse/headless/shared/chat/utils.js';
import { getMediaURLsMetadata } from '@converse/headless/shared/parsers.js';
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import {
} from '@converse/headless/plugins/emoji/utils.js';
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import {
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2021-06-17 14:37:43 +02:00
} from '@converse/headless/utils/url.js';
import { html } from 'lit';
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const isString = s => typeof s === 'string';
// We don't render more than two line-breaks, replace extra line-breaks with
// the zero-width whitespace character
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const collapseLineBreaks = text => text.replace(/\n\n+/g, m => `\n${'\u200B'.repeat(m.length - 2)}\n`);
const tplMentionWithNick = o => html`<span class="mention mention--self badge badge-info" data-uri="${o.uri}">${o.mention}</span>`;
const tplMention = o => html`<span class="mention" data-uri="${o.uri}">${o.mention}</span>`;
* @class RichText
* A String subclass that is used to render rich text (i.e. text that contains
* hyperlinks, images, mentions, styling etc.).
* The "rich" parts of the text is represented by lit TemplateResult
* objects which are added via the {@link RichText.addTemplateResult}
* method and saved as metadata.
* By default Converse adds TemplateResults to support emojis, hyperlinks,
* images, map URIs and mentions.
* 3rd party plugins can listen for the `beforeMessageBodyTransformed`
* and/or `afterMessageBodyTransformed` events and then call
* `addTemplateResult` on the RichText instance in order to add their own
* rich features.
export class RichText extends String {
* Create a new {@link RichText} instance.
* @param { String } text - The text to be annotated
* @param { number } offset - The offset of this particular piece of text
* from the start of the original message text. This is necessary because
* RichText instances can be nested when templates call directives
* which create new RichText instances (as happens with XEP-393 styling directives).
* @param { Object } options
* @param { String } options.nick - The current user's nickname (only relevant if the message is in a XEP-0045 MUC)
* @param { Boolean } options.render_styling - Whether XEP-0393 message styling should be applied to the message
* @param { Boolean } [options.embed_audio] - Whether audio URLs should be rendered as <audio> elements.
* If set to `true`, then audio files will always be rendered with an
* audio player. If set to `false`, they won't, and if not defined, then the `embed_audio` setting
* is used to determine whether they should be rendered as playable audio or as hyperlinks.
* @param { Boolean } [options.embed_videos] - Whether video URLs should be rendered as <video> elements.
* If set to `true`, then videos will always be rendered with a video
* player. If set to `false`, they won't, and if not defined, then the `embed_videos` setting
* is used to determine whether they should be rendered as videos or as hyperlinks.
* @param { Array } [options.mentions] - An array of mention references
* @param { Array } [options.media_urls] - An array of {@link MediaURLMetadata} objects,
* used to render media such as images, videos and audio. It might not be
* possible to have the media metadata available, so if this value is
* `undefined` then the passed-in `text` will be parsed for URLs. If you
* don't want this parsing to happen, pass in an empty array for this
* option.
* @param { Boolean } [options.show_images] - Whether image URLs should be rendered as <img> elements.
* @param { Boolean } options.show_me_message - Whether /me messages should be rendered differently
* @param { Function } options.onImgClick - Callback for when an inline rendered image has been clicked
* @param { Function } options.onImgLoad - Callback for when an inline rendered image has been loaded
constructor (text, offset = 0, options = {}) {
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this.embed_audio = options?.embed_audio;
this.embed_videos = options?.embed_videos;
this.mentions = options?.mentions || [];
this.media_urls = options?.media_urls;
this.nick = options?.nick;
this.offset = offset;
this.onImgClick = options?.onImgClick;
this.onImgLoad = options?.onImgLoad;
this.options = options;
this.payload = [];
this.references = [];
this.render_styling = options?.render_styling;
this.show_images = options?.show_images;
this.hide_media_urls = options?.hide_media_urls;
shouldRenderMedia (url_text, type) {
let override;
if (type === 'image') {
override = this.show_images;
} else if (type === 'audio') {
override = this.embed_audio;
} else if (type === 'video') {
override = this.embed_videos;
if (typeof override === 'boolean') {
return override;
return shouldRenderMediaFromURL(url_text, type);
* Look for `http` URIs and return templates that render them as URL links
* @param { String } text
* @param { number } local_offset - The index of the passed in text relative to
* the start of this RichText instance (which is not necessarily the same as the
* offset from the start of the original message stanza's body text).
