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2022-04-02 16:28:01 +02:00
* @copyright 2022, the Converse.js contributors
* @license Mozilla Public License (MPLv2)
* @description Utility functions to help with parsing XEP-393 message styling hints
* @todo Other parsing helpers can be made more abstract and placed here.
import { html } from 'lit';
import { renderStylingDirectiveBody } from 'shared/directives/styling.js';
const bracketing_directives = ['*', '_', '~', '`'];
const styling_directives = [...bracketing_directives, '```', '>'];
const styling_map = {
'*': {'name': 'strong', 'type': 'span'},
'_': {'name': 'emphasis', 'type': 'span'},
'~': {'name': 'strike', 'type': 'span'},
'`': {'name': 'preformatted', 'type': 'span'},
'```': {'name': 'preformatted_block', 'type': 'block'},
'>': {'name': 'quote', 'type': 'block'}
const dont_escape = ['_', '>', '`', '~'];
const styling_templates = {
// m is the chatbox model
// i is the offset of this directive relative to the start of the original message
'emphasis': (txt, i, options) => html`<span class="styling-directive">_</span><i>${renderStylingDirectiveBody(txt, i, options)}</i><span class="styling-directive">_</span>`,
'preformatted': txt => html`<span class="styling-directive">\`</span><code>${txt}</code><span class="styling-directive">\`</span>`,
'preformatted_block': txt => html`<div class="styling-directive">\`\`\`</div><code class="block">${txt}</code><div class="styling-directive">\`\`\`</div>`,
'quote': (txt, i, options) => html`<blockquote>${renderStylingDirectiveBody(txt, i, options)}</blockquote>`,
'strike': (txt, i, options) => html`<span class="styling-directive">~</span><del>${renderStylingDirectiveBody(txt, i, options)}</del><span class="styling-directive">~</span>`,
'strong': (txt, i, options) => html`<span class="styling-directive">*</span><b>${renderStylingDirectiveBody(txt, i, options)}</b><span class="styling-directive">*</span>`,
* Checks whether a given character "d" at index "i" of "text" is a valid opening or closing directive.
* @param { String } d - The potential directive
* @param { String } text - The text in which the directive appears
* @param { Number } i - The directive index
* @param { Boolean } opening - Check for a valid opening or closing directive
function isValidDirective (d, text, i, opening) {
// Ignore directives that are parts of words
// More info on the Regexes used here: https://javascript.info/regexp-unicode#unicode-properties-p
if (opening) {
const regex = RegExp(dont_escape.includes(d) ? `^(\\p{L}|\\p{N})${d}` : `^(\\p{L}|\\p{N})\\${d}`, 'u');
if (i > 1 && regex.test(text.slice(i-1))) {
return false;
const is_quote = isQuoteDirective(d);
if (is_quote && i > 0 && text[i-1] !== '\n') {
// Quote directives must be on newlines
return false;
} else if (bracketing_directives.includes(d) && (text[i+1] === d)) {
// Don't consider empty bracketing directives as valid (e.g. **, `` etc.)
return false;
} else {
const regex = RegExp(dont_escape.includes(d) ? `^${d}(\\p{L}|\\p{N})` : `^\\${d}(\\p{L}|\\p{N})`, 'u');
if (i < text.length-1 && regex.test(text.slice(i))) {
return false;
if (bracketing_directives.includes(d) && (text[i-1] === d)) {
// Don't consider empty directives as valid (e.g. **, `` etc.)
return false;
return true;
* Given a specific index "i" of "text", return the directive it matches or null otherwise.
* @param { String } text - The text in which the directive appears
* @param { Number } i - The directive index
* @param { Boolean } opening - Whether we're looking for an opening or closing directive
function getDirective (text, i, opening=true) {
let d;
if (
(/(^```[\s,\u200B]*\n)|(^```[\s,\u200B]*$)/).test(text.slice(i)) &&
(i === 0 || text[i-1] === '>' || (/\n\u200B{0,2}$/).test(text.slice(0, i)))
) {
d = text.slice(i, i+3);
} else if (styling_directives.includes(text.slice(i, i+1))) {
d = text.slice(i, i+1);
if (!isValidDirective(d, text, i, opening)) return null;
} else {
return null;
return d;
* Given a directive "d", which occurs in "text" at index "i", check that it
* has a valid closing directive and return the length from start to end of the
* directive.
* @param { String } d -The directive
* @param { Number } i - The directive index
* @param { String } text -The text in which the directive appears
function getDirectiveLength (d, text, i) {
if (!d) return 0;
const begin = i;
i += d.length;
if (isQuoteDirective(d)) {
i += text.slice(i).split(/\n[^>]/).shift().length;
return i-begin;
} else if (styling_map[d].type === 'span') {
const line = text.slice(i).split('\n').shift();
let j = 0;
let idx = line.indexOf(d);
while (idx !== -1) {
if (getDirective(text, i+idx, false) === d) {
return idx+2*d.length;
idx = line.indexOf(d, j++);
return 0;
} else {
// block directives
const substring = text.slice(i+1);
let j = 0;
let idx = substring.indexOf(d);
while (idx !== -1) {
if (getDirective(text, i+1+idx, false) === d) {
return idx+1+2*d.length;
idx = substring.indexOf(d, j++);
return 0;
export function getDirectiveAndLength (text, i) {
const d = getDirective(text, i);
const length = d ? getDirectiveLength(d, text, i) : 0;
return length > 0 ? { d, length } : {};
export const isQuoteDirective = (d) => ['>', '&gt;'].includes(d);
export function getDirectiveTemplate (d, text, offset, options) {
const template = styling_templates[styling_map[d].name];
if (isQuoteDirective(d)) {
const newtext = text
// Don't show the directive itself
.replace(/\n>\s/g, '\n\u200B\u200B')
.replace(/\n>/g, '\n\u200B')
.replace(/\n$/, ''); // Trim line-break at the end
return template(newtext, offset, options);
} else {
return template(text, offset, options);
export function containsDirectives (text) {
for (let i=0; i<styling_directives.length; i++) {
if (text.includes(styling_directives[i])) {
return true;