{"domain":"converse","locale_data":{"converse":{"":{"domain":"converse","plural_forms":"nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;","lang":"uk"},"The name for this bookmark:":[""],"Would you like this groupchat to be automatically joined upon startup?":[""],"What should your nickname for this groupchat be?":[""],"Save":["Зберегти"],"Cancel":["Відміна"],"Are you sure you want to remove the bookmark \"%1$s\"?":["Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити закладку \"%1$s\"?"],"Error":["Помилка"],"Sorry, something went wrong while trying to save your bookmark.":[""],"Remove this bookmark":["Вилучити цю закладку"],"Click to toggle the bookmarks list":["Натисніть, щоб переключити список закладок"],"Bookmarks":["Закладки"],"Sorry, could not determine file upload URL.":[""],"Sorry, could not determine upload URL.":[""],"Sorry, could not succesfully upload your file. Your server’s response: \"%1$s\"":[""],"Sorry, could not succesfully upload your file.":[""],"Sorry, looks like file upload is not supported by your server.":[""],"The size of your file, %1$s, exceeds the maximum allowed by your server, which is %2$s.":[""],"Sorry, an error occurred:":[""],"Are you sure you want to remove this contact?":["Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити цей контакт?"],"Message":["Повідомлення"],"Send":[""],"Optional hint":[""],"Choose a file to send":[""],"Clear all messages":["Очистити всі повідомлення"],"Insert emojis":[""],"Start a call":["Почати виклик"],"Remove messages":["Видалити повідомлення"],"Write in the third person":["Писати від третьої особи"],"Show this menu":["Показати це меню"],"user@domain":[""],"Please enter a valid XMPP address":[""],"Toggle chat":["Включити чат"],"The connection has dropped, attempting to reconnect.":["З'єднання втрачено, спроба відновити зв'язок."],"An error occurred while connecting to the chat server.":["Під час підключення до сервера чату сталася помилка."],"Your Jabber ID and/or password is incorrect. Please try again.":[""],"Sorry, we could not connect to the XMPP host with domain: %1$s":[""],"The XMPP server did not offer a supported authentication mechanism":[""],"Typing from another device":[""],"Stopped typing on the other device":[""],"Minimize this chat box":["Згорнути це вікно чату"],"Click to restore this chat":["Клацніть, щоб відновити цей чат"],"Minimized":["Мінімізовано"],"Description:":["Опис:"],"Features:":["Особливості:"],"Requires authentication":["Вимагає автентикації"],"Hidden":["Прихована"],"Requires an invitation":["Вимагає запрошення"],"Moderated":["Модерована"],"Non-anonymous":["Не-анонімні"],"Public":["Публічна"],"Semi-anonymous":["Напів-анонімна"],"Unmoderated":["Немодерована"],"conference.example.org":[""],"Optional nickname":[""],"name@conference.example.org":[""],"Forbidden: you do not have the necessary role in order to do that.":[""],"Forbidden: you do not have the necessary affiliation in order to do that.":[""],"Error: the \"%1$s\" command takes two arguments, the user's nickname and optionally a reason.":[""],"Sorry, an error happened while running the command. Check your browser's developer console for details.":[""],"Change user's affiliation to admin":["Призначити користувача адміністратором"],"Write in 3rd person":["Писати в 3-й особі"],"Grant membership to a user":["Надати членство користувачу"],"Remove user's ability to post messages":["Забрати можливість слати повідомлення"],"Change your nickname":["Змі