addHyperlinks (text, local_offset) {
const full_offset = local_offset + this.offset;
const urls_meta = this.media_urls || getMediaURLsMetadata(text, local_offset).media_urls || [];
const media_urls = getMediaURLs(urls_meta, text, full_offset);
media_urls.filter(o => !o.is_encrypted).forEach(url_obj => {
const url_text = url_obj.url;
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const filtered_url = filterQueryParamsFromURL(url_text);
let template;
if (isGIFURL(url_text) && this.shouldRenderMedia(url_text, 'image')) {
template = tplGif(filtered_url, this.hide_media_urls);
} else if (isImageURL(url_text) && this.shouldRenderMedia(url_text, 'image')) {
template = tplImage({
'src': filtered_url,
// XXX: bit of an abuse of `hide_media_urls`, might want a dedicated option here
'href': this.hide_media_urls ? null : filtered_url,
'onClick': this.onImgClick,
'onLoad': this.onImgLoad
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} else if (isVideoURL(url_text) && this.shouldRenderMedia(url_text, 'video')) {
template = tplVideo(filtered_url, this.hide_media_urls);
} else if (isAudioURL(url_text) && this.shouldRenderMedia(url_text, 'audio')) {
template = tplAudio(filtered_url, this.hide_media_urls);
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} else {
template = getHyperlinkTemplate(filtered_url);
this.addTemplateResult(url_obj.start + local_offset, url_obj.end + local_offset, template);
* Look for `geo` URIs and return templates that render them as URL links
* @param { String } text
* @param { number } offset - The index of the passed in text relative to
* the start of the message body text.
addMapURLs (text, offset) {
const regex = /geo:([\-0-9.]+),([\-0-9.]+)(?:,([\-0-9.]+))?(?:\?(.*))?/g;
const matches = text.matchAll(regex);
for (const m of matches) {
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m.index + offset,
m.index + m[0].length + offset,
getHyperlinkTemplate(m[0].replace(regex, api.settings.get('geouri_replacement')))
* Look for emojis (shortnames or unicode) and add templates for rendering them.
* @param { String } text
* @param { number } offset - The index of the passed in text relative to
* the start of the message body text.
addEmojis (text, offset) {
const references = [...getShortnameReferences(text.toString()), ...getCodePointReferences(text.toString())];
references.forEach(e => {
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this.addTemplateResult(e.begin + offset, e.end + offset, getEmojiMarkup(e, { 'add_title_wrapper': true }));
* Look for mentions included as XEP-0372 references and add templates for
* rendering them.
* @param { String } text
* @param { number } local_offset - The index of the passed in text relative to
* the start of this RichText instance (which is not necessarily the same as the
* offset from the start of the original message stanza's body text).
addMentions (text, local_offset) {
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const full_offset = local_offset + this.offset;
this.mentions?.forEach(ref => {
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const begin = Number(ref.begin) - full_offset;
if (begin < 0 || begin >= full_offset + text.length) {
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const end = Number(ref.end) - full_offset;
const mention = text.slice(begin, end);
if (mention === this.nick) {
this.addTemplateResult(begin + local_offset, end + local_offset, tplMentionWithNick({...ref, mention }));
} else {
this.addTemplateResult(begin + local_offset, end + local_offset, tplMention({...ref, mention }));
* Look for XEP-0393 styling directives and add templates for rendering them.
addStyling () {
if (!containsDirectives(this)) {
const references = [];
const mention_ranges = this.mentions.map(m =>
Array.from({ 'length': Number(m.end) }, (_, i) => Number(m.begin) + i)
let i = 0;
while (i < this.length) {
if (mention_ranges.filter(r => r.includes(i)).length) { // eslint-disable-line no-loop-func
// Don't treat potential directives if they fall within a
// declared XEP-0372 reference
const { d, length } = getDirectiveAndLength(this, i);
if (d && length) {
const is_quote = isQuoteDirective(d);
const end = i + length;
const slice_end = is_quote ? end : end - d.length;
let slice_begin = d === '```' ? i + d.length + 1 : i + d.length;
if (is_quote && this[slice_begin] === ' ') {
// Trim leading space inside codeblock
slice_begin += 1;
const offset = slice_begin;
const text = this.slice(slice_begin, slice_end);
'begin': i,
'template': getDirectiveTemplate(d, text, offset, this.options),
i = end;
references.forEach(ref => this.addTemplateResult(ref.begin, ref.end, ref.template));
trimMeMessage () {
if (this.offset === 0) {
// Subtract `/me ` from 3rd person messages
if (this.isMeCommand()) {
this.payload[0] = this.payload[0].substring(4);
* Look for plaintext (i.e. non-templated) sections of this RichText
* instance and add references via the passed in function.
* @param { Function } func
addAnnotations (func) {
const payload = this.marshall();
let idx = 0; // The text index of the element in the payload
for (const text of payload) {
if (!text) {
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} else if (isString(text)) {
func.call(this, text, idx);
idx += text.length;
} else {
idx = text.end;
* Parse the text and add template references for rendering the "rich" parts.
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async addTemplates () {
* Synchronous event which provides a hook for transforming a chat message's body text
* before the default transformations have been applied.
* @event _converse#beforeMessageBodyTransformed
* @param { RichText } text - A {@link RichText } instance. You
* can call {@link RichText#addTemplateResult } on it in order to
* add TemplateResult objects meant to render rich parts of the message.
* @example _converse.api.listen.on('beforeMessageBodyTransformed', (view, text) => { ... });
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await api.trigger('beforeMessageBodyTransformed', this, { 'Synchronous': true });
this.render_styling && this.addStyling();
await api.emojis.initialize();
* Synchronous event which provides a hook for transforming a chat message's body text
* after the default transformations have been applied.
* @event _converse#afterMessageBodyTransformed
* @param { RichText } text - A {@link RichText } instance. You
* can call {@link RichText#addTemplateResult} on it in order to
* add TemplateResult objects meant to render rich parts of the message.
* @example _converse.api.listen.on('afterMessageBodyTransformed', (view, text) => { ... });
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await api.trigger('afterMessageBodyTransformed', this, { 'Synchronous': true });
this.payload = this.marshall();
this.options.show_me_message && this.trimMeMessage();
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this.payload = this.payload.map(item => (isString(item) ? item : item.template));
* The "rich" markup parts of a chat message are represented by lit
* TemplateResult objects.
* This method can be used to add new template results to this message's
* text.
* @method RichText.addTemplateResult
* @param { Number } begin - The starting index of the plain message text
* which is being replaced with markup.
* @param { Number } end - The ending index of the plain message text
* which is being replaced with markup.
* @param { Object } template - The lit TemplateResult instance
addTemplateResult (begin, end, template) {
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this.references.push({ begin, end, template });
isMeCommand () {
const text = this.toString();
if (!text) {
return false;
return text.startsWith('/me ');
* Take the annotations and return an array of text and TemplateResult
* instances to be rendered to the DOM.
* @method RichText#marshall
marshall () {
let list = [this.toString()];
.sort((a, b) => b.begin - a.begin)
.forEach(ref => {
const text = list.shift();
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list = [text.slice(0, ref.begin), ref, text.slice(ref.end), ...list];
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return list.reduce(
(acc, i) => (isString(i) ? [...acc, convertASCII2Emoji(collapseLineBreaks(i))] : [...acc, i]),